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All your Hair are belong to us (1 Viewer)


Jul 3, 2005
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Centrist Coast of California
Political Leaning
Missouri has put a new law through... a young person can now not have their pubic hair waxed without parental consent. This is not even LITTLE children we're talking about, that's already on the books, even though I think it was already too strict. But nooooooo, now 16 and 17 year olds must have parental consent in Missouri to get a bikini wax... :roll::roll::roll:
Lilith said:
Missouri has put a new law through... a young person can now not have their pubic hair waxed without parental consent. This is not even LITTLE children we're talking about, that's already on the books, even though I think it was already too strict. But nooooooo, now 16 and 17 year olds must have parental consent in Missouri to get a bikini wax... :roll::roll::roll:

I could see if they put an age limit of say 15 maybe. Or had some reg. requiring same sex waxing.
Lilith said:
Missouri has put a new law through... a young person can now not have their pubic hair waxed without parental consent. This is not even LITTLE children we're talking about, that's already on the books, even though I think it was already too strict. But nooooooo, now 16 and 17 year olds must have parental consent in Missouri to get a bikini wax... :roll::roll::roll:

OK, your point being what? I would think it prudent that anytime anyone has anything at all to do with a minors pubic area the parent should be informed and consenting.
I think they should make a law where you can have a wax done, but the person doing it can't use their hands....
Stinger said:
OK, your point being what? I would think it prudent that anytime anyone has anything at all to do with a minors pubic area the parent should be informed and consenting.
I think mypoint was obvious, as is yours... they just differ. ;)
I can see it from a legal standpoint. Hurt's like a sonofabitch. A teenager will claim they didn't know, parents will sue, etc. Waxing places are really just looking out for number one.
My kids always asked when they wanted to do something. The reason they did is that we almost always let them do what they asked to do. In a close family we would usually hear about the things they had done.

When I said no to something they wanted to do the "no" came after the explanation, not before. Almost every time there was a "no" I had come up with an idea that was better and gave them a chance for their friends to participate. I believe what made this work is that we wanted to participate.

What we are talking about here is holding parents responsible for not only raising their children but at the extreme, we prosecute those who don't perform that responsibility. Schools have been allowed to do things to or with our children without our input or even notification. Abortion activitists want children to be able to bypass parents. Children can go to church and enter baptism without their parents even knowing it's going on. This is an era of easy access to sex whether it's fantasy, media presentation or a don't care attitude by some while others see it differently.

I think if anyone thinks that parents should be held responsible for something, anything, their children do then the parents should have the responsibility of making decisions that influence their children. Some are going to scoff at laws. Some are going to take them serious. Many parents, if they are the responsible parents I speak of here, will look at these things and know who their children are. Their children will know them. A relationship that has been built on love and respect will trump anything you or I think.
:duel :cool:
Lilith said:
I think mypoint was obvious, as is yours... they just differ. ;)

So your point is that adults engaged in the hair waxing business should be allowed to have minor children expose their pubic regions to them and then be allowed to touch those public regions without the knowledge or permission or foreknowldge of the parents? Should they be allowed to advertise for the purpose of enticing those minor children into their shops so they can perform these actions on them?

I don't agree is that where we differ? If so then I think you position is patently absurd and dangerous for our children.
I have to say that I was a little flabbergasted by this one. I cannot see how a parent would object to requiring notification before their minor child had a procedure of this intimate nature. I can see where minor children would object, but fortunately we haven't reached the point where minor children make policy.

This goes back to a fundamental difference in some peoples beliefs about children. I believe (and the law would tend to support me in this) that minor children have little or no rights apart from those of their parent/guardian. Minors are unable to enter into a legal contract, they are unable to make decisions about their medical care, and they are not permitted to participate in elections.

Aside from a parent's right to control most aspects of their child's life - can anyone name a good reason that 15 year olds need access to bikini waxing? If you as a parent are truly concerned that your darling daughter may have some fluff-on-the-muff as she shakes her butt across the beach - then by all means take her and have that stuff stripped off. If my 15 year old daughter came to me and asked my permission to get a Brazilian wax, first we would be having a long discussion about why there are more important things for her to worry about rather than the appearance of her pubic hair. Of course, a lot of the same people who see no problem with 15 year olds getting bikini waxes would be the same people who see no problem with sexually active 15 year olds - so there you are.
What's the big deal?

All this fuss over a parental notification involving a little peach fuzz, when the same aged kid is legally entitled to have an abortion without parental notification?

Seems a little convoluted, doesn't it?

Fantasea said:
What's the big deal?

All this fuss over a parental notification involving a little peach fuzz, when the same aged kid is legally entitled to have an abortion without parental notification?

Seems a little convoluted, doesn't it?


excellent point.............thank you.........:applaud
if you think 16 year olds have jsut a little fluff, you haven't seen a 16 year old lately....that amazonian jungle can be nasty!

pacridge wrote:
I could see if they put an age limit of say 15 maybe. Or had some reg. requiring same sex waxing

Oh, I get it, it is perfectly ok for an underage girl to have her goods manipulated by an adult woman.....a raging diesel no less, but god forbid a guy should touch her!! Talk about enforcing homosexuality!

I think teens should not be able to have an abortion without parental consent, and I think they should be able to go get a bikini wax....of all the things we have to worry about, being clean, hygienic and well groomed down south is not one of them....no normal girl wants the ingrown hairs from having the equivalent to nasty red pimples next to your bathing suit...and no girl wants to look like Sasquatch between the legs...if your teen girl DOESN'T shave or wax, makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with her..didn't you teach her good grooming?!
Stinger... if you would like to discuss something without insults, I'm more than willing.
Others: please note that this is about 16 & 17 year olds. Not that that affects every viewpoint...but details can be important.

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