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Age limits on firearms? (1 Viewer)

Age limits for guns?

  • Good

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Bad

    Votes: 13 59.1%

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I always buy my grandkids their first guns...so far they have all been Ruger 10-22s. I love the 10-22. Its a good starter gun. I have 3 brand new ones in my safe right now...2 for the 2 year old twins in Alaska and 1 for my unborn grandchild due sometime in November. I have 4 kids...we are quite open about shooting and always have been. My kids all shoot.

Of course...just because 3 of my grandkids already have the guns and 2 of them have shot their guns, doesnt mean they are storing them under their beds. Their parents manage the firearms.

My wifes mom clenches up at the thought of it, but other than that...pretty much everyone in the family shoots. Its just not that big a deal.

I learned to shoot on the same Winchester Model 1906 that my kids did...its also sitting in the safe. Still a great shooting little gun.
Good or bad?

I bought my daughter a rifle for her third birthday and parents at the party went ape ****... why?

You Americans are often mad.

A gun is a tool for killing stuff. It is by nature very dangerous. You are very irrisponsible to give a 3 year old a gun or a sharp wood saw. With either blood will spill. You are meant to educate your imature daughter slowly with age apropriate stuff which keeps her reasonable safe. Learning that Daddy is a prat is not useful if it costs somebody else's life.

You Americans are often mad.

A gun is a tool for killing stuff. It is by nature very dangerous. You are very irrisponsible to give a 3 year old a gun or a sharp wood saw. With either blood will spill. You are meant to educate your imature daughter slowly with age apropriate stuff which keeps her reasonable safe. Learning that Daddy is a prat is not useful if it costs somebody else's life.

That would depend on who the "somebody else" was.

Teaching young children the proper handling, use and safety of guns is being responsible. It's the irresponsible ones who don't teach their kids that end up having them shoot themselves or others.
That would depend on who the "somebody else" was.

Teaching young children the proper handling, use and safety of guns is being responsible. It's the irresponsible ones who don't teach their kids that end up having them shoot themselves or others.

3 is not an appropriate age for guns.
Depends on the gun. Never too early to start learning. Kids that age learn very quickly too.

No 3 year old has the emotional capacity to understand how important it is to not shoot people.

Some adults don't seem to have the emotional intelligence to understand that 3 year olds should not be expected to be put in situations where adult responses are required or there will be trouble. Their political gun nut idelogy has blinded them to very very basic common sense.
No 3 year old has the emotional capacity to understand how important it is to not shoot people.

Some adults don't seem to have the emotional intelligence to understand that 3 year olds should not be expected to be put in situations where adult responses are required or there will be trouble. Their political gun nut idelogy has blinded them to very very basic common sense.

Sometimes it is important to shoot some people. Whether it is right or wrong to shoot someone depends entirely upon the situation.

No one said anything about putting a 3 year old in such a situation. We are talking about a low powered rifle that they can handle to learn with and do practice with. I don't think anyone is going to tell their 3 yearold to defend their house. Also,I don't think anyone is going to hand a 3 year old a rifle or handgun with ammunition and then tell them to run outside and play.

My first gun was a daisy BB gun. I had it all of about 5 mins or less when the barrel pointed at someone and the gun was knocked from my hands, taken away for a couple of weeks and it was explained to me never to point a gun at someone unless I intended to shoot them. With that also came the lesson on why we don't shoot people unless they are trying to hurt us.

You Americans are often mad.

A gun is a tool for killing stuff. It is by nature very dangerous. You are very irrisponsible to give a 3 year old a gun or a sharp wood saw. With either blood will spill. You are meant to educate your imature daughter slowly with age apropriate stuff which keeps her reasonable safe. Learning that Daddy is a prat is not useful if it costs somebody else's life.
Worry about learning how to spell irresponsible before you prattle on about others BEING irresponsible.

As for what is or isn't responsible...that's an entirely subjective thing, isn't it? We have firearms in the home. We hunt, we shoot for fun, we carry for personal defense...above all else...we teach responsible and safe use of firearms. My kids were not raised to be in awe of guns, to be in fear of guns...they were a reality, as much as anything else in the home. When they fired weapons, they were with me. They were taught by me.


We dont live in fear. Not of other people, and certainly not of guns.
Worry about learning how to spell irresponsible before you prattle on about others BEING irresponsible.

As for what is or isn't responsible...that's an entirely subjective thing, isn't it? We have firearms in the home. We hunt, we shoot for fun, we carry for personal defense...above all else...we teach responsible and safe use of firearms. My kids were not raised to be in awe of guns, to be in fear of guns...they were a reality, as much as anything else in the home. When they fired weapons, they were with me. They were taught by me.


We dont live in fear. Not of other people, and certainly not of guns.

I used to fear snakes, but then my dad gave me a 12 gauge.
Worry about learning how to spell irresponsible before you prattle on about others BEING irresponsible.

As for what is or isn't responsible...that's an entirely subjective thing, isn't it? We have firearms in the home. We hunt, we shoot for fun, we carry for personal defense...above all else...we teach responsible and safe use of firearms. My kids were not raised to be in awe of guns, to be in fear of guns...they were a reality, as much as anything else in the home. When they fired weapons, they were with me. They were taught by me.


We dont live in fear. Not of other people, and certainly not of guns.

Fearing guns seems very sensable to me.

As I said when I started in this thread; You Americans often seem mad to the rest of us.
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Fearing guns seems very sensable to me.

As I said when I started in this thread; You Americans often seem mad to the rest of us.
Why? Serious question...why?
You seem to want to live in a wild west society. You seem to like the closeness of death.
Why do you fear guns, and what makes you say what you just said?

Dood...I live out west. We are hell and gone from a 'wild west society'. Our state is quiet and peaceful. We have a far lower crime rate than you. Hell...take away the liberal utopias that are the major cities and their ridiculous ANTI gun laws and this country has pretty much NO gun problems.

England has over 4 million guns...many of them in the hands of criminals. Are you quaking? Are you trembling? Are you fearful? Are you worried the guns are going to rise up and kill you in your sleep?
You seem to want to live in a wild west society. You seem to like the closeness of death.

Not a bad idea. Contrary to the movies and myths, the wild west actually have very low crime rates. Ok, so wild Indian and Mexican Bandito raids didn't count. An armed populace made for very low crime rates and a very polite society.
Giving kids guns always works out well

yeah one screw up is applicable to ALWAYS

why are socialists generally so hateful of honest people owning guns? is it that an armed population is a vaccine against the creeping collectivist crud of socialism?
No 3 year old has the emotional capacity to understand how important it is to not shoot people.

Some adults don't seem to have the emotional intelligence to understand that 3 year olds should not be expected to be put in situations where adult responses are required or there will be trouble. Their political gun nut idelogy has blinded them to very very basic common sense.

I suspect if you had your way, no age would be old enough to own or use a gun.
Fearing guns seems very sensable to me.

As I said when I started in this thread; You Americans often seem mad to the rest of us.

we find the fear of guns in other countries to be laughable. We also wish to keep our arms so if foreigners try to take them away we can terminate such a threat. If you are afraid of guns-which you are-don't own one.
yeah one screw up is applicable to ALWAYS

why are socialists generally so hateful of honest people owning guns? is it that an armed population is a vaccine against the creeping collectivist crud of socialism?

What do politics of a commenter have to do with the fact that a 15 year old boy; (1) had access to a firearm in his bedroom and (2) first reaction was to fire a round thru a window in the dark of night?
I was shooting .22 shorts at 8 years old. There's no issue as long as kids are taught, supervised and understand that guns are not toys. The one thing that was drilled into my head was this: You don't point a gun at anything you aren't going to shoot - ever.

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