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America needs a populist, antiestablishment leader (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 11, 2009
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Unfortunately, Trump is not the man for that job. While the effects of Brexit has taught me that we need a similar watershed moment to clear out many of the corrupt, greedy, and self serving career politicians in Washington who have saturated both parties, it is impossible to imagine that Trump can bring about that change, particularly since he benefits so much from the status quo, both in terms of his own personal wealth and his political ambitions. He also has neither the temperament nor the experience necessary to lead the country in a democratic revolt against the political class.

There is a leader, or several, out there who can yield a division that will break both parties in half and strike out away from the will of the elites but that is not the narcissistic billionaire with thin skin.
Unfortunately, Trump is not the man for that job. While the effects of Brexit has taught me that we need a similar watershed moment to clear out many of the corrupt, greedy, and self serving career politicians in Washington who have saturated both parties, it is impossible to imagine that Trump can bring about that change, particularly since he benefits so much from the status quo, both in terms of his own personal wealth and his political ambitions. He also has neither the temperament nor the experience necessary to lead the country in a democratic revolt against the political class.

There is a leader, or several, out there who can yield a division that will break both parties in half and strike out away from the will of the elites but that is not the narcissistic billionaire with thin skin.

I don't disagree.
Gary Johnson IS the best candidate for the job. He and Weld were both hugely popular in their states with both major parties. They will work to create some form of fiscal sanity and are socially liberal. They dont have a history of pandering and bending to whim and will. They are also on every state ballot. It makes sense to vote Johnson/Weld for PRes/VP and then vote for your favorite partisan congressman. That would shake up both parties and next time we might get better candidates than these two turds.
Unfortunately, Trump is not the man for that job. While the effects of Brexit has taught me that we need a similar watershed moment to clear out many of the corrupt, greedy, and self serving career politicians in Washington who have saturated both parties, it is impossible to imagine that Trump can bring about that change, particularly since he benefits so much from the status quo, both in terms of his own personal wealth and his political ambitions. He also has neither the temperament nor the experience necessary to lead the country in a democratic revolt against the political class.

There is a leader, or several, out there who can yield a division that will break both parties in half and strike out away from the will of the elites but that is not the narcissistic billionaire with thin skin.

We have populist establishment candidates and they're woeful.
Populist anything is generally bad news.

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