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Americans, do you sometimes wish the British had won the Independence War ? (1 Viewer)


  • Yes, a British-ruled USBA is what I would have preferred/still prefer.

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • No, an independent USA with all its terrible flaws is still preferable

    Votes: 48 90.6%

  • Total voters
I think the USBA would be a better-organized, fairer country these days under British rule, with strict gun control and a working healthcare system. Much fewer crime as well.
trolling poll. severe bias against the USA. I reject this bullshit

all its terrible flaws
I think the USBA would be a better-organized, fairer country these days under British rule, with strict gun control and a working healthcare system. Much fewer crime as well.
yet England is becoming more and more violent. sorry, I prefer being a citizen, rather than a subject
They could have merged it with Canada then, while they were at it, after defeating the US insurrectionists.

That would have created the largest country (or colony) with 20 Mio. km2 (assuming they also bought Alaska from Russia).
The UK is neither becoming more violent, nor are the people there subjects (at least not now).
we don't want the nanny state monarchy you all have. we don't want a government that doesn't trust us with the same weapons it supplies the police, either.
One possibility is that Britain dumped their religious whackjobs and criminals for 150 years and then "lost" the revolution.
I think the USBA would be a better-organized, fairer country these days under British rule, with strict gun control and a working healthcare system. Much fewer crime as well.
Possibly, if we remained British we’d have much fewer immigrants in the country likely and less immigration broadly over history thus less crime.

Given though that British dominions were largely self governing and the 2nd amendment directly derives from British law I don’t see that changing.
I think the USBA would be a better-organized, fairer country these days under British rule, with strict gun control and a working healthcare system. Much fewer crime as well.

Why must your partisan bias show in the poll?

"... an independent USA with all its terrible flaws is still preferable." Really?

There is no valid answer when you poison pen them like that.
we don't want the nanny state monarchy you all have. we don't want a government that doesn't trust us with the same weapons it supplies the police, either.

The UK monarchy these days is just on paper, the only thing the Queen does is to swear in the PM and dissolve parliament or something.

Besides, everything else is legislated by parliament.

Also: nanny state ? That’s a joke right ?

European countries, among them the UK (which acts even un-European sometimes -> see Brexit) are fairer and less violent these days due to integration efforts over decades.

The USBA could therefore also be EU members as of right now !

Like French Guyana or something … assuming Brexit didn’t happen in that scenario.
I couldn't give a shit. White Americans-who own more guns per capita than any other group in the world-to the best of my knowledge-don't have any higher rates of violent crimes than whites living in Euronanny states that severely restrict gun ownership
Why must your partisan bias show in the poll?

"... an independent USA with all its terrible flaws is still preferable." Really?

There is no valid answer when you poison pen them like that.

That is not a bias, merely a fact instead.

Do you deny there are no terrible flaws right now, or were not over history ?

Even I would say that Austria had terrible flaws over time and still has, so has Germany, and most of the other countries.
That is not a bias, merely a fact instead.

Do you deny there are no terrible flaws right now, or were not over history ?

Even I would say that Austria had terrible flaws over time and still has, so has Germany, and most of the other countries.
its biased bullshit. it is slanting the poll so that those of us who support the USA are being asked a "when did you stop beating your wife" style question
we don't want the nanny state monarchy you all have. we don't want a government that doesn't trust us with the same weapons it supplies the police, either.

I beg your pardon, there are precious few people in the US that are qualified and with the intelligence and temperament to carry guns around everywhere. Plus: reasonable adults dont want to live like that. IMO. We dont want to have rolling shootouts on the freeways and slaughtered schools all so every moron with a pulse can carry guns around everywhere.

No, I disagree with Tender pretty often but he's correct here IMO. The US would be better off back under European rule IMO.
The mere fact that people like you and people from other countries post regularly on a US based and dominated site pretty clearly indicates...you all seem to care a whole lot about us and frankly....most of us couldnt give a **** about you or your countries if they had a sale on ****s and were also handing out free samples at the door.

The murder rates of White US people is 5x as high as the murder rate in Western Europe.

There are 190 million White people in the US and there were 7500 White murder victims, for a rate of 3.5 murder victims per 100.000

The Western EU rate for White murder victims is around 0.7 per 100.000 …
That is not a bias, merely a fact instead.

No, it is NOT a "fact." It is an opinion.

Even I would say that Austria had terrible flaws over time and still has, so has Germany, and most of the other countries.

And by doing so would also make answering problematic. Meanwhile, by your own "logic" you should have said "The UK with all it's terrible flaws," if you truly wanted to be "balanced."
you are on record wanting a complete ban on privately owned firearms so your opinion is rejected. Given that 99S% of lawful gun owners never harm anyone illegally, your opinion is contradicted by the facts. You and those who feel like you, should move to those gun free paradises. Your definition of a "reasonable adult" is both specious and stupid

I already assumed that this would be a polarizing question to ask and that Conservative/Far-Right US posters would go nuts over my question.
No, it is NOT a "fact." It is an opinion.

And by doing so would also make answering problematic. Meanwhile, by your own "logic" you should have said "The UK with all it's terrible flaws," if you truly wanted to be "balanced."
a proper poll would have asked this

Would you prefer that the USA was still under British colonial rule


I already assumed that this would be a polarizing question to ask and that Conservative/Far-Right US posters would go nuts over my question.
"go nuts"=pointing out the patent bias in your stupid choices

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