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America the Beautiful (1 Viewer)

I think this is more for the lighter side. But for for the first time, zimmer has shared something positive and I think everyone here can support.
I think this is more for the lighter side. But for for the first time, zimmer has shared something positive and I think everyone here can support.

Virtually everything I post is positive... in defense of Liberty.

Socialism is a vile pock on society... always has been, always will be, as it is hostile to the individual and their Liberty. Yet, Democrats pine for socialist legistlation and intervention at every turn.

Spending time here to educate the misguided and ignorant is but one of my gifts to society.
Virtually everything I post is positive...


Failed to post the entire quote for obvious reasons.

Even failed to quote the entire first line.// for obvious reasons.

Virtually everything I post is positive... in defense of Liberty.

Socialism is a vile pock on society... always has been, always will be, as it is hostile to the individual and their Liberty. Yet, Democrats pine for socialist legistlation and intervention at every turn.

Spending time here to educate the misguided and ignorant is but one of my gifts to society.

Tell me, what is it about Liberty you so despise?
Virtually everything I post is positive... in defense of Liberty.

Socialism is a vile pock on society... always has been, always will be, as it is hostile to the individual and their Liberty. Yet, Democrats pine for socialist legistlation and intervention at every turn.

Spending time here to educate the misguided and ignorant is but one of my gifts to society.

And you had to go ruin it.
And you had to go ruin it.

I “ruined” it?

You come into the thread with a couple negative comments:

I think this is more for the lighter side. But for for the first time, zimmer has shared something positive and I think everyone here can support.

1. You think the thread should be posted somewhere else. I believed otherwise.

It’s not a lighter side... it’s about Americans respecting the death of American soldiers and these men and women being honored... respected... so their children know we appreciate deeply their loss.

There is ZERO “light” about that. It’s deep... deeply touching... and frankly, watching that... hit me pretty hard.

2. You take a shot at me.

I defended the shot at me, and then you, being a complete moron, fail to see this...

...Then you create a second post attacking me for defending myself against your idiocy.

If anyone ruined it... it was YOU.

I posted the OP with zero comment. You promptly took a shot at me.

Classless fool.
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