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America’s compromised leader (1 Viewer)


Mar 11, 2018
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EU. We're ready for you, Vladimir.
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The Guardian view on Donald Trump’s credibility: America’s compromised leader | The Guardian - Editorial

Earlier this week Donald Trump stood on the south lawn of the White House and ridiculed Theresa May’s Brexit agreement as a “great deal for the EU”. He is likely to make the same contemptuous case during the G20 summit in Argentina this weekend, although pointedly there is no planned bilateral. Given the political stakes facing her back home, Mrs May must feel as if 14,000 miles is a long way to travel for the weekend merely to be trashed by supposedly her greatest ally.

When this happens, though, who does Mrs May imagine is confronting her? Is it just Mr Trump himself, America First president, sworn enemy of the international order in general and the European Union in particular? That’s a bad enough reality. But might her accuser also be, at some level, Vladimir Putin, a leader whose interest in weakening the EU and breaking Britain from it as damagingly as possible outdoes even that of Mr Trump? That prospect is even worse.

Such speculation would normally seem, and still probably is, a step too far. The idea that a US president is in any way doing the Kremlin’s business as well as his own is the stuff of spy thrillers and of John le Carré TV adaptations. Yet the icy fact is that the conspiracy theory may now also contain an element of truth.
So what do you want Trump to do? Go to Defcon 1 and launch the nukes?
Come clean. That's his last chance of any actual respect. They all knew it from day one anyway. To hell with the piss video.

I know. They never do this.


The EU can't even get out of it's own way, never mind worrying about the US.

God help the EU if Putin ever got real serious.

Ahhhhhh never mind.................he already took Crimea while the EU sat on their hands.
The censorship move. Well done.

Nonsense. They describe their own article as a conspiracy theory. I just stated where this stuff belongs in DP.
Being coerced by the enemy to run for US president, knowing the election would be rigged.

Wait.....are you saying Russia forced Trump to run for the presidency, and arranged for him to win?
Wait.....are you saying Russia forced Trump to run for the presidency, and arranged for him to win?

That's pretty much the Democrat Party Platform.

Take that away and the Democrat Party Elites are stricken mute.

I know. There's nothing more disgusting that a journalist actually doing his job.

I know. There's nothing more disgusting that a journalist actually doing his job.


There is little more disgusting than a journalist departing from journalism to portray fantasy in quest of creating a lie.

Do you really think that trump did NOT want to be President?

Was that whole winning campaign strategy a mistake diverting him from a real goal that only you and Wolffe seem to understand?

When you see anything, especially a bold faced lie like Wolffe's, you really need to ask this question: "If this is true, what else must be true?
Do you really think that trump did NOT want to be President?

With all the sh*t, that came out of his mouth during the campaigns? Yes, makes all the sense in the world. "I need to trash this somehow."

When you see anything, especially a bold faced lie like Wolffe's, you really need to ask this question: "If this is true, what else must be true?

The assassination of Senator John McCain by a foreign national power? How about that?
With all the sh*t, that came out of his mouth during the campaigns? Yes, makes all the sense in the world. "I need to trash this somehow."

The assassination of Senator John McCain by a foreign national power? How about that?

John McCain was assassinated?

I think you have a scoop. Stop the presses! Are you saying that Trump said this or Wolffe?

Regarding anything that came out of his mouth, Harry Reid observed speaking of a different effort that if it worked, it worked.

Opponents of Trump seem to continually underestimate his resolve, ability and success. This is apparently not going to change anytime soon.
John McCain was assassinated?

I think you have a scoop. Stop the presses! Are you saying that Trump said this or Wolffe?

I'm saying John McCain was assassinated. Of course he was. In this the age of polonium and novichok.

Get your head out your arse already. Y'all need to get mad.


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