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Alexei Navalny: Substantial chance Russia behind poisoning, Pompeo says (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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My question is why do this? Makes no sense.... plenty of people die in "accidents" and shootings in Moscow, and yet Putin has to go through all this, get found out and risk trade deals and more?

Only one this benefits are others than Putin.

And I wish western media would stop saying only Russia could make this nerve agent... Ukraine and the UK/US could as well quite easily. In fact the inventor lives in the UK and is under UK protection.
Waiting for the Trump "I see no reason why it would be, Putin said it wasn't him, so I believe him"

And his fans saying that "the US has done some bad stuff too, what's the big deal?"
My question is why do this? Makes no sense.... plenty of people die in "accidents" and shootings in Moscow, and yet Putin has to go through all this, get found out and risk trade deals and more?

Only one this benefits are others than Putin.

And I wish western media would stop saying only Russia could make this nerve agent... Ukraine and the UK/US could as well quite easily. In fact the inventor lives in the UK and is under UK protection.

move to Moscowbad traitor
Waiting for the Trump "I see no reason why it would be, Putin said it wasn't him, so I believe him"

And his fans saying that "the US has done some bad stuff too, what's the big deal?"

"Pete! said USA/UK did it , Putin does not lie

"Pete! said USA/UK did it , Putin does not lie

Never said that the UK and US did it.. I said they COULD have been behind it as they have the means, motivation and opportunity.

All I am trying to point out, is that everyone assumes that it is Putin because the nerve agent was made in the USSR 40 years ago by a Russian scientist... who now happens to live and work in the UK. Also Ukraine was part of the USSR back then and retained a lot of hardware and knowledge after the break up, so they could easily be behind it as well.

I know automatically blaming Putin and his goons is the natural thing, but I cant automatically do this in this case because there is absolutely no upside for him in this and the other cases. Not only does the target not die, but the attack is automatically associated to him. He is a former KGB officer for **** sake, and he would not be this incompetent. Thats why I am suspect of the whole case... it makes no sense.

Look at this way... this guy was in Russia for years and like many others could have had an "accident" or been "shot in a robbery", but no not only is he allowed to live, but when they finally decide to wack him they not only do it in a way that is idiotic, but they also bungle it.. again! Serious incompetence there.. I mean they were willing to posion him with a nerve agent that could spread to the rest of the plane, so why not blow the plane out of the sky and blame Muslims? Basically it makes less and less sense that Putin was behind this and that is despite me wanting it to be true that he was as I absolutely the man and his regime.
Never said that the UK and US did it.. I said they COULD have been behind it as they have the means, motivation and opportunity.

All I am trying to point out, is that everyone assumes that it is Putin because the nerve agent was made in the USSR 40 years ago by a Russian scientist... who now happens to live and work in the UK. Also Ukraine was part of the USSR back then and retained a lot of hardware and knowledge after the break up, so they could easily be behind it as well.

I know automatically blaming Putin and his goons is the natural thing, but I cant automatically do this in this case because there is absolutely no upside for him in this and the other cases. Not only does the target not die, but the attack is automatically associated to him. He is a former KGB officer for **** sake, and he would not be this incompetent. Thats why I am suspect of the whole case... it makes no sense.

Look at this way... this guy was in Russia for years and like many others could have had an "accident" or been "shot in a robbery", but no not only is he allowed to live, but when they finally decide to wack him they not only do it in a way that is idiotic, but they also bungle it.. again! Serious incompetence there.. I mean they were willing to posion him with a nerve agent that could spread to the rest of the plane, so why not blow the plane out of the sky and blame Muslims? Basically it makes less and less sense that Putin was behind this and that is despite me wanting it to be true that he was as I absolutely the man and his regime.

"I said they COULD" Russian propaganda derives from multiple narratives , ...By simultaneously furthering multiple versions of a given story

"GEC Special Report:August 2020Pillars of Russia’s Disinformation and Propaganda Ecosystem"
My question is why do this? Makes no sense.... plenty of people die in "accidents" and shootings in Moscow, and yet Putin has to go through all this, get found out and risk trade deals and more?

Only one this benefits are others than Putin.

And I wish western media would stop saying only Russia could make this nerve agent... Ukraine and the UK/US could as well quite easily. In fact the inventor lives in the UK and is under UK protection.

Sending message.

A simple shooting could be a mugging.

Throwing someone out a window or poisoning with a Russian compound is a warning.
Sending message.

A simple shooting could be a mugging.

Throwing someone out a window or poisoning with a Russian compound is a warning.

Yep.. but does he need to warn? Not really... after what he did to Khordorkovsky.... I think everyone in Russia knows what happens when you cross him.

I understand your thinking, but lets be real here.. a failed poisoning, not once but twice, with a nerve agent that we are told is almost always deadly... so much for being almost always deadly if most people actually survive it. That is one of many issues with these supposed Putin attacks.. they are soooo bungled and "Johnny English", that it is laughable. All that is missing is the suspects are called Ivan Amaspy and Sergi Dumbass..
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is right, Will D Trump again cover (from sanctions) KGB/Putin and his capitals ?

"US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says there is a "substantial chance" that the suspected poisoning of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny was ordered by senior officials in Moscow. "

Alexei Navalny: Substantial chance Russia behind poisoning, Pompeo says - BBC News

related: Germany : Navalny was poisoned with a new type of Novichok nerve agent.

'Substantial chance' my ass. Come on say it, Mike. You know the Russians are behind it. But alas we know that you can't. Because if do 'your' boss is going to be quite cross with you for embarrassing 'his' boss.
'Substantial chance' my ass. Come on say it, Mike. You know the Russians are behind it. But alas we know that you can't. Because if do 'your' boss is going to be quite cross with you for embarrassing 'his' boss.

"You know the Russians are behind it" +1, and its not the first time

Yep.. but does he need to warn? Not really... after what he did to Khordorkovsky.... I think everyone in Russia knows what happens when you cross him.

I understand your thinking, but lets be real here.. a failed poisoning, not once but twice, with a nerve agent that we are told is almost always deadly... so much for being almost always deadly if most people actually survive it. That is one of many issues with these supposed Putin attacks.. they are soooo bungled and "Johnny English", that it is laughable. All that is missing is the suspects are called Ivan Amaspy and Sergi Dumbass..

Argument from incredulity is an interesting thing....

A Russian known for being critical of the current Russian government is poisoned in Russia using a known Russian compound that has been tied to another Russian attack by Russian agents....
Where is that on a real map?

from your ally RT

Moscow is one the biggest Muslim city = Moscowabad
"abad is a suffix that forms part of many west, central and south Asian city names originally derived from the Persian language term ābād (آباد), meaning "cultivated place" (village, city, region), and commonly attached to the name of the city's founder or patron.abadअबदابدeternity, time without endवह समय जिसका अंत न हो, अनंतवह समय जिसका अंत न ज्ञात हो, नित्यता, हमेशगी।44 views ·"
from your ally RT

Moscow is one the biggest Muslim city = Moscowabad
"abad is a suffix that forms part of many west, central and south Asian city names originally derived from the Persian language term ābād (آباد), meaning "cultivated place" (village, city, region), and commonly attached to the name of the city's founder or patron.abadअबदابدeternity, time without endवह समय जिसका अंत न हो, अनंतवह समय जिसका अंत न ज्ञात हो, नित्यता, हमेशगी।44 views ·"



Please fail again.

Moscowabad. Where is it on any map?
Argument from incredulity is an interesting thing....

A Russian known for being critical of the current Russian government is poisoned in Russia using a known Russian compound that has been tied to another Russian attack by Russian agents....

You mean accused by the British government who are harbouring the Soviet scientist who invented the compound.. and the evidence is based on UK, Ukrainian and American "intelligence".. who all are not exactly forthcoming with convincing evidence nor unbiased. Having pictures of Russian operatives in the UK is not exactly mind boggling. Just look at the current British government and you will probably find a few.

I am just not convinced at all that Putin would be behind this as it makes no sense what so ever that he would be so freaking sloppy.
You mean accused by the British government who are harbouring the Soviet scientist who invented the compound.. and the evidence is based on UK, Ukrainian and American "intelligence".. who all are not exactly forthcoming with convincing evidence nor unbiased. Having pictures of Russian operatives in the UK is not exactly mind boggling. Just look at the current British government and you will probably find a few.

I am just not convinced at all that Putin would be behind this as it makes no sense what so ever that he would be so freaking sloppy.

Argument from incredulity is an ugly thing....
You mean accused by the British government who are harbouring the Soviet scientist who invented the compound.. and the evidence is based on UK, Ukrainian and American "intelligence".. who all are not exactly forthcoming with convincing evidence nor unbiased. Having pictures of Russian operatives in the UK is not exactly mind boggling. Just look at the current British government and you will probably find a few.

I am just not convinced at all that Putin would be behind this as it makes no sense what so ever that he would be so freaking sloppy.
"evidence is based on UK, Ukrainian and American " you forgot to mention Dutch , Israeli, and rest of civilized word Subscribe to read | Financial Times
LOL, Move back to Moscowabad your comrades wait for you
Why lie?

I looked it up. Moscow has around 3.5% Muslims.

Lithuania had 4% of Poles. Let's call it Poland.

"Muslims will make up 30 percent of Russia's population by 2034, the country's grand mufti said Monday. Speaking at a conference in Moscow, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin said the number of Muslims in Russia has been growing with every passing day."


Russia Will Be One-Third Muslim in 15 Years, Chief Mufti Predicts - The Moscow Times
"Moscow has the largest Muslim community in Europe: about one ... data collected by the Moscow-based SOVA Center, "
How Islam Will Change Russia - Jamestown
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is right, Will D Trump again cover (from sanctions) KGB/Putin and his capitals ?

"US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says there is a "substantial chance" that the suspected poisoning of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny was ordered by senior officials in Moscow. "

Alexei Navalny: Substantial chance Russia behind poisoning, Pompeo says - BBC News

related: Germany : Navalny was poisoned with a new type of Novichok nerve agent.

As if there was ever any doubt! Anyone challenging Putin politically ends up in jail, poisoned or dead.

10 critics of Vladimir Putin who wound up dead - Chicago Tribune
"Muslims will make up 30 percent of Russia's population by 2034, the country's grand mufti said Monday. Speaking at a conference in Moscow, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin said the number of Muslims in Russia has been growing with every passing day."


Russia Will Be One-Third Muslim in 15 Years, Chief Mufti Predicts - The Moscow Times
"Moscow has the largest Muslim community in Europe: about one ... data collected by the Moscow-based SOVA Center, "
How Islam Will Change Russia - Jamestown

What is today?


Moscowabad = Stupid name calling.

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