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Anybody see the German film, "Downfall?" (1 Viewer)

George hi never seen it,would i manage to get it in Scotland,like to see it.

thanks for the imfo anyway." like your name"

regards mikeey
Yeah, I saw it in the theater. The hardest part for me was watching the children take the cyanide in the bunker.
I saw it a few weeks ago. I thought it was well-acted. It almost makes you feel bad for them--almost.
Downfall is by far my favorite movie of all time.

I'd watch it everyother day, for watching it ever day would get VERY boring.
It's really good to finally see a movie without American opinions. I like being able to see how the Germans actually thought of this situation.
Arch Enemy said:
Downfall is by far my favorite movie of all time.

I'd watch it everyother day, for watching it ever day would get VERY boring.
It's really good to finally see a movie without American opinions. I like being able to see how the Germans actually thought of this situation.

Arch Enemy, that's interesting that you said it was your favorite movie because I think it also might be one of mine. I agree with what you said. I hope that Germany might make more films about that time period so we can truly see things from their perspective.
George_Washington said:
Arch Enemy, that's interesting that you said it was your favorite movie because I think it also might be one of mine. I agree with what you said. I hope that Germany might make more films about that time period so we can truly see things from their perspective.
I majored in German in college. Most of the professors were from Germany, including my history teacher. WW2 was taught in an almost clinical way but with the sense of a really heavy weighing backpack that they carried too. I could tell that there was a lot of pain about the whole thing that hasn't healed and the need of them to tell the history as honestly as possible. (Luckily, we were taught in Octomesters, so we crammed all of this depressing info into a month instead of a semester).
It was a good movie, felt real bad for the kids in the bunker. It was also real interesting to see the Germans talk about Hitler but I would not buy the movie still like other movies better.
Good film! The actor who portrayed Hitler did a marvelous job. It was interesting how the secretaries and the man given charge of burning the bodies of the high leaders lived for such a long time. The scenes where a paranoid Hitler spouted off and the generals knew that imaginery divsions were no longer where they were supposed to be gave a good tension to the movie. You could really see some of the confusion and anger that the high command had during the last days of the war.

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