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Are the conflicts in Nigeria tribal or religious? (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Religion has always been a surrogate for tribalism. It’s a marker and label of cultural identity and identifying the tribe to which you belong.
Religion has always been a surrogate for tribalism. It’s a marker and label of cultural identity and identifying the tribe to which you belong.
It is both
Is the news from that region even real? Or is it a con job to scam more aid from other countries?
Is the news from that region even real? Or is it a con job to scam more aid from other countries?
I think maybe you should do some Googling.

According to Release International, Nigeria is a "country of key concern." https://www.persecution.org/2023/01/02/christian-persecution-in-nigeria-intensifies-report-finds/

A good graphic: https://religionnews.com/2024/01/17...list-raises-concerns-over-african-christians/
There is religious persecution
Both, they often have a ethnic dimension. A muslim Yoruba is not going to persecute a Christian Yoruba, but probably look down on the Igbos, though the Christian Yorubas does that too.
Both, they often have a ethnic dimension. A muslim Yoruba is not going to persecute a Christian Yoruba, but probably look down on the Igbos, though the Christian Yorubas does that too.
so say 4 of 5 now

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