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America (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Political Leaning
If America had been discoverd by the Spanish or the Germans what would
have happend to our history,i wonder.What do u think guys.

America WAS discovered by the Spanish.

(Yeah, yeah; Vikings and all that. But no one made the connection that there was a whole new set of continents until Columbus found it, so it might as well have been Columbus.)

The Americas were also mostly colonized by Spain.
Different crap, different language? :2razz:

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Suffice it to say the had there been no English colonization of North America, or had the English lost the 7yrs/9yrs/French and Indian War, the world would today would be completely unrecognizable to us.
M14 Shooter said:
Suffice it to say the had there been no English colonization of North America, or had the English lost the 7yrs/9yrs/French and Indian War, the world would today would be completely unrecognizable to us.

Would be very interesting to peer through that doorway.
Harshaw said:
Would be very interesting to peer through that doorway.

I'd say "Mirror Universe", but we already know that developed from a militaristic US.

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