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Another Ferry....down (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
CAIRO, Egypt - An Egyptian passenger ship carrying 1,300 people has sunk in the Red Sea, the head of the Egyptian Maritime Authority, Mahfouz Taha Marzouk, said Friday.

The ship, "Salaam 98," sunk 40 miles off the Egyptian port of Hurghada, Marzouk said.

Helicopters have spotted bodies as well as one lifeboat carrying three people in the vicinity of where the 25-year-old ship was last seen on the radar screens, Egyptian maritime officials said. They did not say how many bodies were sighted.

I just got a breaking news e-mail about that. It's totally bizarre and sad! There were 1300 people on that ship.
Wow. Shades of the 'Estonia'. I wonder if this is a "accident" also. :confused:

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