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Another night, another peaceful BLM protest (1 Viewer)


Capitalist Pig
DP Veteran
Aug 6, 2019
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Bridgeport, CT
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Mentally disabled BLMers peacefully destroy a restaurant in Rochester last night.

This is the kind of world the political left wants, so this November, vote accordingly:

Mentally disabled BLMers peacefully destroy a restaurant in Rochester last night.

This is the kind of world the political left wants, so this November, vote accordingly:

How will re-electing Trump prevent this kind of stuff from happening?
Mentally disabled BLMers peacefully destroy a restaurant in Rochester last night.

This is the kind of world the political left wants, so this November, vote accordingly:

Mostly peaceful dude
You ignore the facts

It said "nearly all" not all. This is fact. Most BLM protests are peaceful.

You are simply seeing the violent ones on the news and assuming that they must all be like this. That is a hasty generalization that we usually call "prejudice."
These dysfunctional losers are propped up by the left, including the media provide cover - "mostly peacful", amirite? Keep it up. The left begat Trump and they will begat a second term.
Mentally disabled BLMers peacefully destroy a restaurant in Rochester last night.

This is the kind of world the political left wants, so this November, vote accordingly:

Trumps America. How the heck do you think electing him again will make America better?
I don't care how old you are, your country was a better place the day you were born than it is today. Imagine after another four years.

Most have, and the OP's video is concerning, but it's a far cry from the arson and looting that has happened elsewhere. The protesters shouldn't be allowed to harass customers of establishments in the least, but it wasn't exactly violent and I didn't see them "destroying" a restaurant. Flipped over some chairs, won't really call that "destroying" a restaurant.

We do, however, need to have some amount of respect for each other. I don't see this sort of harassment campaigns as being beneficial to anyone, particularly furthering one's own cause.

So yes, most are peaceful, and this case was not protesters destroying a restaurant. But we do need to inject some amount of dignity back into our Republic and we need to accept the humanity of others; as such harassment campaigns are not positives nor should we just allow them.
Mentally disabled BLMers peacefully destroy a restaurant in Rochester last night.

This is the kind of world the political left wants, so this November, vote accordingly:

Well, when you get right down to it one of the best ways to fix gentrification issues is to completely destroy the neighborhood so that nobody wants to life there. Once everyone leaves you can go camp in the parks, shoot up all the drugs you want and spray paint everything.
How will re-electing Trump prevent this kind of stuff from happening?

I love this argument. It's basically, "If Trump gets reelected we'll just keep wrecking stuff!"
I love this argument. It's basically, "If Trump gets reelected we'll just keep wrecking stuff!"

Well, tell us how Trump will make things different if elected...
Mentally disabled BLMers peacefully destroy a restaurant in Rochester last night.

This is the kind of world the political left wants, so this November, vote accordingly:

I don't approve of disrupting someone's dinner or business, its rude and ineffective. That said, where's the violence and distruction? Some chairs got tossed around.
Take a survey of the people who were trying to dine at this restaurant.

The reason why the narrative isn't working is simple:

1)Of the top concerns Americans have, crime is in fifth place (4%), behind race relations (10%), economic problems (12%), poor government leadership (22%), and the coronavirus 35%. Trump's attempt to put crime front and center was red meat for his base, but it was a terrible read on what is actually important to people.

2)A majority of Americans believe trump specifically is making social unrest worse.

Most Americans say Trump making protests, unrest worse | Ipsos
The reason why the narrative isn't working is simple:

1)Of the top concerns Americans have, crime is in fifth place (4%), behind race relations (10%), economic problems (12%), poor government leadership (22%), and the coronavirus 35%. Trump's attempt to put crime front and center was red meat for his base, but it was a terrible read on what is actually important to people.

2)A majority of Americans believe trump specifically is making social unrest worse.

Most Americans say Trump making protests, unrest worse | Ipsos

He certainly is responsible for escalating the protests in Portland. I imagine the federal killing of Reinoeld will increase the violence.
I imagine the federal killing of Reinoeld will increase the violence.
That nitwit drew his weapon on the cops.

You pretty much forfeit the right to be taken alive after doing that.
That nitwit drew his weapon on the cops.

You pretty much forfeit the right to be taken alive after doing that.

I am aware that Reinoehl drew a weapon. I'm also aware that justice in the US is supposed to be delivered by our courts not the police. Aware also that there are other ways that the US Marshals could have handled the situation that would have brought Reinoehl in alive so his guilt or innocence could be determined legally.

Police usurping the job of the courts is what caused the problems in the first place. Carrying out a vigilante killing is simply escalating the tension. At some point we have to stop the police from thwarting the law by being judge, jury and executioner. The job of the police is bringing people to justice, not meting out justice. Vigilantism never ends well for anybody.
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It said "nearly all" not all. This is fact. Most BLM protests are peaceful.

You are simply seeing the violent ones on the news and assuming that they must all be like this. That is a hasty generalization that we usually call "prejudice."

BLM. Is a Marxist organization

They, as such, wish to over through the entire US democratic republic system so as to usher in the always loser Marxist system
BLM. Is a Marxist organization

They, as such, wish to over through the entire US democratic republic system so as to usher in the always loser Marxist system

OK, I'll bite, how is BLM a Marxist organization and how exactly are they going to "over through" (sic) the government and establish a Marxist system. As an aside, could you describe a Marxist system for us, please?
I am aware that Reinoehl drew a weapon. I'm also aware that justice in the US is supposed to be delivered by our courts not the police. Aware also that there are other ways that the US Marshals could have handled the situation that would have brought Reinoehl in alive so his guilt or innocence could be determined legally.

Police usurping the job of the courts is what caused the problems in the first place. Carrying out a vigilante killing is simply escalating the tension. At some point we have to stop the police from thwarting the law by being judge, jury and executioner. The job of the police is bringing people to justice, not meting out justice. Vigilantism never ends well for anybody.

And if this asswipe had shot and killed some cops while they were trying to "bring him to justice"?
And if this asswipe had shot and killed some cops while they were trying to "bring him to justice"?

It is the job of the police to figure out ways to bring people to justice. If you sign up to be a law enforcement officer you have agreed to experience risk. it is part of the job. It is a total corruption of the job to pick out the riskiest way to apprehend someone, which is what they did by driving up 20 strong in battle regalia, with guns aimed at the suspect, shouting multiple orders on a bull horn and throwing tear gas, all intentional ways to escalate the tension and then shoot at the first sign of risk.

I do not support rioters like Reinoehl. They destroy civilization. I support law enforcement they are tasked with an incredibly difficult job maintaining the peace and order. of a civilized society. I support their training, education, unions, pensions. I want them well equipped, well trained and well paid. I appreciate the difficulty of their job and I applaud the many dedicated, trustworthy, honest and brave people that go into law enforcement. But there is a problem right now and some within law enforcement have forgotten their real job and they are making our problems worse.
I don't approve of disrupting someone's dinner or business, its rude and ineffective. That said, where's the violence and distruction? Some chairs got tossed around.

Check out the 1:20-minute mark. Last I checked, assault was a type violence.

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