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American Motorists: Worse than Terrorists? (1 Viewer)


Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Political Leaning

"The body count from road accidents in developed economies is 390 times higher than the death toll in these countries from international terrorism, says a study appearing in a specialist journal, Injury Prevention. In 2001, as many people died every 26 days on American roads as died in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, it says."

Maybe we should start a War on Drivers.
While I certainly don't think we should ignore the terrorist threat, the amount of money and lives spent on this threat is way out of proportion given the tiny tiny fraction of deaths caused by terrorist compared to auto accidents and about a hundred other things.

But that's why you hear the cons tell us this is just like WWII all the time, and constantly warning us about terrorists, and why Bush has said "9/11" about a million times. It is the fear that perpetuates the justification for the spending and things like the war in Iraq.

We'll spend a trillion dollars because 3000 people died on 9/11, and then we'll probably all die from bird flu.
Don't worry, bush has us covered on the bird flu. He's already ordered 20 million vaccinations before it has even mutated into a contagious human form. It'll help a little, but we're still spending too much for too little.
Mikkel said:

"The body count from road accidents in developed economies is 390 times higher than the death toll in these countries from international terrorism, says a study appearing in a specialist journal, Injury Prevention. In 2001, as many people died every 26 days on American roads as died in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, it says."

Maybe we should start a War on Drivers.

There already is one, thank God.
before it has even mutated into a contagious human form

Read some of the CDC material on avian flu and you'll that one of the chief fears is that once it mutates into a human-to-human transmittable form, it can spread very, very fast. If you're not ready, you could be history.
oldreliable67 said:
Read some of the CDC material on avian flu and you'll that one of the chief fears is that once it mutates into a human-to-human transmittable form, it can spread very, very fast. If you're not ready, you could be history.
Exactly, leave it to the pros. Not the news, because they like to instill fear.
oldreliable67 said:
Read some of the CDC material on avian flu and you'll that one of the chief fears is that once it mutates into a human-to-human transmittable form, it can spread very, very fast. If you're not ready, you could be history.

I understand the concern, my father works in immunology. The real conundrum we face is that we are now making vaccinations for the flu in its bird form, not its human form (how could we?). What if the virus mutates enough that the vaccine developed from the bird form doesn't help people? Then we've already spent lots of time and money on a vaccine that could potentially do nothing at all. My point is, you could be history, regardless.

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