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Application form for terrorist vacancies. (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Questionare/interview for terrorist opportunities

1) Are you a pathetic lonely saddo ?

2) Do you have no friends & perhaps your family has disowned you or just drifted apart ?

3) Are you inept in every aspect of life ?
In other words pretty useless at just about everything such as acquiring a skill that is of any use to an employer or anyone else. In fact you probably don't even know how to shave yourself, let alone hold down a job.

4) Maybe because you are so boring & dull & so little fun to be with, you are pretty useless at attracting the ladies & incapable of making friends & influencing people ?

5) Are you drifting with no goals, ambitions, or aims or purpose in life ?

6) In short, are you as totally useless lonely failure & waste of space going no where fast ?

No matter there is a way out... a way to friendships, relationships & belonging to a community awaits you. We'll even give you a sense of purpose in life.... in the form of a common hatred for an enemy & even a moment of fame, all be it in death.

Because if your answer is 'yes' to at least three of the above questions we have exciting opportunities for you.
The answer is… simply become a terrorist.
All you need is the following credentials… To be so utterly cretinus, stupid & gullible as to be duped by some hateful old Immam, who incidently won’t risk his own life, into believing a wild fantasy about a man in the sky that loves you & will embrace you in paradise the moment you kill yourself & along with lots of innocent non Muslims ?

Tell me… does anyone know if there a single creature on earth as pathetic, cretinus & utterly stupid as the terrorist ?

I know of no animal as stupid for a start !
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'Tis a pity that being a suicide bomber doesn't really have much room for career advancement... :lol:
Somehow this thread has wandered from it's proper forum.

As zookeeper, I'll place it back in it'sproper exhibit area.

Off To The Lighter Side
Originally posted by Robin:
Questionare/interview for terrorist opportunities

1) Are you a pathetic lonely saddo ?

2) Do you have no friends & perhaps your family has disowned you or just drifted apart ?

3) Are you inept in every aspect of life ?
In other words pretty useless at just about everything such as acquiring a skill that is of any use to an employer or anyone else. In fact you probably don't even know how to shave yourself, let alone hold down a job.

4) Maybe because you are so boring & dull & so little fun to be with, you are pretty useless at attracting the ladies & incapable of making friends & influencing people ?

5) Are you drifting with no goals, ambitions, or aims or purpose in life ?

6) In short, are you as totally useless lonely failure & waste of space going no where fast ?

No matter there is a way out... a way to friendships, relationships & belonging to a community awaits you. We'll even give you a sense of purpose in life.... in the form of a common hatred for an enemy & even a moment of fame, all be it in death.

Because if your answer is 'yes' to at least three of the above questions we have exciting opportunities for you.
The answer is… simply become a terrorist.
All you need is the following credentials… To be so utterly cretinus, stupid & gullible as to be duped by some hateful old Immam, who incidently won’t risk his own life, into believing a wild fantasy about a man in the sky that loves you & will embrace you in paradise the moment you kill yourself & along with lots of innocent non Muslims ?

Tell me… does anyone know if there a single creature on earth as pathetic, cretinus & utterly stupid as the terrorist ?

I know of no animal as stupid for a start !
What about the neo's. Which stands for Never Ethical to Others. I just wonder how long it takes them to shave both of their faces in the morning. They must go thru a lot of blades.

Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; it's conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are delusional spin from the liberal media. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?

Robin, nice to see your still around.
Thanks Billy.

Meddling Mods... who needs them :2mad:
Mods actually this is a serious topic. Apart from the application form, it's fact. You should have left it in 'War on Terror' section. It's not meant to be frivolous. You should not have stuck it in with jokes. It highlights what leads in many cases to people such as shoe bomber Richard Read being recruited as terrorists. Knowing this, helps in the war on terror & that's where this thread should have been left !

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