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Anwar add-on to the Defense appropriations Bill (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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We can't stop here this is bat country!
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Very Conservative
In an effort to defeat the suicidal McCain anti-torture amendment add-on to the Defense appropriations bill that the Republicans voted for before they knew what they were in fact voting for the Republicans have made a move of sheer genius by tacking on another amendment that they know the Democrats will never go for which is the Anwar drilling amendment. The only option now left to the Democrats to defeat the Anwar drilling is to call for a revote of the entire Defense Appropriations Bill which will allow the Republicans to get rid of the suicide pact amendment 1977 in the process.

I beg to differ there.....a more likely scenario, in my opinion, is that they'll either call an emergency session, or let it sit over the holidays.
Yes, we can thank Ted "Bridge to Nowhere" Stevens (R-Alaska) for this piece of legislation being tacked onto the defense-spending bill in direct violation of Senate rules. You see, only "germane" items are allowed to be added to defense spending bills. If the Democrats and those Republicans who oppose this piece of legislation fail to remove it through parliamentary procedure it will simply be filibustered.

JustMyPOV said:
Yes, we can thank Ted "Bridge to Nowhere" Stevens (R-Alaska) for this piece of legislation being tacked onto the defense-spending bill in direct violation of Senate rules. You see, only "germane" items are allowed to be added to defense spending bills. If the Democrats and those Republicans who oppose this piece of legislation fail to remove it through parliamentary procedure it will simply be filibustered.


Exactly filibuster it all you want in fact call for a vote so that we can over turn the amendment 1977 that yall tagged onto the Defense appropriations bill that's the plan.
JustMyPOV said:
Yes, we can thank Ted "Bridge to Nowhere" Stevens (R-Alaska) for this piece of legislation being tacked onto the defense-spending bill in direct violation of Senate rules. You see, only "germane" items are allowed to be added to defense spending bills. If the Democrats and those Republicans who oppose this piece of legislation fail to remove it through parliamentary procedure it will simply be filibustered.


Man, Stevens just doesn't stop does he? You think he's still irritated with Cantwell after he embarrassed himself by lashing out at her in front of the oil execs?

I think this is pretty sneaky of the Reps to try to get this thing passed under this bill. We'll see what happens.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
In an effort to defeat the suicidal McCain anti-torture amendment add-on to the Defense appropriations bill that the Republicans voted for before they knew what they were in fact voting for the Republicans have made a move of sheer genius by tacking on another amendment that they know the Democrats will never go for which is the Anwar drilling amendment. The only option now left to the Democrats to defeat the Anwar drilling is to call for a revote of the entire Defense Appropriations Bill which will allow the Republicans to get rid of the suicide pact amendment 1977 in the process.


Brilliant! I can't accept your resignation trajan, I have to fire you. :mrgreen:

Here's Mr. Bridge to Nowhere after getting his tail handed to him. You can't see the Hulk Tie!

hipsterdufus said:
Brilliant! I can't accept your resignation trajan, I have to fire you. :mrgreen:

Here's Mr. Bridge to Nowhere after getting his tail handed to him. You can't see the Hulk Tie!


Trajan, the silence is deafening here.
I cant tell you how pleased I am our reps feel the need to play with the bill that finances the men and women dying for them.
The troops have been getting screwed as it is. ANWR is a dead end....we wouldn't see anything from it for 10 years anyway, and it wouldn't put a dent in our dependency. I love the troops, I have friends over there, but this was a really shady thing for the Reps to do and I'm glad that the majority of the Senate could see that.
Stace said:
The troops have been getting screwed as it is. ANWR is a dead end....we wouldn't see anything from it for 10 years anyway, and it wouldn't put a dent in our dependency. I love the troops, I have friends over there, but this was a really shady thing for the Reps to do and I'm glad that the majority of the Senate could see that.

shady? Let's talk about shady you guys did this first with backing of the McCain amendment 1977 to the Defense Appropriation bill. If you can't take it then don't dish it out.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
shady? Let's talk about shady you guys did this first with backing of the McCain amendment 1977 to the Defense Appropriation bill. If you can't take it then don't dish it out.

But we're not talking about something that happened in 1977....heck, I wasn't even born back then.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
lol hello Mcfly, that's the number of the amendment not the date Jesus lmfao :roll:

:3oops: Cut me some slack.....I don't keep up with everything political. And I'm running off of very little sleep and had to drive across the state today...
Stace said:
:3oops: Cut me some slack.....I don't keep up with everything political. And I'm running off of very little sleep and had to drive across the state today...

well I slammed 8 yager bomber, 2 cap and cokes, 2 crown and cokes, popped 3 tylenol pm's and . . .. . .enh where was I? Oh ya 1977 was a shitty year Carter was in power

"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his." - Reagan

Read this:
Number one on the threat down:

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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
kettle meet pot how the hell do you think that amendment 1977 got passed???

The president caved and agreed to McCain's torture agreement, with a few concessions.

The Sentate voted 90-9 (I think) to approve it beforehand - so it's not like this was a controversial bill for them like ANWAR.

You're comparing apples to oranges.
hipsterdufus said:
The president caved and agreed to McCain's torture agreement, with a few concessions.

The Sentate voted 90-9 (I think) to approve it beforehand - so it's not like this was a controversial bill for them like ANWAR.

You're comparing apples to oranges.

They voted 90-9 for the Defense Appropriations Bill the anti-torture amendment 1977 was a tag on to said Defense Appropriations Bill just like the Anwar amendment so like I said if you can't take it then don't dish it out.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
They voted 90-9 for the Defense Appropriations Bill the anti-torture amendment 1977 was a tag on to said Defense Appropriations Bill just like the Anwar amendment so like I said if you can't take it then don't dish it out.

Right. But McCain's Bill, and the Hurricane relief appropriations weren't contentious items like ANWAR was. Mr. Hulk was trying to tack it on, with the threat that politicians voting against it would be accused of voting against the troops, hurricane relief and stopping torture.

We've seen that before haven't we?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
They voted 90-9 for the Defense Appropriations Bill the anti-torture amendment 1977 was a tag on to said Defense Appropriations Bill just like the Anwar amendment so like I said if you can't take it then don't dish it out.

You do know that....uh....McCain is a republican.....right?
hipsterdufus said:
Right. But McCain's Bill, and the Hurricane relief appropriations weren't contentious items like ANWAR was. Mr. Hulk was trying to tack it on, with the threat that politicians voting against it would be accused of voting against the troops, hurricane relief and stopping torture.

We've seen that before haven't we?

The hell the McCain amendment wasn't controversial, it's still controversial and I started a thread as to why the McCain amendment is an idiotic idea called: 'Bush to support the McCain amendment 1977.'
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Look I like McCain but he is not a conservative he is a liberal.

So, you are not republican then? You are conservative.I think your personal Party just got a bit smaller. Earlier in this thread I made a comment about "OUR REPS"....which you automatically considered a partisan comment (or so your reply seemed), It was not. These guys ALL work for me, but alas I have no control over the bickering and backstabbing. I like McCain as well....but I am no republican. Nor am I a democrat, libertarian, or anything else.
Seems to me this is the big problem in this country....we are so freakin' stuck playing the label game, we cant see the reality of the players thru the Bias.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Look I like McCain but he is not a conservative he is a liberal.

Keep pushin that mantra - I think if he get's the nod in '08 he would be tough to beat.

Thank god for you and Rush. :mrgreen:
tecoyah said:
So, you are not republican then? You are conservative.I think your personal Party just got a bit smaller. Earlier in this thread I made a comment about "OUR REPS"....which you automatically considered a partisan comment (or so your reply seemed), It was not. These guys ALL work for me, but alas I have no control over the bickering and backstabbing. I like McCain as well....but I am no republican. Nor am I a democrat, libertarian, or anything else.
Seems to me this is the big problem in this country....we are so freakin' stuck playing the label game, we cant see the reality of the players thru the Bias.

Actually I'm a paleo-con reactionary if you really must know, but I support the foriegn economic agendas of the Neo-cons in that I believe that open markets are in this nations economic interests and I support the war on terror and the war in Iraq due to the fact that I believe that a Democratic Middle East is well within this nations interests and there for shouldn't be considered an interventionalist war. I further believe that the only good change will come from the right and that the left is the main reason why there's a problem in the first place.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Actually I'm a paleo-con reactionary if you really must know, but I support the foriegn economic agendas of the Neo-cons in that I believe that open markets are in this nations economic interests and I support the war on terror and the war in Iraq due to the fact that I believe that a Democratic Middle East is well within this nations interests and there for shouldn't be considered an interventionalist war. I further believe that the only good change will come from the right and that the left is the main reason why there's a problem in the first place.

So Pat Buchanan is your political hero?

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