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Another War Crime for Putin's Trial and Execution (1 Viewer)

Jesus, is there an MSM source for this?
Jesus, is there an MSM source for this?

Apparently the theater tried to tell all Russian pilots that they were sheltering children as well...Russians don't care...

Remember: Some Russians have put their lives on the line by protesting against the rape of Ukraine.

But, yes, the little runt and his cronies should never, ever be forgiven for all the innocent lives that they have taken
Remember: Some Russians have put their lives on the line by protesting against the rape of Ukraine.

But, yes, the little runt and his cronies should never, ever be forgiven for all the innocent lives that they have taken

True, some 20 percent of Russians care. But 60 percent don't care other than their bank cards don't work, and the remaining 20 percent are positively delighted to see the mass murder of fictional nazi's.
Remember: Some Russians have put their lives on the line by protesting against the rape of Ukraine.

But, yes, the little runt and his cronies should never, ever be forgiven for all the innocent lives that they have taken

Well, yes. So the Venn diagram would be


Where B would be "Russians" and A would be "baby killing Russians."
It would've been nice if the world already had a strong and effective international justice system so ALL human rights abuses might be prevented (preferred) or stopped as soon as possible while adding as little human and environmental damage as possible.

"The US is not a state party to the Rome Statute. The US participated in the negotiations that led to the creation of the court. However, in 1998 the US was one of only seven countries – along with China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, and Yemen – that voted against the Rome Statute."

It would've been nice if the world already had a strong and effective international justice system so ALL human rights abuses might be prevented (preferred) or stopped as soon as possible while adding as little human and environmental damage as possible.

"The US is not a state party to the Rome Statute. The US participated in the negotiations that led to the creation of the court. However, in 1998 the US was one of only seven countries – along with China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, and Yemen – that voted against the Rome Statute."

I see you've taken some special time to dance on the bodies of children.

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