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Another Obama "Scam The People" attempt (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 1, 2010
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The news media keeps attempting to figure out the motivation of Obama’s justice department for doctoring up the transcript of the FBI’s audio tape of the Orlando shooters proclamation of loyalty to ISIS. They eliminated all of his rhetoric that associated him with ISIS and even changed his word Ala to God when they were badgered by Congress to release the entire transcript in its original language in total.

The Justice Department argues that they were simply editing out ISIS propaganda to minimize their world notoriety and appeal.

Make no mistake about it folks. The Obama Justice Department edited the transcript for one reason and only one reason. The Obama agenda concerning the Orlando travesty is to change the narrative of the event from “Islamic Terrorism” to the need for “MORE GUN LAWS.”
Make no mistake about it folks. The Obama Justice Department edited the transcript for one reason and only one reason. The Obama agenda concerning the Orlando travesty is to change the narrative of the event from “Islamic Terrorism” to the need for “MORE GUN LAWS.”

Yes. The Regime must scrub the tapes to further advance their propaganda. Changing the killer from a registered democrat, Hilly supporting terrorist just doesn't go as well as a gun nut clinger machine gunning down innocent people dancing in a bar.

But this is why we have brainwashed, low information leftists. No wonder the country is screwed.
There has never been a more Anti-American president.
another thread based on right wing hysterical paranoia.
There has never been a more Anti-American president.

There has never before been a radical leftist in the White House, that's for sure. And, we have never before had anyone in a leadership role as BO, that had a burning desire to radically and "fundamentally transform," the country. Don't forget. Leftists hate our country and feel it needs to be punish for its successes.
There has never before been a radical leftist in the White House, that's for sure. And, we have never before had anyone in a leadership role as BO, that had a burning desire to radically and "fundamentally transform," the country. Don't forget. Leftists hate our country and feel it needs to be punish for its successes.

there isnt one now, you are just more hate as usual.
another thread based on right wing hysterical paranoia.

You could always explain that accusation to the forum. Are you just long on accusations and short on specifics? Me thinks so!
You could always explain that accusation to the forum. Are you just long on accusations and short on specifics? Me thinks so!

the explaining needs to come from those that start threads based on hate and devoid of facts.
Oh, forget it, should be in the conspiracies section, enough said.
The news media keeps attempting to figure out the motivation of Obama’s justice department for doctoring up the transcript of the FBI’s audio tape of the Orlando shooters proclamation of loyalty to ISIS. They eliminated all of his rhetoric that associated him with ISIS and even changed his word Ala to God when they were badgered by Congress to release the entire transcript in its original language in total.

The Justice Department argues that they were simply editing out ISIS propaganda to minimize their world notoriety and appeal.

Make no mistake about it folks. The Obama Justice Department edited the transcript for one reason and only one reason. The Obama agenda concerning the Orlando travesty is to change the narrative of the event from “Islamic Terrorism” to the need for “MORE GUN LAWS.”

This is actually frightening. We should be very afraid.
another thread based on right wing hysterical paranoia.

They should not be doing this crap, except in the interest of national security , AND they better have a damn good reason for doing so then, that is provable at some point under scrutiny of oversight. `
Oh, forget it, should be in the conspiracies section, enough said.

Considering their reasoning is crap and their changes show a clear intent there isn't much of a mystery to what happened here.
This is actually frightening. We should be very afraid.

I'm figuring this one should be good for another few hundred thousand Trump voters.
Alright, everyone, slow down a moment. Look: put yourself in the President's shoes. The evidence seems to show that this was a disturbed and homophobic individual who was inspired by ISIL's ideology and methodology, but who had no actual ties to any terrorist organization. Now, if you think about that, that's pretty scary. How will we ever catch someone who does that? We can catch members of AL-Qaeda or ISIL or the Taliban or etc. precisely because they are members of an organization.

This guy, however, apparently saw or heard about terrorism and thought it sounds glamorous to be a terrorist, and so he adapted his twisted self-image and made himself out to be a terrorist, despite the fact that he had no formal ties to terrorist organizations. But his ability to conceive of himself as a terrorist is predicated, to some degree, on the promulgation of news about ISIL. He heard about ISIL beheading people and blowing people up and shooting people and said "damn, but that's cool!" And it only adds to the legitimacy of that process of self-identification if the government of the U.S. agrees that's all a terrorist wannabe needs in order to fulfill their dream of being a terrorist.

So this is a pretty difficult case. If you go about saying that yeah, this guy was a terrorist, all you do is inspire all the other wannabe terrorists out there, because now, officially speaking, all you have to do to be a terrorist is go out and shoot a bunch of folks and yell "jihad!" Think about this for a little while before responding, please...
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the explaining needs to come from those that start threads based on hate and devoid of facts.

The OP is self explanatory. When are you going to going to post an actual rational opposing argument?

The facts presented by the OP are known to it seems everybody but you. Can you rationally deny that the Obama Justice Department edited the transcripts of the Orlando shooter's 911 phone calls? Can you rationally deny that the Obama administration has turned the shooting into a "more gun laws" agenda? Let's have it! Where's your argument?
Alright, everyone, slow down a moment. Look: put yourself in the President's shoes. The evidence seems to show that this was a disturbed and homophobic individual who was inspired by ISIL's ideology and methodology, but who had no actual ties to any terrorist organization. Now, if you think about that, that's pretty scary. How will we ever catch someone who does that? We can catch members of AL-Qaeda or ISIL or the Taliban or etc. precisely because they are members of an organization.

This guy, however, apparently saw or heard about terrorism and thought it sounds glamorous to be a terrorist, and so he adapted his twisted self-image and made himself out to be a terrorist, despite the fact that he had no formal ties to terrorist organizations. But his ability to conceive of himself as a terrorist is predicated, to some degree, on the promulgation of news about ISIL. He heard about ISIL beheading people and blowing people up and shooting people and said "damn, but that's cool!" And it only adds to the legitimacy of that process of self-identification if the government of the U.S. agrees that's all a terrorist wannabe needs in order to fulfill their dream of being a terrorist.

So this is a pretty difficult case. If you go about saying that yeah, this guy was a terrorist, all you do is inspire all the other wannabe terrorists out there, because now, officially speaking, all you have to do to be a terrorist is go out and shoot a bunch of folks and yell "jihad!" Think about this for a little while before responding, please...

"Thinking," I conclude that the Obama administration attempted to cover up any and all references by the Orlando shooter in hiss 911 calls related to Islamic Terrorism by fudging/editing the transcripts eliminating same. The agenda for such a "look down your nose" at the American people and treat them like mushrooms and keeping them in the dark, is as plain as the nose on any honest folks face when we consider that Obama's first reaction to the shootings was to villain-ize the guns. It's cover for the terrorist and blame the guns. The Obama administration is so crooked that when they die they'll have to screw em in the ground!
The OP is self explanatory. When are you going to going to post an actual rational opposing argument?

The facts presented by the OP are known to it seems everybody but you. Can you rationally deny that the Obama Justice Department edited the transcripts of the Orlando shooter's 911 phone calls? Can you rationally deny that the Obama administration has turned the shooting into a "more gun laws" agenda? Let's have it! Where's your argument?

LOL! He was gay, genius, and a self-hating one at that. This isn't some nefarious conspiracy, no matter how much you need it to be.

Man Who Says He Was Orlando Shooter’s Lover Calls Attack Act Of ‘Revenge’
The OP is self explanatory. When are you going to going to post an actual rational opposing argument?

The facts presented by the OP are known to it seems everybody but you. Can you rationally deny that the Obama Justice Department edited the transcripts of the Orlando shooter's 911 phone calls? Can you rationally deny that the Obama administration has turned the shooting into a "more gun laws" agenda? Let's have it! Where's your argument?

there is nothing but demonizing
"Thinking," I conclude that the Obama administration attempted to cover up any and all references by the Orlando shooter in hiss 911 calls related to Islamic Terrorism by fudging/editing the transcripts eliminating same. The agenda for such a "look down your nose" at the American people and treat them like mushrooms and keeping them in the dark, is as plain as the nose on any honest folks face when we consider that Obama's first reaction to the shootings was to villain-ize the guns. It's cover for the terrorist and blame the guns. The Obama administration is so crooked that when they die they'll have to screw em in the ground!

more of your demonizing
Alright, everyone, slow down a moment. Look: put yourself in the President's shoes. The evidence seems to show that this was a disturbed and homophobic individual who was inspired by ISIL's ideology and methodology, but who had no actual ties to any terrorist organization. Now, if you think about that, that's pretty scary. How will we ever catch someone who does that? We can catch members of AL-Qaeda or ISIL or the Taliban or etc. precisely because they are members of an organization.

This guy, however, apparently saw or heard about terrorism and thought it sounds glamorous to be a terrorist, and so he adapted his twisted self-image and made himself out to be a terrorist, despite the fact that he had no formal ties to terrorist organizations. But his ability to conceive of himself as a terrorist is predicated, to some degree, on the promulgation of news about ISIL. He heard about ISIL beheading people and blowing people up and shooting people and said "damn, but that's cool!" And it only adds to the legitimacy of that process of self-identification if the government of the U.S. agrees that's all a terrorist wannabe needs in order to fulfill their dream of being a terrorist.

So this is a pretty difficult case. If you go about saying that yeah, this guy was a terrorist, all you do is inspire all the other wannabe terrorists out there, because now, officially speaking, all you have to do to be a terrorist is go out and shoot a bunch of folks and yell "jihad!" Think about this for a little while before responding, please...

I hear what you are saying but I think the president and his administration had other political motives for attempting to lie to the nation. I don't think it was to keep us safe from Islamic terrorism.
The news media keeps attempting to figure out the motivation of Obama’s justice department for doctoring up the transcript of the FBI’s audio tape of the Orlando shooters proclamation of loyalty to ISIS. They eliminated all of his rhetoric that associated him with ISIS and even changed his word Ala to God when they were badgered by Congress to release the entire transcript in its original language in total.

The Justice Department argues that they were simply editing out ISIS propaganda to minimize their world notoriety and appeal.

Make no mistake about it folks. The Obama Justice Department edited the transcript for one reason and only one reason. The Obama agenda concerning the Orlando travesty is to change the narrative of the event from “Islamic Terrorism” to the need for “MORE GUN LAWS.”

Orwell was right. His estimate of when was just a little bit early. We have found the 'Ministry of Truth'.

Who else would re-write, edit, redact this for release to the public?

Blatantly dishonest of the administration, if you ask me.
TheHammer said:
"Thinking," I conclude that the Obama administration attempted to cover up any and all references by the Orlando shooter in hiss 911 calls related to Islamic Terrorism by fudging/editing the transcripts eliminating same.

Since you claim to have thought this through, answer this: how would this work, given that everyone already knows the guy claimed to be working for ISIL? What good would it do, vis a vis a cover-up, to edit out what's already common knowledge? That would be like someone trying to "cover up" the fact that Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee at this point--failing to mention that he is hardly does anything to obscure what everyone already knows. Do you really think that professional liars (which is what you seem to be saying Obama is) are that bad at lying? I mean, c'mon...

TheHammer said:
The agenda for such a "look down your nose" at the American people and treat them like mushrooms and keeping them in the dark, is as plain as the nose on any honest folks face when we consider that Obama's first reaction to the shootings was to villain-ize the guns.

Obama's first reaction was to villanize guns? Maybe he said something, but I thought it was some congresspeople who were trying to pass legislation--most of which was actually pretty mild. Did Obama send over to Congress copies of bills he wanted passed or something? To what, exactly, are you reacting?

TheHammer said:
It's cover for the terrorist and blame the guns. The Obama administration is so crooked that when they die they'll have to screw em in the ground!

Again, to what are you reacting? Obama said quite clearly this guy was a terrorist. He was a homegrown terrorist with no actual links, other than in his own mind and through ideology, to ISIL or other terrorist organization.
MorrisDay said:
I hear what you are saying but I think the president and his administration had other political motives for attempting to lie to the nation. I don't think it was to keep us safe from Islamic terrorism.

What do you think those are?
I hear what you are saying but I think the president and his administration had other political motives for attempting to lie to the nation. I don't think it was to keep us safe from Islamic terrorism.

In my opinion it doesn't matter WHY they tried to cover it up, the fact that they did so and they were NOT hiding secrets necessary to national security means they need a good smack on the hands by our citizenry. any time the government starts picking and choosing the facts of the news we should be hearing, they are wrong... UNLESS that information is vital to national security and can be proven so with oversight , at a later date.

new Presidential cabinet position: minister of Propaganda!
Again, to what are you reacting? Obama said quite clearly this guy was a terrorist. He was a homegrown terrorist with no actual links, other than in his own mind and through ideology, to ISIL or other terrorist organization.

then why redact what he said at all? because he thinks we, the citizenry, need hand holding is not a good answer. in fact that may be the worst answer possible.

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