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America (1 Viewer)

Oct 4, 2018
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Is the greatest country in the world, in terms or the ability to speak ones mind without repercussions, the ability to own a gun, the tolerance, the constitution, the respect for women, the respect for the lgbtq community etc. America isn’t perfect, but to me it’s the close we’ll get to perfect.

Change my mind.
Is the greatest country in the world, in terms or the ability to speak ones mind without repercussions, the ability to own a gun, the tolerance, the constitution, the respect for women, the respect for the lgbtq community etc. America isn’t perfect, but to me it’s the close we’ll get to perfect.

Change my mind.

We'll be moving in the right direction, beginning 2021.

Love your user ID :pimpdaddy:
Is the greatest country in the world, in terms or the ability to speak ones mind without repercussions, the ability to own a gun, the tolerance, the constitution, the respect for women, the respect for the lgbtq community etc. America isn’t perfect, but to me it’s the close we’ll get to perfect.

Change my mind.

Oh please, it' obvious that you're trying to find someone who will point out an issue in the U.S. so you'll have an excuse to scream "Commie", "socialist", Libtard", et, etc., and thus be able to prove/demonstrate your conservative cred.
Is the greatest country in the world, in terms or the ability to speak ones mind without repercussions, the ability to own a gun, the tolerance, the constitution, the respect for women, the respect for the lgbtq community etc. America isn’t perfect, but to me it’s the close we’ll get to perfect.

Change my mind.

Lots of Western European countries are equal to or ahead of us in women's rights and LGBTQ rights.
Is the greatest country in the world, in terms or the ability to speak ones mind without repercussions, the ability to own a gun, the tolerance, the constitution, the respect for women, the respect for the lgbtq community etc. America isn’t perfect, but to me it’s the close we’ll get to perfect.

Change my mind.

You rant out some mindless propaganda and then ask anyone to change your mind. First prove you have a mind to change.

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