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AOC Slams NBC For Reporting Fake News (1 Viewer)

She hates when the media treats her like any other politician and twists her words to manufacture outrage in the name of ratings. NBC best learn their role and do as the DNC tells them.
AOC got mad that NBC sent an incorrect tweet out and then corrected it?

What a limp thread.

MR is the "hardoff" of posters around here, nearly as bad as mr. serial I think only through Youtube.... :lamo
AOC got mad that NBC sent an incorrect tweet out and then corrected it?

What a limp thread.

POS led with this this morning.

These clowns don’t read past the headline that gives them a woody!

Why are we so invested in what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says?

The only reason AOC is given the amount of attention she is almost entirely due to the amount of attention the political right wing and commentariat gives to her. If we stopped paying attention to her she would probably have to go back to dancing on New York rooftops and posting it on Instagram for recognition.
She hates when the media treats her like any other politician and twists her words to manufacture outrage in the name of ratings. NBC best learn their role and do as the DNC tells them.

Not saying AOC supported Biden for president is an obvious omission. Otherwise, they would not have corrected themselves and instead would have stood by their statement. AOC had already endorsed Biden for president and was seconding Sanders as required by the DNC for her to speak. NBC picked that out and after having previously commented “AOC backs Sanders for president — ignores Biden in brief remarks.” All of which was disingenuous and false out of context.
Well at least she didn't call for a boycott of NBC, lol.
Why are we so invested in what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says?

The only reason AOC is given the amount of attention she is almost entirely due to the amount of attention the political right wing and commentariat gives to her. If we stopped paying attention to her she would probably have to go back to dancing on New York rooftops and posting it on Instagram for recognition.

Very true. For some reason the CEC is invested in making her the face of the DNC, and the toadies are playing along.
Not saying AOC supported Biden for president is an obvious omission. Otherwise, they would not have corrected themselves and instead would have stood by their statement. AOC had already endorsed Biden for president and was seconding Sanders as required by the DNC for her to speak. NBC picked that out and after having previously commented “AOC backs Sanders for president — ignores Biden in brief remarks.” All of which was disingenuous and false out of context.

Ok like I said AOC was treated the same way other politicians are treated had her words twisted to create a manufactured outrage in the name of ratings.
Why are we so invested in what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says?

The only reason AOC is given the amount of attention she is almost entirely due to the amount of attention the political right wing and commentariat gives to her. If we stopped paying attention to her she would probably have to go back to dancing on New York rooftops and posting it on Instagram for recognition.

A bit late for that now. AOC has captured the hearts of American progressives. With a pretty face and a razor wit, there was no way she wasn't going to be a rockstar. Republicans wish they had someone as cool as her.
A bit late for that now. AOC has captured the hearts of American progressives. With a pretty face and a razor wit, there was no way she wasn't going to be a rockstar. Republicans wish they had someone as cool as her.

This is true. I'm trying to think, have the Republicans ever put anyone cool out in the forefront?
A bit late for that now. AOC has captured the hearts of American progressives. With a pretty face and a razor wit, there was no way she wasn't going to be a rockstar. Republicans wish they had someone as cool as her.

I cannot speak for other Republicans, Irredentist, but I can assure you I most certainly do not wish any such thing.
I cannot speak for other Republicans, Irredentist, but I can assure you I most certainly do not wish any such thing.

That's good, because the closest thing you have is Ben Shapiro, and he isn't as cool or as good looking as AOC.
Not sure I understand. AOC did what she was supposed to do, NBC made a mistake, AOC complained, NBC corrected itself. What's the problem?

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