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AP FACT CHECK: A close look at Trump’s claims on trade deal (1 Viewer)


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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is hailing a revised North American trade deal as if nothing existed before it.

The pact with Mexico and Canada stands as a “model agreement that changes the trade landscape forever,” he said at a signing ceremony with the other leaders Friday in Buenos Aires, Argentina. But fundamental change happened under the deal’s predecessor, the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Trump is always the braggart.
Yes, Trump is a braggart. The questions is will the new trade deal get approved by Congress and is a good deal for America.
That's apparently his M.O.

Come into a new situation after other people have done the heavy lifting, make a few changes (however trivial), and then claim ownership of any success. (And now we've seen he will claim success in the middle of a garbage dump fire.)
Yes, Trump is a braggart. The questions is will the new trade deal get approved by Congress and is a good deal for America.

Another question is, is any agreement with the US worth more than the paper it's written on?
Another question is, is any agreement with the US worth more than the paper it's written on?

Depends on the parties involved and if they are willing to commit to the agreement.

One also needs to consider that conditions may change that makes a current agreement no longer acceptable to one or more of the signees.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is hailing a revised North American trade deal as if nothing existed before it.

The pact with Mexico and Canada stands as a “model agreement that changes the trade landscape forever,” he said at a signing ceremony with the other leaders Friday in Buenos Aires, Argentina. But fundamental change happened under the deal’s predecessor, the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Trump is always the braggart.
He is a salesman. Do you expect him to say look at this schitt deal we made with Canada and Mexico.

Obama promised to fix NAFTA. Did he even make an effort?

Trump is about results.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is hailing a revised North American trade deal as if nothing existed before it.

The pact with Mexico and Canada stands as a “model agreement that changes the trade landscape forever,” he said at a signing ceremony with the other leaders Friday in Buenos Aires, Argentina. But fundamental change happened under the deal’s predecessor, the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Trump is always the braggart.
Nancy Pelosi quipped this about the agreement signed by Canada, Mexico and Trump, “The trade agreement formerly known as Prince — no, I mean, formerly known as NAFTA, is a work in progress.” giving a dig that the new agreement is essentially NAFTA with a new name.
Depends on the parties involved and if they are willing to commit to the agreement.

One also needs to consider that conditions may change that makes a current agreement no longer acceptable to one or more of the signees.

One of those conditions that might change is a Presidential election. The world has learned that you make a deal with a president, not the USA, and the new president doesn't feel bound by a previous president's agreements.
Imagine if the rest of the world dealt with each other on those terms.
One of those conditions that might change is a Presidential election. The world has learned that you make a deal with a president, not the USA, and the new president doesn't feel bound by a previous president's agreements.
Imagine if the rest of the world dealt with each other on those terms.

Huge point. Unless the US can demonstrate that it has protected it's global trade integrity from the whims and political gaming of each new president, not only will it have very little credibility at the bargaining table and present an unstable environment for business, it will also be the target of foreign interference for foreign gain at election time. Basically, they need to nerf their presidents a bit...hehe...
One of those conditions that might change is a Presidential election. The world has learned that you make a deal with a president, not the USA, and the new president doesn't feel bound by a previous president's agreements.
Imagine if the rest of the world dealt with each other on those terms.

Other counties have. Look at England leaving the European union. (Brexit).
Nancy Pelosi quipped this about the agreement signed by Canada, Mexico and Trump, “The trade agreement formerly known as Prince — no, I mean, formerly known as NAFTA, is a work in progress.” giving a dig that the new agreement is essentially NAFTA with a new name.

Both Canada and Mexico changed the name, for the treaty under their laws
Other counties have. Look at England leaving the European union. (Brexit).

UK has achieved a YES vote from its EU partners for its exit, achieved about a week ago. So the UK is not acting Unilaterally. Revised NAFTA will have to pass the Congress no matter what Trump says. I don't think he even has the juice on the Hill any longer to just steamroll Congress. But, I do think it will pass Congress.

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