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An Impeachment Analysis (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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This is an extremely good article on issues of impeachment. Seems that most Democratic leaders have read this article, or one like it, because they are distancing themselves from this movement, preferring to concentrate their resources on 2008, although a few are still making it an issue.

Why not impeach? Because it is not a good political issue. The Republicans did not gain much politically by impeaching Clinton, and the result for the Democrats would be pretty much the same if they tried to impeach Bush.

My prediction is that, if Democrats really try to impeach Bush, provided they win the House in 2006, the results will hurt them, rather than help them.

What does everyone else think?

Article is here.
It's interesting to see how the liberals are now putting forth the reasons why Bush won't be impeached for anything. They see that it's time to put the excuses in place.
Well the thing is Clinton was impeached for total BS reasons. W will be impeached for doing things that have actually harmed the country and our government. That's the BIG difference between the two. If the Democrats don't impeach him because they are afraid of their image perhaps we should hold them accountable for that after we get W and his cronies out of office.
Cassapolis said:
Well the thing is Clinton was impeached for total BS reasons. W will be impeached for doing things that have actually harmed the country and our government.
We have heard this for several years now. So when is it going to happen?
When the Democrats stop being wussies and decide they actually want to make this country better and restore our democracy.
Assuming impeaching Bush is a good idea, which I don't think it is, has anyone calling for his head in here given a 2nd thought to whom would become President if it did happen? And would you rather have him as President?

Does anyone really think that Cheney would be LESS of a war-hawk than Bush?

I think impeachment would be the equivalent of cutting off your nose to spite your face...

But, that's just my opinion.. I could be wrong... but I'm not...
I think if Bush got impeached Cheney would follow in short order.
In the context in which he broke the law, yes. Who wouldn't lie so their wife wouldn't find out that they had been boning their secretary?
Cassapolis said:
Well the thing is Clinton was impeached for total BS reasons. W will be impeached for doing things that have actually harmed the country and our government. That's the BIG difference between the two. If the Democrats don't impeach him because they are afraid of their image perhaps we should hold them accountable for that after we get W and his cronies out of office.

Yeah, Clinton was impached for the TOTAL BS reason of committting a FELONY by lying under oath in his sexual harrassment suit against a citizen, in an attempt to deprive her of her right to a fair trial, a right that he took a sworn oath to defend as President of the United States!

C'Mon, it wasn't like they charged himwith the treasonhe committed of selling missile technology to the Chinese military (the money placed into his campaign war chest tracked directlyback to the Cinese military) that finally gave the Chinese to strike the U.S. with its nuclear arsenal, thereby having the ability to fry millions of Americans one day!

And it's not like they impeached him for all those illegal FBI files he had collected on all the GOP and his opponents, keeping them to use for his personal use.

Hey, and it's not like his impeachment had anything to do with his wife, hillary, crossing a police line, entering a police-taped ince foster's office after he was murder...er, committed suicide, steakling a box of files, lying by saying she never knew those files evenexisted, only to have those files found in their living quarters with her finger prints all over the files days later!

And its not like they Impeached him for cowardice or failure to take action after Bin laden declared war on the U.S. and sent al Qaeda hunting our citizens around the world! Clinton's ignoring the Kobar towers attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and 2 African Embassies in which americans died while he fought for his legal life in sexual law suits and scandal had nothing to do with his Impeachment. and his refusal to take bin laden into custody when he was offered to us after the 1st couple attacks on Americans abroad neither hurt America nearly as bad as what Bush has done and had nothing to do with his Impeachment!

Geesh, man! So as you can see, the impeachment of Clinton was just BOGUS! Although there have only been 3 Presidents in this country's history who have been impeached and all being Democrats, and although 'getting even' has been at the forefront of the Democratic party's mind, driving them to go after every issue every waking moment of every day during Bush's Presidency, the Democrats have pretty much finally gotten to the point where they can let all that go and focus on the Senate seats and then maybe on to 2008!
Cassapolis said:
I think if Bush got impeached Cheney would follow in short order.

For what? Besides the crime of breathing while Republican, what has Cheney done to rise to an impeachable offense?
reaganburch said:
For what? Besides the crime of breathing while Republican, what has Cheney done to rise to an impeachable offense?

Legislating Under the Influence of GOP
Attempted Murder

The list of things that can be made up is endless.....
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easyt65 said:
Legislating Under the Influence of GOP
Attempted Murder

The liest of things that can be made up is endless.....

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, so I don't know how to reply... lol
reaganburch said:
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, so I don't know how to reply... lol

Sarcasm, my man, pure un-adultered sarcasm! :cool: :lol:
easyt65 said:
Sarcasm, my man, pure un-adultered sarcasm! :cool: :lol:

I thought I sensed the smell of sarcasm, but I wanted to make 100% sure before I loaded my barrels and started firing...
easyt65 said:
C'Mon, it wasn't like they charged himwith the treasonhe committed of selling missile technology to the Chinese military (the money placed into his campaign war chest tracked directlyback to the Cinese military) that finally gave the Chinese to strike the U.S. with its nuclear arsenal, thereby having the ability to fry millions of Americans one day!
Please show some proof, I can't seem to find it.

easyt65 said:
And it's not like they impeached him for all those illegal FBI files he had collected on all the GOP and his opponents, keeping them to use for his personal use.
And you think that this same act hasn't been done by nearly every administration since the FBI was created? No, W just wire taps them right?

easyt65 said:
And its not like they Impeached him for cowardice or failure to take action after Bin laden declared war on the U.S. and sent al Qaeda hunting our citizens around the world! Clinton's ignoring the Kobar towers attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and 2 African Embassies in which americans died while he fought for his legal life in sexual law suits and scandal had nothing to do with his Impeachment. and his refusal to take bin laden into custody when he was offered to us after the 1st couple attacks on Americans abroad neither hurt America nearly as bad as what Bush has done and had nothing to do with his Impeachment!

Bin Laden was never offered to us. He was offered to the Saudi's who declined the offer even tho Clinton wanted them to detain him. On June 21, FOX News Channel co-host Sean Hannity repeated the false claim that former President Bill Clinton refused an offer from Sudan to turn over Osama bin Laden to the United States in 1996, even though the 9-11 Commission found no "reliable evidence to support" the claim that Sudan made such an offer. This false claim originated in a 2002 article by the right-wing news site NewsMax.com that distorted a 2002 statement by Clinton. Lanny J. Davis, former White House special counsel to Clinton, pointed out that Hannity was lying, but Hannity persisted. Just because it is said on Fox News doesn't make it the truth. I it probably more likely to be right wing spin if it comes from them.

pages 3 and 4


easyt65 said:
Geesh, man! So as you can see, the impeachment of Clinton was just BOGUS! Although there have only been 3 Presidents in this country's history who have been impeached and all being Democrats, and although 'getting even' has been at the forefront of the Democratic party's mind, driving them to go after every issue every waking moment of every day during Bush's Presidency, the Democrats have pretty much finally gotten to the point where they can let all that go and focus on the Senate seats and then maybe on to 2008!

Federal law "has a forceful and blanket prohibition against any electronic surveillance without a court order," said Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., as he opened a hearing on the National Security Agency's eavesdropping program.

The IV Amendment Remember that little piece of paper called the Constitution?
Saddam Hussein did not possess stockpiles of illicit weapons at the time of the U.S. invasion in March 2003 and had not begun any program to produce them, a CIA report concludes.

In fact, the long-awaited report, authored by Charles Duelfer, who advises the director of central intelligence on Iraqi weapons, says Iraq's WMD program was essentially destroyed in 1991 and Saddam ended Iraq's nuclear program after the 1991 Gulf War.


Treasury Secretary John Snow notified Congress on Monday that the administration has now taken "all prudent and legal actions," including tapping certain government retirement funds, to keep from hitting the $8.2 trillion national debt limit.

In a letter to Congress, Snow urged lawmakers to pass a new debt ceiling immediately to avoid the nation's first-ever default on its obligations.



Despite the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of public trials, nearly all records are being kept secret for more than 5,000 defendants who completed their journey through the federal courts over the last three years. Instances of such secrecy more than doubled from 2003 to 2005.


The case for impeachment is much stronger again Bush then it was for Clinton. I'm sure that you are aware that there is a still a couple of things I didn't list here that could also be put on the heap.
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Please show some proof, I can't seem to find it.

Dude, try looking for it: 30 seconds on Google gets you:

You gotta be willing to look corruption in the face without closing your eyes - ONLY way you're gonna see it! Treason, up close and personal!

Your whole post was smoke, mirrors, and half-truths after you got spanked on that lame comment you made about Clinton being impeached for NOTHING. he committed a FELONY! He lied under oath, nothing new for this pathological liar, but he did so in attempting to deprive a U.S. citizen of her CONSTITUTIONAL right to a fair trial!

Clinton always believed himself above the law, and, in the end, the democratic party split along party lines instead of doing what was right, punishing a man who committed a Felony and breaking the oath he had made in his oath of office as president! The onther heinous crimes, like the chinese missile treason, was brushed under the carpet and nothing became of it - the benefit of having your party control congress and the Liberals owning most of the media!

You try to divert the attemntion from me spanking you on your clinton Impeachment comment, bringing up everything you can, including the Bush wire taps, the same Clinton and Carter used, except clinton authorized the acces into private locations and the search and seisure of personal American property here in the U.S. without warrants...except HE did it in a time of peace, not war!

Clinton is NOT the innocent, pure, martyred President you rabid, liberal, Bush-bashing Democrats try to make him out to be! His legacy is set, as one of the most corrupt, if not THE most corrupt, Presidents in u.S. history, only 1 of 3 ever impeached, and one who turned his back on Americans he was sworn to defend after attack after attack that claimed U.S. lives by al Qaeda during his presidency! Even 5-6 years after he is out of office, we still have to deal with his scandal, like Berger's stealing and shredding classified documents that prove Clinton lied about Able Danger never briefing him about Al Qaeda!

If Clinton EVER cared about this country, he would just go away and let it heal. America was made a laughing stock around the world because of his lying and scandal - I know, I was stationed abroad during his crime/scandal spree!

So, sell your 'Clinton was a Saint' cr@p to someone who was in a coma during his administration and who is just waking up!
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Yes, I saw those too use some credible sources please, I'm not denying anything I just want good sources to base my beliefs on.

P.S. I didn't bother reading your rant because I don't generally consider opinions to be facts. So please respond with some decent links to back up your allegations
Cassapolis said:
Yes, I saw those too use some credible sources please, I'm not denying anything I just want good sources to base my beliefs on.

Liberal Dictionary:
Credible Source: 1)Any liberal source; 2) any source that does NOT print, report, or broadcast anything negative against the Democratic party.

PUH-LEASE! that was only the top 3 of a long linst of links of 'non-credible sources, according to you!

As far as for providing links to the other FACTS I have posted, WHY SHOULD I BOTHER?! Youhave already proven you plan to just claim that they are ALL from sources that are not credible!

As I said, you have to be willing to look the truth in the face without closing your eyes! dude, you are a die-hard, Bush-Bashing Liberal who thinks Clinton, the pathological lying traitor, was a friggn' Saint! There is no help for you! I could post 100 links, and it sould still do no good!

I did learn from you, though! From now on, when faced with someone who debates me and actually offers facts, I will immediately demand he provide links, only to discredit them as not being from a credible source, and declare their points as opinion, claiming, myself, the debate Moot simply because I say so! :cool:

Thanks, and have a nice day!
easyt65 said:
Clinton is NOT the innocent, pure, martyred President you rabid, liberal, Bush-bashing Democrats try to make him out to be! His legacy is set, as one of the most corrupt, if not THE most corrupt, Presidents in u.S. history, only 1 of 3 ever impeached, and one who turned his back on Americans he was sworn to defend after attack after attack that claimed U.S. lives by al Qaeda during his presidency! Even 5-6 years after he is out of office, we still have to deal with his scandal, like Berger's stealing and shredding classified documents that prove Clinton lied about Able Danger never briefing him about Al Qaeda!

If Clinton EVER cared about this country, he would just go away and let it heal. America was made a laughing stock around the world because of his lying and scandal - I know, I was stationed abroad during his crime/scandal spree!

So, sell your 'Clinton was a Saint' cr@p to someone who was in a coma during his administration and who is just waking up!
You gotta read this sometime...

This is from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Citypages...So there goes any claim of Rush-like bias...

It was also written in 1996...Years before the Impeachment process...

Bush is a lightweight compared to the organized crime "He whom shall not be blamed" was pulling...Here's JUST the first paragraph...

It's time to face the facts about the scandals now swirling around the Clinton administration. Not since the final days of Richard Nixon's White House have there been so many of a president's closest associates, aides, and cabinet members under investigation. Four independent counsels are now probing the Clinton crowd's misdeeds--a record for any presidency--not to mention a series of Congressional probes, some of the most important of which, it should be remembered, began when the Democrats still controlled the House and Senate. And the stench arising from the moral and ethical sewer of lies, abuses of power, obstructions of justice, political payoffs, and plain old-fashioned boodling thus far uncovered surpasses by far the sleaze of a little land deal in Arkansas known as Whitewater.

Read on...Simply fascinating...:roll:
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danarhea said:
This is an extremely good article on issues of impeachment. Seems that most Democratic leaders have read this article, or one like it, because they are distancing themselves from this movement, preferring to concentrate their resources on 2008, although a few are still making it an issue.

Why not impeach? Because it is not a good political issue. The Republicans did not gain much politically by impeaching Clinton, and the result for the Democrats would be pretty much the same if they tried to impeach Bush.

My prediction is that, if Democrats really try to impeach Bush, provided they win the House in 2006, the results will hurt them, rather than help them.

What does everyone else think?

Article is here.

It is nothing more than an act of desperation by the few whom are seeking his impeachment. They are hoping that it will gain more steam, ..but in reality it will BE SEEN for what it really is which has been in the works for some time, & that is, & has been to impugn Bush's character, & imply that he is a liar, a murderer, a conniver, & power mad.

You see, ..some democrats simply do not like it because Bush does not dance to "THEIR" tune, & what Bush has wanted, ..he has gotten.

To many democrats this might seem unfair, ..but it is how this game is played by the rules that exist. When the minority in congress cannot stop the congressional majority, ..many liberals see this as "unfair" or as some usurping of power by the president.;)

They, ..the democrats ''WANT" the majority to "share" power with them, ..but the GOP does not have to, ..& this is what irks them so.

The Democratic party is witnessing their own slow downfall, & irrelevancy mostly because they bedded themselves down with too much liberalism within their ideology base.

When a president is charged, & accused of by democrats, & given air-time for:

Stealing an election, being racist, being a liar, suppoting torture, being in collusion with big oil to invent a terror enemy, being a murderer, deliberatley witholding aid to the black residents of New Orleans, ..& even suggesting that he had the levees "blown up" as some have suggested, ..& even opining that somehow president Bush "might" have even created 9/11 himself in some hackneyed plot to kill his own citizens????

Personally I HOPE that some of these irresponsible democrats keep pushing for president Bush's impeachment as it will only re-inforce what most sensible people already know & think of the modern democratic party which is the fact that it is living in its own "alternate reality" state which is, & has been way out of the REAL mainstream majorities belief system.

Blaming America first, indicting our soldiers for mostly bytch slapping terrorists, looking for sympathy for american adversaries, & attempting to even "think" about giving constitutional rights to terrorists (Dick Durbin), & then playing the same old phoney race card that the liberals in the democratic party love to engage in, ..ain't gonna endear the democratic party to the real mainstream voter.

The modern democratic party is getting to get quite a reputation as appeasers, pacifists, weak on crime, big on multi-culteralism, big on internationalist love, their loathing of american tradition, & inventing "victims" to empower more phoney focus groups all under the "PHONEY" guise of civil rights issues.

An attempted impeachment of president Bush may drive the last nail in the coffin of liberalism, & the democratic party. The more intelligent democrats KNOW this, & thus are distancing themselves from this thought of impeachment.

Corruption, & scandals is the only hope the democratic party has these days, ..& that is why the democratic party, along with the MEDIA is trying to keep those topics in the front pages, ..& their attempt at tying in all of the scandals, & corruption stories to the administration, & the GOP!

It is the same for the war in iraq, ..to keep it as the war in Viet-Nam was, to stage protests, & have president Bush to appear power hungry & corrupted as Nixon was so portrayed!

Those democrats may very well succeed in their adventure, ..but it will not quite get them the desired results that they so hope for, but rather BACKFIRE on them in reverse form because MOST americans know that those democrats have been invested in destroying the Bush presidency for quite some time now because that is exactly about the only damn thing they have been doing while "pretending" to be serving their constituents.

Obstruction, villifying, smearing, accusing, & charging some of the most ludicrous hateful things against president Bush with proofs lacking will ALWAYS be remembered as their last chance for relevancy.;)
OK, for all those who have been too freakin' lazy to do their own research and have said that unless I to what I have been posting, here's a SMALL portion of the laundry list you guys can chew on these:

Constitutional Definition of treason:
The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
“Adhere to": To remain devoted to or be in support of something.”

Clinton Missile/Tchnology Treason: China Gate/Reno Held in Contempt for refusing to release documents regarding the case, refuses to Call for Independent council:

Durbin Calls Troops Nazis:http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44804

“Dem. Dickhe@d Durbin Calls Troops Nazis”

Aljazeera.Net - US senator stands by Nazi remark
... of US soldiers at Guantanamo Bay to those of Nazis ... authorising torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure," Durbin ... The Bush administration calls the Guantanamo ...
*Good piece by Aljazeera praising durbin for calling troops Nazis!

Kerry Calls Troops Terrorists:

Murtha Calls for U.S. to Surrender:

Dean: America Can’t Win:

(These are just a small sample of the long list of links on these topics)

Dems distance themselves from Dean
... Dems distance themselves from Dean. Printable Version. Email This Article. Leading Democrats distanced themselves Wednesday ... opponent Sen. John Kerry in radio, television and ...

The Dems are out of control, as I have said, and now as I have provided Links. You called down the thunder, now here's the proof. You guys have quite a few links to discredit....
cnredd said:
Read on...Simply fascinating...

This isn't news, it's editorial opinion. If you click on the authors name, it leads to a list of articles many of which first appeared under the banner of "Clinton Watch." Hardly fair and impartial.

As far as Bush, eventhough he should be impeached 10 X's over, it will never happen with a republican controlled congress, so the topic is not really worth discussing.
Hoot said:
This isn't news, it's editorial opinion. If you click on the authors name, it leads to a list of articles many of which first appeared under the banner of "Clinton Watch." Hardly fair and impartial.

As far as Bush, eventhough he should be impeached 10 X's over, it will never happen with a republican controlled congress, so the topic is not really worth discussing.

Your last paragraph sums it up perfectly too. I bet that just galls you too! :2razz:

Thats why congressional, & presidential elections are important, & why there are winners & losers at election time!

Of course, ..liberals don't think that there should ever be winners, & losers because to THEM why it must be unfair that they cannot hold on to their congressional majority anymore, ..right?

Why..it "must" have been a fixed election because they can't win UNLESS they pretend to be a ''centrist"!

Good thing for democrats billy boy campaigned as a "centrist" too, ..otherwise he would not have had a chance in hell; & that fate will await Hillary as well because people are more adept at seeing a wolf in sheeps clothing now!;)

Ain't it amazing that "liberals" can NEVER come out publicly on what "THEY" really believe in?? :smile:

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