We get that too so kindly stop ignoring it. Your post shoots itself in the foot. The worst part is you don't notice it. Not right away.
I'm not getting you.
The American people who voted for Donald Trump knew the baggage he was coming in with. They heard him say,
"I don't give a shit about you people, I just want your votes. You can all f*cking drop dead afterwards for all I care." They listened to him say it to their faces and they still voted for him anyway.
They heard 30 economists, many Noble prize winners say that Trump's tariffs and his mass deportations were going to double their grocery bills. They f*cking KNEW THIS and they still voted for him anyway.
They knew that Trump was a convicted criminal, a conman, a liar, a horrible stupid businessman who bankrupted 6 corporations including a f*cking casino, for Christ's sake. I mean how does even the most lamebrained, most inept businessman in the world BANKRUPT A F*CKING CASINO--a business designed to legally rob people???????? And yet Americans still voted for Trump anyway.
Americans are getting a President who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground--the stupidest most inept moron who ever ran for office, much less actually won it TWO f*cking times.
But the American people, despite all this, said they wanted this loser in the White House. So let the American people pay for their stupidity through the nose with higher grocery and goods prices.
The ones who were stupid enough to vote for him deserve every goddamned thing that he's going to do that f*cks up their lives. And I will be cheering when they're thrown out of their apartments because Trump brought on sky-high rents, and rummaging garbage cans for their next meal because Trump brought on sky-high grocery prices.
Sadly the smart people--the ones who DIDN'T vote for Trump have to be dragged into the gutter with the ones who did. But that's life. The good have always suffered right along with the stupid.