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Antifa Who Killed Trump Supporter Has Been Killed By Polic (1 Viewer)

Why was this not on the news a commie killed a Trump supporter but when a 17 year Trump supporter kills it's news?
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Yes, another reason why Biden-Harris must be defeated. If Antifa and BLM are killing Trump supporters, then obviously they support Biden-Harris .. and vice versa.

But that "civil war" the dead Antifa cultist predicts will in actuality eventually break down into a race war unless BLM's anti-White racist "cancel culture" mob can be stopped ..

.. Another reason why Biden-Harris simply cannot be allowed to win ..

.. Even if it means re-electing Trump.
In Democrat terms is was a "mostly peaceful arrest".
I said traitors. I can see where lefties are confused.
The Trumpster was as much a traitor to American values as the guy who killed him. I know that’s a bitter pill to swallow for you, but it is what it is.
Saves the taxpayers the cost of a trial. The deceased confessed.
Why was this not on the news a commie killed a Trump supporter but when a 17 year Trump supporter it's news?

You know why! 90% of the news media as well as social media is completely controlled by the very liberal left Trump haters. Many of these folks make a living by manufacturing stories and refusing to cover anything positive about the Trump administration.

If the left will lie to get rid of a President, think of all the false reports of the last 4 years, they will lie to wind an election, what will they do to support a Biden President? Biden will be able to do anything he and the socialist, marxist, anarchist, communist factions within the democrat party want. The democrats are not going to leave America the "land of the free and home of the brave". They hate America and they show it day after day.. Hopefully patriotic democrats who love their guns and the progress we have seen in the economy will vote for Trump and America.
Recklessly driving through a group of protestors, shooting them with paintball guns and pepper spray.

Both sides were wrong, and neither of the men now dead are blameless.

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