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Another "The Real Media Bias" (1 Viewer)


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Jun 24, 2005
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Houston, Tx
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NOTE: This post is LONG but most of it is a list, not boring text that drags on forever (like this sentence).

Here the target is "Mass Media".

The media continues to fail to report on their vested interest. One can't be too shocked. Why for example would NBC want to run a story that makes their parent company GE look bad ?

But because GE is involved in SOO MANY industries this means that _a lot_ of stuff doesn't get laid out for you.

NBC may run something that touches the surface or even _apprears_ to dig deep but they wont come out and say , "Hey GE is some rotten folks, here are the ABCs as to why."

Nor should anyone expect them to. I don't tell girls I want to be with all of my bad qualities. She can ask my friends, she has choices. However in the mega-merger world of "mass media" you'd think you have a lot of choices. More cable channels than ever right. But when the mass of the content is owned by a few major players that choice is shown for what it really is, an illusion.

GE Profile from WhoOwnsWhat

NBC Universal (80%-owned by GE, 20% controlled by Vivendi Universal)

NBC Stations:

* WNBC - New York
* KNBC - Los Angeles
* WMAQ - Chicago
* WCAU - Philadelphia
* KNTV - San Jose/San Francisco
* KXAS - Dallas/Fort Worth
* WRC - Washington
* WTVJ - Miami
* KNSD - San Diego
* WVIT - Hartford
* WNCN - Raleigh
* WCMH - Columbus
* WVTM - Birmingham
* WJAR - Providence

Telemundo Stations:

* KVEA/KWHY - Los Angeles
* WNJU - New York
* WSCV - Miami
* KTMD - Houston
* WSNS - Chicago
* KXTX - Dallas/Fort Worth
* KVDA - San Antonio
* KSTS - San Jose/San Francisco
* KDRX - Phoenix
* KNSO - Fresno
* KMAS - Denver
* WNEU - Boston/Merrimack
* KHRR - Tucson
* WKAQ - Puerto Rico

NBC Universal Television Studio
NBC Universal Television Distribution

* Bravo
* Mun2TV
* Sci-Fi
* Trio


* Universal Pictures


* Universal Parks & Resorts


* Paxson Communications (30%)

Other General Electric Businesses

* GE Aircraft Engines
* GE Commercial Finance
* GE Consumer Products
* GE Industrial Systems
* GE Insurance
* GE Medical Systems
* GE Plastics
* GE Power Systems
* GE Specialty Materials
* GE Transportation Systems


And in a lot of cases, the company in question owns and controls far more than you could even dream of.

Everyone knows AOL does a lot of business, but did you know AOL/Timewarner had it like this !?!

Time Warner - Books
Time Warner Book Group

o Warner Books

+ The Mysterious Press

+ Warner Vision

+ Warner Business Books

+ Aspect

o Warner Faith

+ Warner Treasures

+ TW Kids

o Little, Brown and Company

+ Little, Brown Adult Trade

+ Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

+ Back Bay

+ Bulfinch Press

* Time Warner Book Group UK

* Time Warner Audio Books

* Time Inc.

o Southern Progress Corporation

+ Sunset Books

+ Oxmoor House

+ Leisure Arts

Time Warner - Cable

* CNN International
* CNN en Espanol
* CNN Headline News
* CNN Airport Network
* CNN fn
* CNN Radio
* CNN Interactive
* Court TV (with Liberty Media)
* Time Warner Cable
* Road Runner
* New York 1 News (24 hour news channel devoted only to NYC)
* Kablevision (53.75% - cable television in Hungary)

In Demand

* Metro Sports (Kansas City)

Time Warner Inc. - Film & TV Production/Distribution

* Warner Bros.
* Warner Bros. Studios
* Warner Bros. Television (production)
* The WB Television Network
* Warner Bros. Television Animation
* Hanna - Barbera Cartoons
* Telepictures Production
* Witt - Thomas Productions
* Castle Rock Entertainment
* Warner Home Video
* Warner Bros. Domestic Pay - TV
* Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution
* Warner Bros. International Television Distribution
* The Warner Channel (Latin America, Asia - Pacific, Australia, Germ.)
* Warner Bros. International Theaters (owns/operates multiplex theaters in over 12 countries)

Time Warner Inc. - Magazines

* Time
o Time Asia
o Time Atlantic
o Time Canada
o Time Latin America
o Time South Pacific
o Time Money
o Time For Kids
* Fortune
* All You
* Business 2.0
* Life
* Sports Illustrated
o Sports Illustrated International
o SI for Kids
* Inside Stuff
* Money
o Your Company
o Your Future
* People
o Who Weekly (Australian edition)
o People en Español
o Teen People
* Entertainment Weekly
o EW Metro
* The Ticket
* In Style
* Southern Living
* Progressive Farmer
* Southern Accents
* Cooking Light
* The Parent Group
o Parenting
o Baby Talk
o Baby on the Way
* This Old House
* Sunset
* Sunset Garden Guide
* The Health Publishing Group
o Health
o Hippocrates
o Coastal Living
o Weight Watchers
* Real Simple
* Asiaweek (Asian news weekly)
* President (Japanese business monthly)
* Dancyu (Japanese cooking)
* Wallpaper (U.K.)
* Field & Stream
* Freeze
* Golf Magazine
* Outdoor Life
* Popular Science
* Salt Water Sportsman
* Ski
* Skiing Magazine
* Skiing Trade News
* Snowboard Life
* Ride BMX
* Today's Homeowner
* TransWorld Skateboarding
* TransWorld Snowboarding
* Verge
* Yachting Magazine
* Warp
* American Express Publishing Corporation (partial ownership/management)
o Travel & Leisure
o Food & Wine
o Your Company
o Departures
o SkyGuide
* Magazines listed under Warner Brothers label
o DC Comics
o Vertigo
o Paradox
o Milestone
o Mad Magazine

Online Services

* CompuServe Interactive Services
* AOL Instant Messenger
* AOL.com portal
* Digital City
* AOL Europe
* The Knot, Inc. - wedding content (8 % with QVC 36% and Hummer
* WinbladFunds18%)
* MapQuest.com - pending regulatory approval
* Spinner.com
* Winamp
* DrKoop.com (10%)
* Legend (49% - Internet service in China)

Time Warner - Online/Other Publishing

* Road Runner
* Warner Publisher Services
* Time Distribution Services
* American Family Publishers (50%)
* Pathfinder
* Africana.com

Time Warner - Merchandise/Retail

* Warner Bros. Consumer Products

Theme Parks

* Warner Brothers Recreation Enterprises (owns/operates international theme parks)

Time Warner Inc. - Turner Entertainment
Entertainment Networks

* TBS Superstation
* Turner Network Television (TNT)
* Turner South
* Cartoon Network
* Turner Classic Movies
* Cartoon Network in Europe
* Cartoon Network in Latin America
* TNT & Cartoon Network in Asia/Pacific

Film Production

* New Line Cinema
* Fine Line Features
* Turner Original Productions


* Atlanta Braves

Other Operations

* Turner Learning
* CNN Newsroom (daily news program for classrooms)
* Turner Adventure Learning (electronic field trips for schools)
* Turner Home Satellite
* Turner Network Sales


* Netscape Communications
* Netscape Netcenter portal
* AOL MovieFone
* iAmaze
* Amazon.com (partial)
* Quack.com
* Streetmail (partial)
* Switchboard (6%)


So, the next time you want to wonder whats on there's a decent chance the answer is "GE" or "AOL/Timewarner".

I love watching late night talk show X where they have a movie star on to talk about movie Z. Then we cut to a break to have some rock star to talk about their new cd. People laugh and fun is had by all.

But what "late night talk show" doesn't mention is sometimes all above mentioned content is owned by them. So, "late night talk show" isn't really a show in the sense we think of it. Rather it's a 30 minute comercial which takes breaks for OTHER COMMERCIALS.

Dear god how I love the freedom and choice capitalism has granted me !
Now aren't you glad you can choose to change the channel.

My Top 3 Worst Corporations:
1. Microsoft
2. Intel.
3. AOL/Timewarner

It makes my list! By the way good job researching!

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