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Analysis of Insurgency - composed by the CIA (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
This is why Trump should be charged for Treason and put in Jail for Life with NO POSSIBILITY of Parole.

Trump went right down the Hitler Script... and Putin has done the same thing, lying to the people, lying to the military, trying to control and damage the Media.
Trump did all that, including trying to distance us from out Allies and remove us from NATO so as to "isolate us", attacking the Standards and Practices of Representative Democracy, to Attacking the U.S. Capitol to try and install himself in office, like a Tsars over America.

2012 Version : Guide to Anaylsis of Insurgency - (Detailed Version) (PEOPLE NEED TO READ THIS, AND THEY CAN SEE WHAT TRUMP WAS TRYING TO DO)

Insurgent leader displays charisma, the flexibility to balance ideology with the need to be inclusive and leverage local grievances, and an ability to engender loyalty and maintain group unity (Trumpism / Right Wing Republicanism)

During the preinsurgency stage, insurgents identify and publicize a grievance around which they can rally supporters. Insurgents seek to create a compelling narrative—the story a party to an armed struggle uses to justify its actions in order to attain legitimacy and favor among relevant populations.

Most insurgencies seek to create a group identity that separates the group from the national identity or that of the ruling elite, establishing an “us versus them” dynamic to the confl ict. The identity might center on ethnicity, tribal affi liation, religion, regionalism, political affi liation, or class. Indicators that insurgents are seeking to exploit a group identity might include: - Propaganda about or inclusion in the insurgent narrative of a unique history for the subgroup that sets it apart from the rest of the nation. - Increased emphasis on cultural, religious, language, or ethnic symbols that set the subgroup apart from the rest of the nation. This emphasis might emerge in books, music, or movies in the subgroup’s language or about the subgroup’s history or culture. It may include calls for schools to teach these subjects or for the country to observe the subgroup’s holidays. - Use of language that casts the government in the role of occupier, foreigner, or puppet of outside interests.
Recruitment and Training
The fi rst indications of insurgent recruitment and training may emerge during the preinsurgency stage. They might include: - The disappearance of signifi cant numbers of subgroup members, especially young men. - Reports of people training with arms or the identifi cation of nongovernment military training sites, such as sports clubs or other social groups conducting paramilitary-style physical training. - Reports of subgroup members traveling abroad for training or of sympathetic outsiders providing training in country.

Incipient Conflict Stage
A struggle enters the incipient confl ict stage when the insurgents begin to use violence. Often these initial attacks provide analysts the fi rst alert to the potential for an insurgency. The target government, however, frequently dismisses insurgent actions as the work of bandits, criminals, or terrorists, which increases the risk that the government will employ counterproductive measures. The incipient stage is the most dangerous phase for insurgents; they have made their presence felt through initial attacks
Insurgents may believe they will eventually defeat the government on the battlefi eld, spark a popular uprising that forces the government to accede to the insurgents’ demands, provoke international intervention on the insurgents’ behalf, or prolong the confl ict long enough for the government to judge that it is better to negotiate a settlement.

Political Factors An insurgency at this stage often progresses from undermining state authority to displacing and replacing it. Insurgents may develop a “shadow government” that mirrors state administrative structures.
  • Defections of government offi cials to the insurgency (Right Wing Republican Politicians)
  • Withdrawal of support for the government by specifi c, critical segments of the domestic population,
  • The foreign actor and the recipient have some shared purpose that has created their alliance, but they most likely have their own broader interests that diverge. (TRUMP AND PUTIN CONNECTIONS)
Insurgency is fi rst and foremost a political struggle. It is unlikely to be waged or defeated by military means alone.

End quote

cont'd on Post #2

2011 - Anaylsis of Insurgency-
This is why Trump should be charged for Treason and put in Jail for Life with NO POSSIBILITY of Parole.

exploit a group identity might include: - Propaganda about or inclusion in the insurgent narrative of a unique history for the subgroup that sets it apart from the rest of the nation. - Increased emphasis on cultural, religious, language, or ethnic symbols that set the subgroup apart from the rest of the nation. This emphasis might emerge in books, music, or movies in the subgroup’s language or about the subgroup’s history or culture. It may include calls for schools to teach these subjects or for the country to observe the subgroup’s holidays. - Use of language that casts the government in the role of occupier, foreigner, or puppet of outside interests.
Recruitment and Training
The fi rst indications of insurgent recruitment and training may emerge during the preinsurgency stage. They might include: - The disappearance of signifi cant numbers of subgroup members, especially young men. - Reports of people training with arms or the identifi cation of nongovernment military training sites, such as sports clubs or other social groups conducting paramilitary-style physical training. - Reports of subgroup members traveling abroad for training or of sympathetic outsiders providing training in country.

Incipient Conflict Stage
A struggle enters the incipient confl ict stage when the insurgents begin to use violence. Often these initial attacks provide analysts the fi rst alert to the potential for an insurgency. The target government, however, frequently dismisses insurgent actions as the work of bandits, criminals, or terrorists, which increases the risk that the government will employ counterproductive measures. The incipient stage is the most dangerous phase for insurgents; they have made their presence felt through initial attacks
Insurgents may believe they will eventually defeat the government on the battlefi eld, spark a popular uprising that forces the government to accede to the insurgents’ demands, provoke international intervention on the insurgents’ behalf, or prolong the confl ict long enough for the government to judge that it is better to negotiate a settlement.

Political Factors An insurgency at this stage often progresses from undermining state authority to displacing and replacing it. Insurgents may develop a “shadow government” that mirrors state administrative structures.
  • Defections of government offi cials to the insurgency (Right Wing Republican Politicians)
    the government by specifi c, critical segments of the domestic population,
  • The foreign actor and the recipient have some shared purpose that has created their alliance, but they most likely have their own broader interests that diverge. (TRUMP AND PUTIN CONNECTIONS)
Insurgency is fi rst and foremost a political struggle. It is unlikely to be waged or defeated by military means alone.

End quote

cont'd on Post #2

2011 - Anaylsis of Insurgency-
Conspiracy forum >
Cond't from Post #1

The dummies that backed and support him are too "racist and ignorant to even know what they supported". They are as dumb and gullible as those minions that backed Hitler.. when nothing Hitler was doing had any concern for the Poor un-educated and under-educated Germans Population. Just as Hitler used their racism and ethnicity bias, is the exact same thing Trump did, and its the same thing Putin is doing.
Autocrat Tyrannical Types like Trump, Putin, Xi, Kim, Bashar, and Lukashenko are all "evil men"... even among their conspiring agendas, they still would attack the other, without provocation.

  • White People who back Trump, don't read and they don't study to look beyond being drummed into a Bias, Bigoted and Belligerent Loving Mob, who accept their own racism to be used to lure and hook them, with a vain want for "White Nationalism".

Right Wing Working and Poor White people are far more gullible to become members and sympathizers of Insurgents (in America). They don't recogonize the acts of what they are choosing until it has overwhelmed them and they find themselves caugh up in an overcome by the atrocity of it on a individual personal level. (It was the same with the people who submitted themselves to Hitler, only after the death of Hitler and the facts were made globally known, did some of them awaken to the evil they supported).

The Insurgency generally plays to the Under-educated, and the Un-educated, who are often the economically challenged who became so, by their own lack of formalized education and many are often under-educated and driven by "folklore, confabulations, and high expectations based on their group identity (Race and Political Lean). They are generally wound up on a daily bais by "incitements" through the usage of various forms of media, and today right wing internet sites, as they are fed a daily diet of something to claim themselves to be aggrieved about. They are the most gullible, and can be molded like soft clay, to attack the government and every system within a soicety. They are often led by someone they revere because of their wealthy and the belligerence against the system and society, who proceeds immediately to drill a "divide mentality within them, of "Us against Them".

Trump has studied every aspect of Hitler's Script, most of those Trump lured in, don't know the cycle of Hitler's procession has direct similarities to the act of Trump. Trump is no longer President, but he tried to claim himself as a "shadown president" with his Mar-a-Lago as a faux headquarters, he tried to have intellegence info re-directed to ensure a co-opting of data transmission went to a third party which his regime set up and was actived on his last day in office. (which was discovered by the Biden Administration Intellegence Services and shut down)

(This give a big picture view of Right Wing Insurgency, which Describes the Conduct of Republicanism for the past 12 yrs.)
2011 - Anaylsis of Insurgency- by CIA
Simplified Version

Many of the frequent poster, know who these types are within this forum, but many also know of such types within general society.

Conspiracy forum >
NO... the CIA is not a joke... it does its research. so, your aim of deflection does not work.

People did not take what Hitler did serious, until the atrocities of inhumanity caused many deaths and led to chaos that became World War II.

There is Profoundly EVIL PEOPLE in this Nation and within this World. .,... any denial of that is a miscaculation by an uninformed mind.

We have a real time excalation of such Evil right this day, in what is happeing in Ukraine.. and We have the ongoing Madness of Trump... still raging and rampaging across these United States. We have Right Wing Politicians today, who do and say the most inhumane, undignified madness and we have asshole like Tucker Carlson who is serving as their mouth piece with types like Alex Jones conjuring and creating something to feed "grievance mentality' into these Rabid Insurgency Groups.

You'd probably do better to pay attention!!!
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NO... the CIA is not a joke... it does its research. so, your aim of deflection does not work.

People did not take what Hitler did serious, until the atrocities of inhumanity caused many deaths and led to chaos that became World War II.

There is Profoundly EVIL PEOPLE in this Nation and within this World. .,... any denial of that is a miscaculation by an uninformed mind.

We have a real time excalation of such Evil right this day, in what is happeing in Ukraine.. and We have the ongoing Madness of Trump... still raging and rampaging across these United States.
Yea right. I guess authorities will be hauling trump off in cuffs any day now lol
Yea right. I guess authorities will be hauling trump off in cuffs any day now lol
Take your slanted and twisted joke some place to play your spin game. (It's evident you don't understand the subject material)
Hey I know, let's imprison the former president on trumped up charges and try to start a civil war. It's not like we have more important issues requiring our attention.
Most don't even know what Anocracy is !!!!
Anocracy is !!!! a manner of semi-democracy as a form of government that is loosely defined as part democracy and part dictatorship, or as a "regime that mixes democratic with autocratic features."
Unlike traditional democracy, semi-democratic regimes, also known as hybrid regimes, are known for having guided democracy instead of liberal democracy. Semi-dictatorial regimes have dictatorial powers with some democratic values, and despite being authoritarian, have elections. In a closed anocracy, competitors are drawn from the elite. In an open anocracy, others also compete.
The instability of anocratic regimes causes human rights violations (Racism, Religious Divisiveness and Economic Divisiveness) to be significantly higher within anocracies than democratic regimes.
Statistics show that anocracies are ten times more likely to experience intrastate conflict than democracies and twice as likely as autocracies
The inability for the state to provide the needs of the population leads to factionalism within the country. When factions are not able to get what they want, they take up arms against the state. (We saw that on Jan. 6th, we see it again with fights against Covid Restrictions, we see it now with banning books and trying to dictate over educators, and attacks upon public schools).
end quote

Again, many people don't give attention enough to invest to learn, the working poor and dire poor are too buy being led by 'expectations of priviledges, material pursuits, debt burdens, and selfish pleasures. When it comes to white people, many have a generalized mentality to "try to diminsh and deny" what they are confronted with until it comes directly across their threshhold of personal selfishly focused life.

People like Trump and his Regime Cult.. counts on that type of social mentality. they feed it to breed and solicit recruits. White people are generally the most gullible in society to submit themselves to types such as Trump, and Republicanism is the political banner they devote themselves blindly unto, by thinking its the party for white people, so they go without though into devotion unto it. Self defeat encircles them, and they seek to deflect and blame everything but themselves, who support and promote what Republicanism has designed to defeat and consume them into the cult they have become.

Even in forums like this, many white people simply can't speak in "direct truthful terms" they try to soft stoke it, and pretend something is less than what they see it as being.
  • 100 yrs of submission and adherence as well as defense of Jim Crow proves that conclusively.
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Hey I know, let's imprison the former president on trumped up charges and try to start a civil war. It's not like we have more important issues requiring our attention.
Why not try to learn something rather than demonstrating repeatedly how delighted you are to "want to be a slap stick comedic act".
All you do is validate what I've written.

An expert on civil wars discusses where political extremists are taking this country

People who study this, we've been seeing these groups have been around now for over 10 years. They've been growing. I know that they're training. They've been in the shadows, but we know about them. I wasn't surprised.

The biggest emotion was just relief, actually. It was just, Oh my gosh, this is a gift. Because it's bringing it out into the public eye in the most obvious way. And the result has to be that we can't deny or ignore that we have a problem. Because it's right there before us. And what has been surprising, actually, is how hard the Republican Party has worked to continue to deny it and to create this smokescreen - and in many respects, how effective that's been, at least among their supporters. Wow: Even the most public act of insurrection, probably a treasonous act that 10, 20 years ago would have just cut to the heart of every American, there are still real attempts to deny it. But it was a gift because it brought this cancer that those of us who have been studying it, have been watching it growing, it brought it out into the open.
After Jan. 6 of last year, people were asking me, "Aren't you horrified?" "Isn't this terrible?" "What do you think?" And, first of all, I wasn't surprised, right? People who study this, we've been seeing these groups have been around now for over 10 years. They've been growing. I know that they're training. They've been in the shadows, but we know about them. I wasn't surprised.
The biggest emotion was just relief, actually. It was just, Oh my gosh, this is a gift. Because it's bringing it out into the public eye in the most obvious way. And the result has to be that we can't deny or ignore that we have a problem. Because it's right there before us. And what has been surprising, actually, is how hard the Republican Party has worked to continue to deny it and to create this smokescreen - and in many respects, how effective that's been, at least among their supporters. Wow: Even the most public act of insurrection, probably a treasonous act that 10, 20 years ago would have just cut to the heart of every American, there are still real attempts to deny it. But it was a gift because it brought this cancer that those of us who have been studying it, have been watching it growing, it brought it out into the open.

Q: Does it make you at all nervous when you think about the percentage of people who were at, say, Jan. 6 who have some military or law enforcement connection?

A: Yes. The CIA also has a manual on insurgency. You can Google it and find it online. Most of it is not redacted. And it's absolutely fascinating to read. It's not a big manual. And it was written, I'm sure, to help the U.S. government identify very, very early stages of insurgency. So if something's happening in the Philippines, or something's happening in Indonesia. You know, what are signs that we should be looking out for?
And the manual talks about three stages. And the first stage is pre-insurgency. And that's when you start to have groups beginning to mobilize around a particular grievance. And it's oftentimes just a handful of individuals who are just deeply unhappy about something. And they begin to articulate those grievances. And they begin to try to grow their membership.

The second stage is called the incipient conflict stage. And that's when these groups begin to build a military arm. Usually a militia. And they'd start to obtain weapons, and they'd start to get training. And they'll start to recruit from the ex-military or military and from law enforcement. Or they'll actually - if there's a volunteer army, they'll have members of theirs join the military in order to get not just the training, but also to gather intelligence.

And, again, when the CIA put together this manual, it's about what they have observed in their experience in the field in other countries. And as you're reading this, it's just shocking the parallels. And the second stage, you start to have a few isolated attacks. And in the manual, it says, really the danger in this stage is that governments and citizens aren't aware that this is happening. And so when an attack occurs, it's usually just dismissed as an isolated incident, and people are not connecting the dots yet. And because they're not connecting the dots, the movement is allowed to grow until you have open insurgency, when you start to have a series of consistent attacks, and it becomes impossible to ignore.
end quote

Democracy was designed for "AN EDUCATED SOCIETY"... its why OUR Democracy created "Public Schools' to develp an Educated Society....
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It's unfortunate that many just drifted through the educational programming, looking to exit once they reached 18, and many left not only under-educated by mixed with the continual ingestion of "folklore grievences" from a generation that was even more under educates... they go out into the world, consumed with and under-educated concept of what is American Democracy.

An under-educated and un-educated society can be led into Anocracy !!!!
It took many in general white society 9 yrs, to learn the benefit of ACA, it has taken many who were on the fence about racism, 157+ years to acknowledge the vile and malice of Racism which came face to face wth life, in the Killing of George Floyd. But there were countless many example prior to the open killing of George Floyd that was captured on camera for the entire world to see.
It was the 1990's that the beating of Rodney King, brought things to light in the past 25+ yrs. Yet, such things still are happening and much continues to expose white racism within the policing system, that has been standard habit of polices throughout the 100 yrs of Jim Crow and has persisted in some even nearly 60 yrs later.
It has been mainly white people who have fought against the Safety Protocol of a Viral Pandemic, as if they think themselves to be immune. That's part of the tragedy of what delusions of "white skin superiority fed into people". they think they have immunity and exclusion from facts of reality.

We see today, white people who still deny what they saw with their own eyes on Jan. 6th. We see them pretend they don't see and don't grasp the vile and malice mined positions of current day Republican Right Wing Politicians, and they act blind to the fact that the Cult of Republicanism has silenced "individually elected politicians' and those that do speak up, we've seen "Cult Gang Attacks" on individual politicians, such as Cheney and Kinzenger.

Society of "white only media" fed these delusions into white people since before the days of the advent of Television. We've seen the glorification of belligernt violent and glorified killing, by the design and presentation of "Western Movies". Generally, they gather in a "Saloon" with a mass of heavy drinkers and gamblers, who culminate into conflict and gunfights. We see it in the early movies of white only charcter who were criminals of many sorts, and the character actors became glorified for their cunning and maliced groomed acts of deception, decient, mayhem, murder and it escalated to every type of sexual and other type of crimes, that culmunated into the incessant string of "Cop realated TV Shows, that have become highly wantched series"; and real life events continue to try and mimic it.
We see more student sexual molestations, not by men, but by more and more women, which has been a high % whom are white.
We see kids mass killing other kids in schools... often because of many things, but among them, anguish they are not popular, we see the suicides often driven buy bullying, and the minds become more fragile and susceptible to succumb to bullying, because everything is about 'external self measure'.
  • (Black society in general have been bullied for 100's of years and every atrocity done unto and against them, but they did not submit themselves to sucide. they instead fought for their rights to be respected as person, who is an individual.)
Today, we see more and more white actors who gained the fame and the wealthy, but it was not enough to fill the void, who result to kill themselves, or claim depression, based on not having achieved or gained some level of vanity or acclaim they "expected they should have".. even if they got it, it would not be enough.

We see in this forum, older white men, 'rushing to any post to deny what they can't comprehend and don't understand".

We see young black men killing each other over "False Bravado of Fictional Egotism" - Gangs and criminal acts in desperation for materialism seeking something for 'external self measure".
What generally happens in Societies, is Events of Sorts ... that brings people to a sense of value of life and respect for the gift of life.
  • Whether that is done by Natural Disaster or Great Calamity. We see it in the devastating Weather Impacts that Affect peoples lives.. We see it in people protesting against War, and we saw it when people came togeher as Americans after 9-11.

Those events usually propell us forward in regard for Humanity, and we fall back a step in the malice infections that repeats the cycle until the next event.

People are Still Unaware that the only things that creates and brings sustainable peace is "An Educated Society" - and educated society makes people aware of the value of life and to respect the gifts of life.

Sadly, we have a society today, that is still saturated with people born during Jim Crow Segregation (who did not transcend beyond that racist ideology), their First generation of offsprings in a great many adopted that ideology from their parents, the Second Generation become more liberal... but segments of the Third Generation become susceptible to fall back on Folklore spread by the First generation offsprings. The Fourth Generation moves on to reject that folklore, but that generation is the very young, who are still in grade schools and some who are in middle schools.

That Fourth Generation is a more highly educated group, because of the advances in society where they grow up in the "Age of Information". They will be far better equipped to engage "Critical Thinking Skills' and they are more given to become more respectrul and accepting of Multi-racial, multi-ethnity, and multi culturalism.
I don't expect much engagement on this thread, because the general history of format function is that people avoid indulging the reading, research and understanding to engage the subject matters.

The people who most need to learn these things will be the least likely to read and research so they can be capable and able to learn.

It's here for those who do engage critical thinking, and can indulge with self motivation to do so. the more wise will bookmark and share the thread with others who are critical thinkers and motivated to indulge in learning...

Others will likely show up, to sling a few pot shots to elate their ego, but those type first try and deny, then they try to deflect and they fade out when their mind does not comprehend and they realize their defeatist attempts are futile.
Examples in States like Florida, with their "Don't say Gay", is a form of insurgency still trying to recreate the 1950's, many of those people who promote this come from the Second and Third Generation of Jim Crow Era Parents. Trying to recapture the confabulated folklore passed on into them from parents and grandparents.
They want to try and create the sterile censored society of the 1950's that was passed on through folklore confabulations.

The great grand parents and grand parents of the First and Second generation, they have no true historical learning of the misery many endured within the 1930', 1940's and 1950's, poor health care, poor financial equity, race bigoted and race bias environments filled with inhumane hatred, covetness wrapped in racist and gender bigotry, white male dominated structures, that stood against and resented the independence of women. Most don't even know of studies like Master and Johnson, which helped women understand their sexuality and the educated men to learn to respect the sexuality of women.
The 1950's tried to roll back the independence women learned when they joined industry during World War II and drive her back into the kitchen and cut off her pathways to independent income earning.
Many don't know anything of the those truths, some were kids in the and those that were in their teens and early 20 through the late 50's and much of the early 1960's were still living within the frame work of Jim Crow Segregationist Ideology. By the 1970's many of whom are today in their 50's, are bound and wound up in trying to create the imagery they watched of the 1950's and 60's media of their youth,

Those born in the 1980's watched late 1960's and 1970's imagery in media, by the 1980's more diversity was present in the media but were still a great many who lived in highly segregated communities, they are now in their 40's and between their parents and grand parents, who did not make the transistion to the advances of society, the intergration of technology, and did not upgrade their skill set, once outsourcing stripped jobs, began to blame anything and everything, rather than acknowlede they did not re-educate themselves to be viable to the job markets that were evolving.

Those born in the 1990's are now the parents of many of the youth who are now what I'd call the Fourth Generation, they still have the folklore confabulations from the parents and grandparents; especially those parents and grandparents from rural white dominated areas and white segregated suburbs... who passed along the things that were passed on into them. These types are many who go to schools fighting against the educational system and its advancement which has continued to move forward away from the Jim Crow Era Books and Cirriculum designed by the Daughter of the Confederacy.

If these categories of white people had been invested in keeping up with the times, they would have learned truths they were once denied by the white washing of history and the white washed media grooming of generations before them. But, they did not!!!! They became caught up in Materialism which encircled them in greater debt than their previous generations, by chasing the fictions, designed to strip them of "spiritual self measure' and led them to external self measure. They got caught up in the same defeat game as their ancestry, of Material Pursuits by any means, as a sense of Self Measure.

The result has been and is 'Debt'. Their ancestry fought against wage improvements, they fought against Union benefits and wage progressions, and they failed to re-educate themselves as the decades changed and innovation and technology advanced. Now, many are caught into the desperation of "status chasing', homes they can't afford, vehicles they can't afford and can't maintain, dislike of their own physical self, where they chase artificial body modifications, and materialism based class division and monetary based fictions of elitism.
Something people should understand is that trump has no loyalty to the American people - any more than Putin has to the Russian people he's sending to get killed in Ukraine, jailing for protesting, lying to and bankrupting. Like Ukraine is to Putin, they're something that needs to either serve trump or be subjugated. He'll do his con man routine if that works, but if not he'll happily seize power if he got the chance.
cont'd from post #15

All this stuff is tracable through the generations. SOME White people, do not have a generalized habit of investing in learning about how and why they have the mentality they have. Sadly and Unfortunately, many "live for the moment", which bring crushing debt, and desperations to try to recreate the fictionalized concepts of the 1950's. This is the damages that White Nationalism, White Superiority Delusions and Expectations that their skin should give them the same type of promoted imagery of "white society" as was wrapped in 1950's and 1960's and Early 1970's movies and Sitcoms. They not only defeat themselvs, by their anguish at and within themselves; brought on through chasing such fictional fantasy and the lack of knowledge of the vile and malice that existed within social and civic society where bigotry, bias, racism, gender bias and censorship and denial of human sexual concepts and conduct that was rife in the past.

Today, they cater to "greivance promoting programming", we call it "Right Wing Media".. who's agenda is to feed them daily segments of "Grieveance Based Agenda". This is easy to promote to these varying segment of white people, who come from the bais and bigoted folklore that was fed into them, especially in rural and white segregated areas that are white dominated environments.

What is interesting is ... even through all such aims to try and isolate as to contain themselves, by and through gerrymandering, white flight to what they considere white enclaves.

They cannot escape the reality of life and the influences of reality. Even as they adopt much, they at the same time try to deny much, but life has always been an intergration of cultures. It is inescapable, yet so many delude themselves to think they can isolate and escape the reality of multicultural world realism of people.

LOOK AROUND: Thing that was one frowned upon and censorship tried to prohibit, are now common, Tattoo's which during the 1950's was considered radical, piercing of nose and other body parts were considered radical, even some has race and ethnicity prejudice associated with it, when it came to clothes, much changed in the late 1960's and the Mini Skirt of the 1960's erased the hem line of women's clothings, today, music that was once segregated in the 1960's is now used in TV commercials and Movies, the 1980's saggin was once a black thing, but now it has been adopted across racial lines, dance that was one black is now multi culturally adopted. Music has multicultural influences that have changed "the social acceptance of rhythm and sounds".

Life will not go backwards... Life will always continue its history of intergrations.
Something people should understand is that trump has no loyalty to the American people - any more than Putin has to the Russian people he's sending to get killed in Ukraine, jailing for protesting, lying to and bankrupting. Like Ukraine is to Putin, they're something that needs to either serve trump or be subjugated. He'll do his con man routine if that works, but if not he'll happily seize power if he got the chance.
Trumpism will die out, because time will also bring Trump's demise, Republicanism will have to change to become a Democracy and Equality Respecting Organization of the young people will destroy every factions of it and all the Confederate Ideology it has long embraced since the days of Rockefeller, Nixon and Reagan. (whom were each Jim Crow Era Groomed Babies, of White Nationalist agenda of wealthy white male dominance).
Women, rose up in 2016, and many white women within various areas, fell backwards and got sucked into Trumpism and White Republicanism. That self defeat will dawn upon them, as the days and years continue to advance and progress. They will find themselves chasing the delusion of the 1950's of "the white male will take care of me and I can play "socialite". The Economic of Society... will bring them a rude and challenging awakening, because women who are not lost and caught up in that archacic and backwards ideal, will continue to progress, they will continue to intergrate jobs, they will continue to pursue and get higher education and with education comes self enlightment that gives them a sense of self as person, who is individual.

The Past is Gone...

All this stuff is tracable through the generations. SOME White people, do not have a generalized habit of investing in learning about how and why they have the mentality they have. Sadly and Unfortunately, many "live for the moment", which bring crushing debt, and desperations to try to recreate the fictionalized concepts of the 1950's. This is the damages that White Nationalism, White Superiority Delusions and Expectations that their skin should give them the same type of promoted imagery of "white society" as was wrapped in 1950's and 1960's and Early 1970's movies and Sitcoms. They not only defeat themselvs, by their anguish at and within themselves; brought on through chasing such fictional fantasy and the lack of knowledge of the vile and malice that existed within social and civic society where bigotry, bias, racism, gender bias and censorship and denial of human sexual concepts and conduct that was rife in the past.

Today, they cater to "greivance promoting programming", we call it "Right Wing Media".. who's agenda is to feed them daily segments of "Grieveance Based Agenda". This is easy to promote to these varying segment of white people, who come from the bais and bigoted folklore that was fed into them, especially in rural and white segregated areas that are white dominated environments.

The World nor People will go Backwards: God did not create a world nor a society of people to go backwards. God gave into mankind the capabilities to always move forward collectively to continue to build an ever advancing and prospering society.
Q'anon thread now?
No Right Winger can successfully challenge what it contained within this thread, if they choose wisely, they can engage to learn, but to try and fight and defeat and deny what is written is futile.
The subject matter is far too intricate for their one liner slap stick, so they will avoid and run to threads they can play their "slap stick, attack and denialism" to feed the vanity of their ego.
As we've seen many do exactly as such, with any thread that actually goes into detail about 'anything". As we know many don't read and comprehend and when they see more than one line of text, or more than one variable discussed, it become confounding.
They look for a simplified "bottom line'... with no awareness that "no terrain has a smooth bottom line, and they forget or just don't know, there is always more that exist beyond the lines they draw.

They can be gerrymandered in to autocratic dictations, because it relieves them of having to think and engage critical thinking for themselvs.

We see that in how they have these exaggerated expectation of what is a President and what Role and Limits exist in what is a President. Because they have been taught to expect a white man to hold office that they have always expected him to "wave a magic wand' and give them a perfect life.
When fact is... a President puts forth an Agenda.. it is up to "We the people" to build and support what it takes to achieve the elements within and of the Agenda.
This is something many simply don't understand.

They instead look to vile people like Trump that teaches them to fight against everything, including themselves and to rely on divisiveness and racism, which is the prescription that Autocrats always pursue, in their vain want to dominate and dictate over people. People like Trump see the public as weak and gullible, submissive to "attack agenda", and unaware that what they attack is their own lifes and the socieity that their ancestry helped provide their labors to build for an ever advancing future. Trump plays on the fears of their own self chosen concepts of inaducaticies; where they were groomed to rely on their skin, to expect privilege and egotical vanity. That has always been driving cycle leading them to the self driven weakning of their capability and the self diminished concept of themselves, as being just a human being. Which has fed them over many generation with prejudices, and those prejudices is the food of their rage, that inhibit them from becoming intergrated members of an ever developing multi racial and multiethnic society of human beings.
No Right Winger can successfully challenge what it contained within this thread, if they choose wisely, they can engage to learn, but to try and fight and defeat and deny what is written is futile.

This entire thread is a joke. It is a partisan hack job if I ever saw one. There are absolutely fringe groups on the right behaving badly. There are absolutely fringe groups on the left behaving badly. This isn't about left or right, this is about increasing polarity in domestic politics. You can rant and rail about Three Percenter types all you want the same way the right wing will rail about ANTIFA and BLM, but oddly your pages of ignorant rants only focus on one side of the problem, blow it wildly out of proportion, and make hyperbolic statements as the cherry on top.
The Denialism - which has always been a habitual standards - Thus so, such as what you posted is not unexpected... !

What you fail to even grasp in the least of context, is the Linked data, created and compiled in a guide by the CIA. (which you likely did not read)
And within your simplicity that promotes your denialism, is the open disregard for the linked information of people from groups who research and study the history of insurgency. (which you likely did not read)
  • What you ignore to acknowledge when you claim it focuses on one side of the matter. Is the fact, the side that it focuses on has been and is current filled with many who still cling to ideology of prejudices and discriminations, as was demonstrated by the side that has long history from pre the Confederacy and Post Confederacy, through Jim Crow to the long list of hate groups that exist, based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and other historical segregationist policies built upon such prejudices.
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Denialism is demonstrated, by lack of self invested efforts to learn, therefore, it falls to submit itself with no conscience foundational knowledge of the simplicity as to what is BLM, it's a simple statement that addresses the history of a society that tried for centuries and decades to make black lives not matter. If you, which I'm sure you are aware of the 100 yrs of Jim Crow Segregation then you would and should know what racism and discrimination did to try to make Black Lives not matter.
end quote

As to ANTIFA... ANTIFA have little to no allegiance to Liberal Democracy, they are anti-authoritarianism, but they are also anti-capitalisms, both of which, are not ideology held by people who support the principles of Liberal Democracy.
Right Winger try to push a false narrative as if to try and claim ANTIFA as being under the banner of Liberal Democracy.



end quote

Get over right wing spin and actually read and learn, its an amazing thing if one engages to do so, there is nothing like "a knowledge based mentality".

It's why and how the Framers of the Constitution, designed it for an Educated Society. They put a premium focus on "Education" and "General Welfare of Society".

One might want to read "
The Preamble" - to grasp the significance of its words and meaning, its principles, purpose and function in what led to the Article of The Constitution.

The Preamble​

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
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I am not unaware but it is an amazingly sad things, to see people who claim they want peace and a good society, but do not want to invest to learn the things that need to be learned to make it a good society of peace loving multiethnic and multiculturally respecting people.

Anyone, who is aware of the American History, should know, It's more than a whim, to address, and collective work to build our future on based on knowing the challenges of history that led to the divisiveness which still exist in "many" within our American Society.
Those that fail to learn, are prone to carry on and spread the same madness of the past, and they can easily be led to try and recreate the vile, madness and malice of the past.
God gave mankind the ability to review and learn... those who fight that great gift, allow their fears, bias, bigotry and prejudices to lead them away from learning. They disavow the gift God gave man of such conscience mental capabilities. Such types driven by fear, rather embrace their historical prejudices than to learn the truth, that sets them free from the grip and control their prejudices have upon and over their lives.

"Principles" are based on "Truths"... no man can get around that!!! Those who try become the type of "malice driven insurgents that attack the Civil and Civic Principles that are foundational unto what is Representative Democracy, which is based in "Equality of Person, as Individual" who is known as a Citizen, and those principles have openness to "immigrants" who want to enjoy this nation, who want to become citizens. It also extends to those who come to this country, "from many places around the world", as students, seasonal workers, business people, travelers who travel for countless reasons, as well as people who come as refugees.
Yes, we have people of all races and ethnic country of origin who come as illegals, some become illegal who overstay their paperwork. Yet, we have a society that only see brown skin people in their crosshairs when they talk about "illegals Immigrants", when fact is, the uncounted and high volume of people who do not have brown skin, who come and remain in America illegally.
Yet, while some complain about "illegals", there is the broad sections who will in the blink of an eye, hire illegals in their want to use those peoples skills to save money for themselves, and then turn and complain highly about illegals, when they don't have an immediate need for the labor and skills of these people.

Not many if any Illegals come to America without having an Appreciation for American Governing Principles and Values of how the System of organized society and its quality standards support and promote. They come because they find those things attractive and appealing to supporting a quality standard of living.

People need to think things through and invest to learn more about facts and people as person, who is an individual, before they lose themselves in "pursuing something to be aggrieved about".

Over Decades, what people don't grasp and many don't try to grasp, is that even within the ranks of Illegal Immigrants, they have contributed $10's and $100's of Billions in Labor, and they purchase from the same merchants who move products to society, which keeps many Americans working to produce those products. That's not advocating for Open Borders, or Promoting Illegal Immigrations, its simply stating facts.

It's our job as people, to acknowledge and stand up for dignified and respectful Immigrations, not keep fighting against immigration reforms based on some delusions and madness of only wanting "white skin" people to immigrate.
We make our system work, by dealing with the Principles of Immigrations. If we set Immigration quota's, the quota scale must apply to "all countries", as a fair program.

America has always been since before the Declaration of Independence, a land of diversity, as well as it became a land of immigrants. It was at one time a land of many Tribes of American Indians, as well as vast segments belonged to Mexico, which had many people from central and South America that traversed the land. There were points in time that France has a southern presence, as did many other countries over the centuries and decades. That's Facts and Truth of History, People and the Land that is America.
We are yet to learn what we need to learn about "America"... Various Governments do exist within what is Americas Continental Expanse, which includes, Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America. this includes the collective of Island Nations.


If we understood "Continent Unity" we'd be far better in All Parts of This Western Continent, which includes the lands in the 'center" of the picture above.

Consider the Wealth and Richness of People, Cultures, Skills, and The Vast Resources that exist on this Continent

We've neglected for Centuries and Decades of Building Continental Alliances as they could be built.

We had too much divisiveness, race, and other elements that caused us to not pursue "our commonalities".
We are connected by the Nature of the Landscape


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