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Anti-male bias? (1 Viewer)

Has feminism victimized men and damaged society, by turning human issues into women's

  • Yes/Yes

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No/No

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Yes/No

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • No/yes

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters


New member
Aug 4, 2005
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Political Leaning

Misandry is defined as the hatred of men. I believe that it is almost a cultural fad of sorts. Feminist may argue that shows on TV. That depict fat men w/ attractive wives, is a male fantasy, but when you look at the personality the fathers and men on the tube are almost always incompetent man-children. What about desperate housewives and average Joe? Reverse the sex and these shows are sexist. Why is it not sexist to do this to men? . We have all seen these “boys are stupid” t-shirts insert blacks or Jews for boys and it becomes hateful.

This reflects an attitude that it is o.k. To disrespect and dehumanize men.
I believe the modern gender stereotype is the workaholic, multitasking, child rearing, women that still has time to maintain her looks and figure and the lazy incompetent inadequate man.

There are tons of commercials portraying men as fat lazy man-children. It is common for women on TV to talk down to men.
I have seen lots of commercials like this.

If you read anything about feminism you would know it is exactly these perceptions of women that helped start the movement. Because this demeaning propaganda is similar to any hate campaign in history it breeds contempt and fosters an environment that it is o.k. To dehumanize said group. All other minorities have taken action against this kind of thing. And ONE gender has as well.

There are lots of men that are earning **** wages, and poor men w/families, And men that are running away from abuse gay or strait, their are also male prostitutes. For all these men there are fewer programs. There is certainly a lot less awareness. Does making all these problems Women’s issues further victimizes the men suffering these Human issues?

Here is a neutral example as to how gender and health issues don’t mix.

Is it fair to say women have more recourses and community for health issues?

There is the question of why the media would choose this inadequate incompetent, male model to present. I think it makes Money. They learned from women along time ago how to market insecurity to promote money spent on beatification. Men are also judged more on their status to begin with. And women spend allot of money on image already (not trying to be smart its true) plus they market the super woman image to girls, as well as encourage self-esteem thru status. It’s empower /insecurity marketing, it works best when they can divide the audience into two groups. We compete against each other in a sense. We have also become more equal in the wrong way. No?

I heavily question the rhetoric of a lot of women’s leaders and groups I feel it is hatful and superior minded.

Me and Jane Fonda

This is on a biased site but if you look the quote author’s names up on a google search you find they are real. If you try taking lines out of a quote and search it, the same quote comes up attached to the same name.

I know the typical argument is women have been oppressed for thousands of year’s right? Well is that so true? What about the men that have died in wars they had no choice about joining? Can anyone tell me for certain that comment men in the past ordered and commanded there family around we have both been subject to misery in our roles

Work related deaths have gotten better, the roles for men are bad thru out time as well is all I am saying.

Allot of women have held power since the dawn of time are they not responsible for shaping our world and many of them have been no less corrupt than men. The many queens of England, Margaret Thatcher, Condozzel rice, Adrian Clarkson.

This bothers me because I think it is time we realize humans are corrupt and realize if women were the majority of power they would and have killed and cheated to keep it. Segregation is always stagnation regardless of pc trends.
Here is feminist view.
link 1
The author is a real woman. http://images.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=+Erin+Pizzey,&btnG=Search&meta=

Are the below examples of how perception of role/gender can influence society?

What has allowed this perception that children don’t benefit from fathers?
. Here are the custody stats in Canada, I wish they would give stats for the 40% of fathers w/ sole custody, how much time do the kids spend w/ mom?

Academic performance for men is on the decline while suicide rate is on the increase. Men make up the people doing the worst in those areas.


The stats used to give the gender gap are based on men who have held power for a long time. In other words they use the baby boomers to come up w/ those stats
There are studies that contradict the gender gap is a result of bigotry.
Plus when it comes to allot of professions like the trades it is lack of interest on the girls part they are simply not seeking training.

New studies in Canada show gender violence equal.
papers were saying 80M/20F months ago.

This is funny I tried thru UNICEFs site to find stats on violence against men in America, and sadly this is what came up.
It’s painfully funny. It shows the status of men not studied much.

Here is what I found for the states in U.S.A, scroll a screen down to the first question under custody and support.
There must be American stats somewhere?

White male privilege may not be a reality any more. I was surprised buy this.

Showing how anti-male sex laws, and gender perception in law go too far. (Shouldn’t it just be “sex laws”)

This is a real suit. Perception is bigotry mostly from men but women not studied much.

According to studies law treats men unfairly.
The studies:

I just feel the media or political feminists should not define the role/image of men. Men freely without labels should define it. Like every group before us Breaking PC labels, monitoring the status of men, changing law and taking action against stereotypes in the media is the only way to do it.

Your thoughts?
Arrgh It was a copy/paste job. The poll is supposed to be:

Has feminism victimized men and damaged society, by turning human issues into women's issues? Are men more degraded then women in the current media?

Vote in the poll.

Can you edit the polls after submission?
I personally don't have any problem with feminism.......As my old friend John Wayne once told the students at and Ivy League college where he was making a speech..........

A woman can be a feminist all she wants as long as she is home in time to cook supper........:lol:
Thotbag said:
Has feminism victimized men and damaged society, by turning human issues into women's issues? Are men more degraded then women in the current media?

Vote in the poll.

Can you edit the polls after submission?
I can edit the poll if you'd like, but the title length is as long as it can be right now.
Most feminism is good because there is still inequality. Women earn $0.75 for every $1.00 men earn for the same job with the same qualifications. There is a lot of debate over whether the U.S. is "ready" for a female President, as if we need to prepare for that or something. Men and women aren't really as different as many people think, except where socialization from infancy has dictated what is and is not acceptable for each gender. But feminists shouldn't degrade men to make their point, they should upgrade women instead.

I really hate that cable TV commercial where the guy asks, "Honey, can I watch this channel?" and she says, "NO!" like he's a child.
Binary_Digit said:
Most feminism is good because there is still inequality. Women earn $0.75 for every $1.00 men earn for the same job with the same qualifications. There is a lot of debate over whether the U.S. is "ready" for a female President, as if we need to prepare for that or something. Men and women aren't really as different as many people think, except where socialization from infancy has dictated what is and is not acceptable for each gender. But feminists shouldn't degrade men to make their point, they should upgrade women instead.

I really hate that cable TV commercial where the guy asks, "Honey, can I watch this channel?" and she says, "NO!" like he's a child.

Thotbag said:


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Disregard my last post. I searched that site for "95514607" and I think I found the article you were referring to. Still reading it. :)
Binary_Digit said:
Disregard my last post. I searched that site for "95514607" and I think I found the article you were referring to. Still reading it. :)

Crap it worked before i posted it. can you post a link to the artical you found?
Thotbag, I have a lot to say on this matter, and it's a good topic to discuss. Unfortunatly, I do not have time to go though all of your material. It's a lot to digest!

I will say that I clicked on one of your links:

New studies in Canada show gender violence equal.
papers were saying 80M/20F months ago.

I did not see anything saying gender violence is equal. In fact, it's quite the contrary. Here are a few snippets from the very same link you provided:

Severity of spousal violence greater for women
Overall, the survey found that women were more likely to experience more serious forms of spousal violence than men.

Nearly one-quarter (23%) of female victims reported that the most serious form of violence experienced was being beaten, choked, or threatened by having a gun or knife used against them. This was the case for 15% of male victims.

About 44% of female victims of spousal violence indicated that they suffered injury because of the violence, more than twice the proportion of 19% among male victims. In addition, 13% of female victims sought medical attention, compared with only 2% of male victims.

Over one-third of women victims said that the violence was reported to the police, compared to 17% of men victims. In addition, 38% of women who reported to the police also sought a restraining order, more than twice the proportion of men.

Stalking: Women twice as likely to be harassed by previous partner

Overall, female victims were twice as likely as male victims to be stalked by a previous spouse. Similarly, 11% of female victims and 6% of male victims reported being stalked by a previous boyfriend or girlfriend. Only 1% of female victims reported being stalked by a current spouse or boyfriend. The number of men stalked by a current partner was too small to produce reliable estimates.

So where is the "equal" here? And what papers are you referring to that said 80/20? if you could provide a me a link, I would like to see it.

Now if you'll 'scuse me, I gotta go starve myself and lose some brain cells so I can grow up to be one of the budweiser twins.
Middleground said:
Thotbag, I have a lot to say on this matter, and it's a good topic to discuss. Unfortunatly, I do not have time to go though all of your material. It's a lot to digest!

I will say that I clicked on one of your links:

New studies in Canada show gender violence equal.
papers were saying 80M/20F months ago.
Now if you'll 'scuse me, I gotta go starve myself and lose some brain cells so I can grow up to be one of the budweiser twins.

"The report, which uses data from the 2004 General Social Survey (GSS), showed that the overall five-year rate of spousal violence has remained unchanged at 7% since 1999. This means that an estimated 653,000 women and 546,000 men encountered some form of violence by a current or previous spouse or common-law partner."

It shows that the issue is a human one that should cover all of us thru the same laws. It does show that violence more severe from men. But There is the nagging idea that men do not report it for fear of ridicule.

I used it because I was shocked At the results. The paper is the edmonton sun written by Mindell jacobs I tried but could not find it on-line.
I would just like to take this moment to say that I have no respect for:

a.) a man who can't iron his own shirt

b.) a woman who can't change a tire

I am an equal opportunity discriminator.:lol:
Kelzie said:
I would just like to take this moment to say that I have no respect for:

a.) a man who can't iron his own shirt

b.) a woman who can't change a tire

I am an equal opportunity discriminator.:lol:

That's the spirit.

It is up to all of us to make our lives happen.

I think guys should be more aware thats all.
Thotbag said:
That's the spirit.

It is up to all of us to make our lives happen.

I think guys should be more aware thats all.

Yeah and learn to iron your own damn clothes! I swear to god, at my job I had a guy I had met less than three hours ago ask me to iron his shirt. Who does that?
Kelzie said:
Yeah and learn to iron your own damn clothes! I swear to god, at my job I had a guy I had met less than three hours ago ask me to iron his shirt. Who does that?

A man hoping to find a sucker of a girl friend I guess. I need no woman. But I like lots of women. I can do lots of "womens" work. Thats just it though we are adaptable beings, the only time gender should come into play is never.
Thotbag said:
A man hoping to find a sucker of a girl friend I guess. I need no woman. But I like lots of women. I can do lots of "womens" work. Thats just it though we are adaptable beings, the only time gender should come into play is never.

See what's worse is that he was never looking for a girlfriend. Ironing is a "woman's" job that I should have been happy to do.:roll: Gender does sometimes come into play. I moved my second floor apartment by myself, but only because I have oddly large biceps. If I couldn't have, I would've hired a guy. No shame in that. On the same hand, I take my clothes to a dry cleaner, cause I hate ironing.
Kelzie said:
See what's worse is that he was never looking for a girlfriend. Ironing is a "woman's" job that I should have been happy to do.:roll: Gender does sometimes come into play. I moved my second floor apartment by myself, but only because I have oddly large biceps. If I couldn't have, I would've hired a guy. No shame in that. On the same hand, I take my clothes to a dry cleaner, cause I hate ironing.

I see your point. It is the way I feel about some jobs, like firemen or laborer men have more red blood cells witch increases stamina in some jobs might is your degree. It’s not sexist just biology.

Is that you in your avatar? I’d help you move any day. Sexy!!
Thotbag said:
I see your point. It is the way I feel about some jobs, like firemen or laborer men have more red blood cells witch increases stamina in some jobs might is your degree. It’s not sexist just biology.

Is that you in your avatar? I’d help you move any day. Sexy!!

Damn. Could have had you around. Wouldn't have had to toss my mattress over the balcony then (beats carrying it down the stairs :lol:)

And I am completely against lowering the standards of the firemen test. The used to have to carry 100 lbs 50 yards. Now, because women want to be firemen, they have to drag 100 lbs 50 yards. I don't know about you, but I would rather be carried out of a burning building.
Gelles and Straus showed that women are equal perpetrators of domestic violence, and we know that males are 6 time more likely to be the victim of violent crimes, in spite of the hegemonic vaginal supremacists and their victim tactics believed by idiot lemmings.

Jan. E States and Murray A Straus, "Gender Differences in Reporting Marital Violence and It's Medical and Psychological Consequences", ch 9 in Straus & Gelles Physical Violence in American Families quote the following: Men claimed they struck the first blow in 44% of the cases, their female partners in 44% of the cases, and "couldn't remember" in 12% of the cases. The women claimed men hit them first in 43% of the cases, that they struck the first blow in 53% of the cases, and "couldn't remember" in 5% of the cases.

This one concludes that the incidence of physical aggression is very close in both directions, but that woman- against-man aggression is significantly higher in earlier stages of the relationship, and nonsignificantly higher in later stages. Women are more likely than men to continue a pre-marriage pattern of aggression at least 2.5 years into the marriage. Within a relationship, physical aggression is typically unidirectional:

O'Leary KD. Barling J. Arias I. Rosenbaum A. Malone J. Tyree A. April, 1989. Prevalence and stability of physical aggression between spouses: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology. 57(2):263-8.

revalence and Stability of Physical Aggression Between Spouses: A Longitudinal Analysis by O'Leary, K.D., Barling, J., Arias, I., Rosenbaum, A., Malone, J. and Tyree, A.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1989, Vol. 57, No. 2, 263-268 American Psychological Association

"According to self-reports, 31% of the men and 44% of the women indicated that they had engaged in aggression against their partners in the year prior to marriage... At 18 months after marriage, the prevalences of spousal aggression during the year prior to the assessment were 27% and 36% respectively, for men and women. At 30 months after marriage, the prevalences of spousal aggression for the previous year werw 25% and 32% for men and women, espectively...

Prevalence of Aggressive Acts for Men and Women
Premarriage 18 Months 20 Months
Variable Men Women Men Women Men Women
Throwing 6.8% 12.6% 8.1% 14.2% 7.3% 14.2%
something at
Pushing, 27.5% 32.2% 18.9% 28.1% 21.4% 22.9%
grabbing, or
Slapping 7.7% 20.7% 6.2% 15.8% 5.7% 10.7%
Kicking, bit- 3.4% 12.6% 3.9% 10.8% 2.7% 7.6%
ing, or hitting
with fist
Beating up 0.0% 1.1% 0.8% 0.8% 0.4% 1.1%
Threatening 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.4% 1.5%
with a knife
or gun
Overall 31.2% 44.4% 26.8% 35.9% 24.6% 32.2%
"As is evidenced in [the above Table], equal or greater percentages of women than men reported engaging in all types of physical aggression assessed at each assessment period... Interestingly, the lower rates of overall aggression for men were not offset by higher rates of the more severe types of aggression..."


Half of spousal murders are committed by wives, a statistic that has been stable over time.
The l985 National Family Violence Survey, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and supported by many other surveys, disclosed that women and men were physically abusing one another in roughly equal numbers. Wives reported that they were more often the aggressors. Using weapons to make up for physical disadvantage, they were not just fighting back.
While 1.8 million women annually suffered one or more assaults from a husband or boyfriend, 2 million men were assaulted by a wife or girlfriend, according to a l986 study on U. S. family violence published in the Journal of Marriage and Family. That study also found that 54 percent of all violence termed "severe" was by women.
The Journal for the National Association of Social Workers found in l986 that among teenagers who date, girls were violent more frequently than boys.
Mothers abuse their children at a rate approaching twice that of fathers, according to state child-protective service agencies surveyed by the Children's Rights Coalition.
Because men have been taught to "take it like a man" and are ridiculed when they feel they have been battered by women, women are nine times more likely to report their abusers to the authorities.
In l988, R. L. McNeeley, a professor at the School of Social Welfare of the University of Wisconsin, published "The Truth About Domestic Violence: A Falsely Framed Issue" again revealing the level of violence against men by women. Such facts, thought, are "politically incorrect". Even 10 years earlier, Susan Steinmetz , director of the Family Research Institute at Indiana University-Purdue University received threats of harm to her children from radical women's groups after she published "The Battered Husband Syndrome".

he U.S. Department of Justice released a study on domestic violence and spousal homicides on July 11, 1994. In this study it is reported that women kill men at approximately the same rate as men kill women in "spousal" homicides. (A "spousal" homicide is a husband or wife killing the other or a homicide perpetrated by a common-law marriage partner on the other partner.) In addition this study also reported that children were killed by mothers in 55% of all parental homicides.

Further, at the 13th World Congress of Sociology, on July 19, 1994 it was reported that for the U.S. for 1992: For the average of reports by males and females: Husband on wife severe assault occurred at a rate of 2.0%, whereas wife on husband severe assault occurred at a rate of 4.6%. and Husband on wife minor assault occurred at a rate of 9.9%, whereas wife on husband assault occurred at a rate of 9.5%

A rate of 2.0% means that during 1992 there were 20 instances of severe husband on wife assault for every 1000 couples.

Also reported at the conference was the fact that although male on female violence has been slowly decreasing over the last decade, female on male violence is now increasing sharply.
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