danarhea said:
This is an extremely good article on issues of impeachment. Seems that most Democratic leaders have read this article, or one like it, because they are distancing themselves from this movement, preferring to concentrate their resources on 2008, although a few are still making it an issue.
Why not impeach? Because it is not a good political issue. The Republicans did not gain much politically by impeaching Clinton, and the result for the Democrats would be pretty much the same if they tried to impeach Bush.
My prediction is that, if Democrats really try to impeach Bush, provided they win the House in 2006, the results will hurt them, rather than help them.
What does everyone else think?
Article is here.
It is nothing more than an act of desperation by the few whom are seeking his impeachment. They are hoping that it will gain more steam, ..but in reality it will BE SEEN for what it really is which has been in the works for some time, & that is, & has been to impugn Bush's character, & imply that he is a liar, a murderer, a conniver, & power mad.
You see, ..some democrats simply do not like it because Bush does not dance to "THEIR" tune, & what Bush has wanted, ..he has gotten.
To many democrats this might seem unfair, ..but it is how this game is played by the rules that exist. When the minority in congress cannot stop the congressional majority, ..many liberals see this as "unfair" or as some usurping of power by the president.
They, ..the democrats ''WANT" the majority to "share" power with them, ..but the GOP does not have to, ..& this is what irks them so.
The Democratic party is witnessing their own slow downfall, & irrelevancy mostly because they bedded themselves down with too much liberalism within their ideology base.
When a president is charged, & accused of by democrats, & given air-time for:
Stealing an election, being racist, being a liar, suppoting torture, being in collusion with big oil to invent a terror enemy, being a murderer, deliberatley witholding aid to the black residents of New Orleans, ..& even suggesting that he had the levees "blown up" as some have suggested, ..& even opining that somehow president Bush "might" have even created 9/11 himself in some hackneyed plot to kill his own citizens????
Personally I HOPE that some of these irresponsible democrats keep pushing for president Bush's impeachment as it will only re-inforce what most sensible people already know & think of the modern democratic party which is the fact that it is living in its own "alternate reality" state which is, & has been way out of the REAL mainstream majorities belief system.
Blaming America first, indicting our soldiers for mostly bytch slapping terrorists, looking for sympathy for american adversaries, & attempting to even "think" about giving constitutional rights to terrorists (Dick Durbin), & then playing the same old phoney race card that the liberals in the democratic party love to engage in, ..ain't gonna endear the democratic party to the real mainstream voter.
The modern democratic party is getting to get quite a reputation as appeasers, pacifists, weak on crime, big on multi-culteralism, big on internationalist love, their loathing of american tradition, & inventing "victims" to empower more phoney focus groups all under the "PHONEY" guise of civil rights issues.
An attempted impeachment of president Bush may drive the last nail in the coffin of liberalism, & the democratic party. The more intelligent democrats KNOW this, & thus are distancing themselves from this thought of impeachment.
Corruption, & scandals is the only hope the democratic party has these days, ..& that is why the democratic party, along with the MEDIA is trying to keep those topics in the front pages, ..& their attempt at tying in all of the scandals, & corruption stories to the administration, & the GOP!
It is the same for the war in iraq, ..to keep it as the war in Viet-Nam was, to stage protests, & have president Bush to appear power hungry & corrupted as Nixon was so portrayed!
Those democrats may very well succeed in their adventure, ..but it will not quite get them the desired results that they so hope for, but rather BACKFIRE on them in reverse form because MOST americans know that those democrats have been invested in destroying the Bush presidency for quite some time now because that is exactly about the only damn thing they have been doing while "pretending" to be serving their constituents.
Obstruction, villifying, smearing, accusing, & charging some of the most ludicrous hateful things against president Bush with proofs lacking will ALWAYS be remembered as their last chance for relevancy.