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Apple ipad (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Ever since the last IOS upgrade, if I hover over the screen at the lower right, the screen splits in two. Is there a way to disable this annoying feature?

Twitter upgrades: Is there a way to get the toolbar back to the bottom of the screen?
Ever since the last IOS upgrade, if I hover over the screen at the lower right, the screen splits in two. Is there a way to disable this annoying feature?

Twitter upgrades: Is there a way to get the toolbar back to the bottom of the screen?

Settings, Accessibility, Reduce Motion - off
Setting, Home Screen and Dock, Gestures - off

If you don't have the need, turn off multiple apps in Multitasking

Twitter preferences, toolbar location

These should help.
Ever since the last IOS upgrade, if I hover over the screen at the lower right, the screen splits in two. Is there a way to disable this annoying feature?

Twitter upgrades: Is there a way to get the toolbar back to the bottom of the screen?
I feel ya... Split screen is so badly implemented in iOS.

Sent from my Honor 8X
I feel ya... Split screen is so badly implemented in iOS.

Sent from my Honor 8X

Really? Since you have often declared your distaste for anything Apple, and you have stated you would never use Apple products, how would you possibly know how split screen is implemented in iOS, whether positive or negative?

Not only do I use iOS split screen on my iPads, I mirror it to a secondary monitor for my Mac. Then in combination with other Apple tools like Drop Box I can share both files and settings as I designate (inclusive of designated receivers for specific files) to devices connected to our family server, whether they be Mac, Windows, or Android. This cannot be accomplished from any Android or Windows device, as easily, or as elegantly. The format of those files is irrelevant, whether music, video or text.

If I am using an iPad to access the forum, I can open, read and respond to a thread in one split screen while keeping the forum view open in the other. Try that on an Android device or a MS Surface device. I guarantee you will spend endless hours trying to do the same. And I am not speaking of multiple tabs but simultaneous viewing.

All this is secondary to the OP question. A complaint about how secondary windows open with a gesture, interfering with primary use at the moment. This is not a split screen issue, something which as a non iOS use, you failed to recognize. And yes, it can be a PITA for users not familiar with the new iOS gestures and how to control the results, because the secondary window covers part of the primary window. It is easy for the user not familiar with new gestures to inadvertently open a secondary window, either with notifications or settings, or something else. But again, this is not split screen, and issue resolves as the user either turns off gestures in settings or gets accustomed to the gestures as another interface control mechanism. It has its uses for those who want to enjoy those uses, even for something simple like news or equities updates while performing other tasks.
Really? Since you have often declared your distaste for anything Apple, and you have stated you would never use Apple products, how would you possibly know how split screen is implemented in iOS, whether positive or negative?

Not only do I use iOS split screen on my iPads, I mirror it to a secondary monitor for my Mac. Then in combination with other Apple tools like Drop Box I can share both files and settings as I designate (inclusive of designated receivers for specific files) to devices connected to our family server, whether they be Mac, Windows, or Android. This cannot be accomplished from any Android or Windows device, as easily, or as elegantly. The format of those files is irrelevant, whether music, video or text.

If I am using an iPad to access the forum, I can open, read and respond to a thread in one split screen while keeping the forum view open in the other. Try that on an Android device or a MS Surface device. I guarantee you will spend endless hours trying to do the same. And I am not speaking of multiple tabs but simultaneous viewing.

All this is secondary to the OP question. A complaint about how secondary windows open with a gesture, interfering with primary use at the moment. This is not a split screen issue, something which as a non iOS use, you failed to recognize. And yes, it can be a PITA for users not familiar with the new iOS gestures and how to control the results, because the secondary window covers part of the primary window. It is easy for the user not familiar with new gestures to inadvertently open a secondary window, either with notifications or settings, or something else. But again, this is not split screen, and issue resolves as the user either turns off gestures in settings or gets accustomed to the gestures as another interface control mechanism. It has its uses for those who want to enjoy those uses, even for something simple like news or equities updates while performing other tasks.
I have never stated that I would never use Apple products.. Never buy sure, because of the high price, poor quality and crappy software, but I use it quite often. Now that iPads are cheaper and getting cheaper, (and far better bang for the buck), then I might consider getting one...if I had any use for a tablet.. IPad Pro is still an overpriced toy.

As for split screen on the iPad.. It is a joke. Unreliable and counter intuitive (like quite a lot of Apple software in my opinion...). In my opinion the problem is gesture controls. I love them in general on my Honor and other devices, but Apple tries too much with gesture controls. They had the same issue with 3D touch. Idea sounds cool, implemention was piss poor and inconsistent which is why they are it fading out.

Android has various methods depending on manufacturer and it has had it for a decade longer than iOS.. Oh and it works on phones as well unlike iOS. It can be clunky depending on the manufacturer but most cases still better implement in than iOS. And yes Android itself has the ability too now...not tried it on a pure Android experience yet, since split screen ain't exactly a key feature on a phone or tablet for most people.

Nothing beats Windows implementation though. The snap feature is a godsend. You would know that of you ever used it. Even Linux and Macos lag behind here, but I am guessing it is a patent thing since both love copying (and yes in some cases improve) Windows innovation.

OS comes down to preference and if you like iOS or macos then fine, but don't try to tell me that they don't have thier problems like all OS.

Finally my issue with Apple is based price vs what you get, nothing more. I love most of thier designs. The iPad Pro is beautiful, but the price is crazy for what you get. MacBooks have a good design, but are flawed on I/O and keyboard (supposedly fixes on the new overpriced 16 inch), not too mention price.

Sent from my Honor 8X
I have never stated that I would never use Apple products.. Never buy sure, because of the high price, poor quality and crappy software, but I use it quite often. Now that iPads are cheaper and getting cheaper, (and far better bang for the buck), then I might consider getting one...if I had any use for a tablet.. IPad Pro is still an overpriced toy.

As for split screen on the iPad.. It is a joke. Unreliable and counter intuitive (like quite a lot of Apple software in my opinion...). In my opinion the problem is gesture controls. I love them in general on my Honor and other devices, but Apple tries too much with gesture controls. They had the same issue with 3D touch. Idea sounds cool, implemention was piss poor and inconsistent which is why they are it fading out.

Android has various methods depending on manufacturer and it has had it for a decade longer than iOS.. Oh and it works on phones as well unlike iOS. It can be clunky depending on the manufacturer but most cases still better implement in than iOS. And yes Android itself has the ability too now...not tried it on a pure Android experience yet, since split screen ain't exactly a key feature on a phone or tablet for most people.

Nothing beats Windows implementation though. The snap feature is a godsend. You would know that of you ever used it. Even Linux and Macos lag behind here, but I am guessing it is a patent thing since both love copying (and yes in some cases improve) Windows innovation.

OS comes down to preference and if you like iOS or macos then fine, but don't try to tell me that they don't have thier problems like all OS.

Finally my issue with Apple is based price vs what you get, nothing more. I love most of thier designs. The iPad Pro is beautiful, but the price is crazy for what you get. MacBooks have a good design, but are flawed on I/O and keyboard (supposedly fixes on the new overpriced 16 inch), not too mention price.

Sent from my Honor 8X

I don't believe a word you say, and I'm too lazy to dig up the number of times you said outright you would never use Apple products. They are your evil empire. It is fraudulent to critique a product you have never used.

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