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Air America radio going down the crapper! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Air America is close to losing its New York flagship station-knocking Al Franken & his liberal colleagues off the air in their second anniversary.

The network has a two year lease with WLIB (AM 1190) that is reportedly set to expire april 1, & at least one reliable report says it is extremely likely the deal will not be renewed.

LINK: www.nypost.com/entertainment/60684.htm

IF liberal talk radio cannot make it in NYC, ..where can it make it?;)
This should surprise no one. EVERY SINGLE attempt liberals have made to gain a foothold in the radio business, in TV opinion journalism, and most strikingly in book sales, has been an utter disaster for the last twenty years.

From Phil Donahue going down in flames to the abysmal book sales of liberal authors, the closest thing to a success liberals can claim is Bill Clintons million page, self-absorbed snore fest of a biography and Keith Olbermann's Countdown-which struggles to compete even with the late night reruns of its 8:00 competitor, Bill O'Reilly. (not that the left would ever admit Comrade Olbermann is liberal :roll: )

Liberals always get gigantic advances to write books, and until Regnery came out, the best way to describe an outspoken conservative was, "unpublished." Yet, despite constant million-dollar advances and being adoringly hyped on nearly every channel, liberal books bomb nearly every single time.

Conservative books sell wildly, and always have. And this is without all the Christian books being considered, since the NYT refuses to count Christian books in its best-seller list.

The undeniable popularity gap between liberal sentiment and conservative sentiment leads to these inevitable conclusions:

1) Conservatives read, liberals don't. (Franken tries to explain this away by claiming conservatives are obsessed with hearing people agree with them, and that's why so many conservative books fly off the shelves so strikingly much better than liberal ones. Of course, this could be true, since nearly every kind of media Republicans see is obscenely liberal, but after my experiences on campus, I am certain it is liberals who need incessantly validated by pats on the forehead from the unthinking herd)

2) As I have said many times here, the numbers on book sales and the success of conservative radio prove that middle America is Republican. Liberals, on the other hand, represent the ultra-wealthy Arianna Huffingtons and Hollywood lunatics, trial lawyers, criminals, and welfare abusers-i.e., the fringe. The facts don't allow any other conclusion. In fact, for further proof of this, check out the intro to the "Liberals favor the rich" thread.
I don't live in the states so i don't know the ins and outs of the talk radio business but surely a big liberal success in the last couple of years has come from Micheal Moore:

Fahrenheit 9/11:

Highest opening weekend ever for a documentary of any type (including IMAX and concert films) *Highest opening ever for a wide release under 1000 screens (beating previous record holder "Rocky III" in 1982) *Highest opening ever for a Palme d'Or winner (topping previous record holder "Pulp Fiction" in 1994) *Opening weekend numbers have already outgrossed the total domestic box office for Academy Award® winner "Bowling for Columbine", Michael Moore's previous release, which was in theatrical release for nine months

and the bestsellering books:
Dude, Where's My Country? by Michael Moore (Warner) - October 26, 2003

Stupid White Men by Michael Moore (ReganBooks/HarperCollins) - March 24, 2002
Liberal radio going down the tubes; I'm simply heartbroken. One of those radicals on Air America was this feminist Randi Rhodes. I listened to her for a while when I lived in Florida. She is the epitome of radical anti Americanism that has plagued the liberal media. What a witch.

Some female liberal on this board told me to stop getting my news from Rush Limbaugh. Had to laugh with that one. I was all set to give Air America a try to give the other side equal time. Now like every other liberal radio program--this one has seen the writing on the wall. LOL! Remember, my objective to posting on DP is to get one liberal a day to smarten up by coming over to the 'RIGHT' side. I do believe I have gotten one person to see the light.
ptsdkid said:
Liberal radio going down the tubes; I'm simply heartbroken. One of those radicals on Air America was this feminist Randi Rhodes. I listened to her for a while when I lived in Florida. She is the epitome of radical anti Americanism that has plagued the liberal media. What a witch.

Some female liberal on this board told me to stop getting my news from Rush Limbaugh. Had to laugh with that one. I was all set to give Air America a try to give the other side equal time. Now like every other liberal radio program--this one has seen the writing on the wall. LOL! Remember, my objective to posting on DP is to get one liberal a day to smarten up by coming over to the 'RIGHT' side. I do believe I have gotten one person to see the light.

You are SOooo right! IF free liberal radio cannot make it in NYC, .."liberalism" & the "democratic party" really is NOT the force that the media portrays it to be!

So what else is new? I'm begining to believe that maybe there was vote tampering in the 04' election.

Yeah, ...perhaps Bush really won by more than the near 4 million votes more that he recieved over Kerry.:smile:

Of course dead people voting, non-citizens trying to vote, convicted felons voting, voting more than once in different precincts has always been a democratic party trademark while running to the media & charging the republicans with racism, & discrimination by not allowing minorities to cast their vote!

Amazing...its never considered a violation of civil rights to go down to the welfare board & prove identity, ..but to the "democratic party" bean counters its considered a violation of civil rights to ask voters to show their I.D., ...huh huh?:smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
Air America is close to losing its New York flagship station-knocking Al Franken & his liberal colleagues off the air in their second anniversary.

The network has a two year lease with WLIB (AM 1190) that is reportedly set to expire april 1, & at least one reliable report says it is extremely likely the deal will not be renewed.

LINK: [B]www.nypost.com[/B]/entertainment/60684.htm

IF liberal talk radio cannot make it in NYC, ..where can it make it?;)

Well, if the mooney paper says it's so.... All hail the moonies.

I don't have any inside info on WLIB yet.

I do know that some fundies bought an AAR affiliate in Phoenix (giving the fundies 9 stations in the market) so I guess anything is possible.

If you want to look at the actual ratings,then look below. Rhodes is beating Hannity in NYC and Franken is beating O' Reilly and has one hour rated higher than Mr. Oxycontin.

Whether Pat Dobson and friends want to come in and buy out the station is another matter. Developing...


NEW YORK - January 13, 2006 - Air America Radio announced today that its flagship station, WLIB 1190 AM made impressive gains according to the Arbitron Fall 2005 Survey. WLIB successfully increased its P12+ AQH Sum-Fall by 23 percent (27,800 to 34,300). The announcement was made by Vice President/General Manager of WLIB 1190 AM Scott Elberg.

Randi Rhodes, host of “The Randi Rhodes Show,” beat WABC’s Sean Hannity in New York with a 3.3 share to Hannity’s 3.0 share in the Men 25-54 demographic (3-7 p.m.). In addition, Rhodes beats Hannity in the Men 25-54 (3-6 p.m.) demographic, receiving a 3.3. share to Hannity’s 2.9. Randi saw great success overall in the Fall 2005 book, with a 22% increase in P12+ AQH (50,100 to 60,900), a 6% increase in A25-54 AQH (32,900 to 34,900)and an impressive 59% increase with Men 25-54 (17,800 to 28,300).

“The Al Franken Show” also showed strong signs of growth according to the Arbitron Fall 2005 Survey. For Persons 12+ he increased his AQH by 56%(47,700 to 74, 600); increased his share from a 1.4 to a 2.3; and increased his TSL by 53%. In the key demographic 25-54 “The Al Franken Show” increased its AQH by 36%(32,600 to 44,400) and also went from a 1.7 share to a 2.4; the show’s TSL received a 32% increase.

Al Franken beat WOR’s Bill O’Reilly’s AQH/Share and TSL with P12+, A25-54 and M25-54 for his overall show and for their shared hour. 12n-3pm, Al achieved a 2.4 Share with A25-54, where O’Reilly’s affiliate WOR-AM achieved only a 0.8. With Men 25-54, WLIB also outperforms WOR with a 4.0 Share vs. WOR’s 0.4 Share. During the overlapping hour of 2pm-3pm, Franken reaches a 2.3 share with Persons 12+ where O’Reilly earns a 2.1. With Adults 25-54, Franken again has a 2.3 share, O’Reilly only a 0.8. Franken also defeated O’Reilly in TSL and Cume, with 1hr higher A25-54 TSL, nearly double A25-54 Cume (74400 vs 38400), and more than twice O’Reilly’s TSL and Cume with Men 25-54.

Franken also had 1 hour higher TSL than Rush Limbaugh’s show heard on WABC with P12+ and 1 hour 45m higher TSL than Rush with A25-54.

“Our fall success is due in large part to the hard work and efforts of our entire organization,” said Elberg. “Our exclusive place in the NY radio market has allowed us to reach an audience that has been underserved. I’m confident that we will continue to grow as we serve our audience and continue to deliver results for our growing number of advertisers. “

Highlights for WLIB 1190 AM Arbitron Fall 2005 Survey include:

Persons 12+ (MSu6a12m):

17% Increase in Share Sum-Fall (1.2 to 1.4)
22% Increase in TSL Sum-Fall (9h to 11h)
Adults 25-54 (MSu6a12m):

7% Increase in Share Sum-Fall (1.4 to 1.5)
12% Increase in TSL Sum-Fall (10h30m to 11h45m)
About Air America Radio
OMG a liberal radio talk show is going belly up. I guess I better become a Republican right away. I mean, this proves the Republicans are right about everything! Abortion, gay rights, the environment, this changes my mind about all those issues! :roll::roll::roll:
Binary_Digit said:
OMG a liberal radio talk show is going belly up. I guess I better become a Republican right away. I mean, this proves the Republicans are right about everything! Abortion, gay rights, the environment, this changes my mind about all those issues! :roll::roll::roll:

Losing WLIB would be a drag for sure, but they are on the following stations too:
XM Satellite Radio ch. 167

Akron, OH - WARF-AM 1350 AM

Ann Arbor, MI - WLBY-AM 1290 AM

Asheville, NC - WPEK-AM 880 AM

Atlanta, GA - WWAA-AM 1690 AM

Bennington, VT - WBTN-AM 1370

Binghamton, NY - WYOS-AM 1360 AM

Boston, MA - WXKS-AM 1430 AM

Boston, MA - WKOX-AM 1200 AM

Brattleboro, VT - WKVT-AM 1490 AM

Buffalo, NY - WHLD-AM 1270 AM

Burlington, VT - WVAA-AM 1390 AM

Chapel Hill, NC - WCHL-AM 1360 AM

Charlottesville, VA - WVAX-AM 1450 AM

Chattanooga, TN - WDOD-AM 1310 AM

Cincinnati, OH - WCKY-AM 1530 AM

Cleveland, OH - WTAM-AM 1100 AM

Columbia, SC - WOIC-AM 1230 AM

Columbus, OH - WTPG-AM 1230 AM

Detroit, MI - WDTW-AM 1310 AM

East Longmeadow, MA - WHNP-AM 1600 AM

Grand Rapids, MI - WTKG-AM 1230

Greenfield, MA - WHMQ-AM 1240 AM

Huntington, WV - WRVC-AM 930 AM

Ithaca, NY - WNYY-AM 1470-AM

Key West, FL - WKIZ-AM 1500 AM

Miami, FL - WINZ-AM 940 AM

Montpelier/Barre/St Johnsbury, VT - WDEV-AM 550

New Haven, CT - WAVZ-AM 1300 AM

New York, NY - WLIB 1190 AM

Petoskey, MI - WWKK-AM 750 AM

Pittsburgh, PA - WPTT-AM 1360

Portland, ME - WLVP-AM 870 AM

Providence-Warwick-Pawtucket, RI - WHJJ-AM 920

Rochester, NY - WROC-AM 950 AM

Rocky Mount, NC - WEED-AM 1390

Sarasota-Bradenton, FL - WSRQ-AM 1450 AM

Springfield, MA - WHMP-AM 1400 AM

State College, PA - WBLF-AM 970 AM

Washington, DC - WWRC-AM 1260 AM

West Palm Beach, FL - WJNO-AM 1290 AM

Austin, TX - KOKE-AM 1600 AM

Baton Rouge, LA - WYNK-AM 1380 AM

Brainerd, MN - WWWI-AM 1270 AM

Chicago, IL - WCPT-AM 850 AM

Corpus Christi, TX - KCCT-AM 1150 AM

Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX - KXEB-AM 910 AM

Davenport, IA - WKBF-AM 1270 AM

Duluth-Superior, MN - KQDS-AM 1490 AM

Ely/Hibbing, MN - WELY-AM 1450 AM

Lafayette, LA - KEUN-AM 1490 AM

Madison, WI - WXXM-FM 92.1 FM

Marion/Carbondale, IL - WINI-AM 1420

Memphis, TN - WWTQ-AM 680 AM

Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - KTNF-AM 950 AM

New Orleans, LA - WSMB-AM 1350 AM

San Antonio, TX - KTXX-FM 103.1 FM

Albuquerque, NM - KABQ-AM 1350 AM

Denver, CO - KKZN-AM 760 AM

El Paso, TX - KHRO-AM 1650 AM

Santa Fe, NM - KTRC-AM 1260 AM

Taos, NM - KVOT-AM 1340

Albany, OR - KTHH-AM 990 AM

Eugene, OR - KOPT-AM 1600 AM

Eureka, CA - KGOE-AM 1480

Fresno, CA - KFPT-AM 790 AM

Los Angeles, CA - KTLK-AM 1150 AM

Monterey-Salinas-Santa Cruz, CA - KRXA-AM 540

North Bend / Coos Bay, OR - KBBR-AM 1340

Portland, OR - KPOJ-AM 620 AM

Reno, NV - KJFK-AM 1230 AM

Riverside, CA - KCAA-AM 1050 AM

Sacramento, CA - KCTC-AM 1320

San Diego, CA - KLSD-AM 1360 AM

San Francisco, CA - KSRO-AM 1350

San Francisco, CA - KQKE-AM 960 AM

San Luis Obispo, CA - KYNS-AM 1340 AM

Santa Barbara, CA - KIST-AM 1340 AM

Santa Cruz - Monterey, CA - KOMY-AM 1340 AM

Seattle, WA - KPTK-AM 1090 AM

Spokane, WA - KPTQ-AM 1280 AM

Victor Valley, CA - KSZL-AM 1230 AM

Anchorage, AK - KUDO-AM 1080 AM

Honolulu, HI - KUMU-AM 1500 AM

Kihei, HI - KAOI-AM 1110 AM

Lihue, HI - KQNG-AM 570 AM
Well I guess that's good if their plan is to be a one city radio station.

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