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Afroamericans only superhero died (1 Viewer)


Jun 2, 2020
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I feel it kinda ironic, since the movie Black Panther is all about divide race and segregation with majority black actors

And the storyline and the message was stupid too, black violence on black!
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I feel it kinda ironic, since the movie Black Panther is all about divide race and segregation with majority black actors

And the storyline and the message was stupid too, black violence on black!

And dont get me started on his portrayal of that un-American troublemaker Jackie Robinson.
Racist crap. It's funny how they often say 'black on black violence', but you probably never hear them say 'white on white violence'. I can't remember ever seeing the phrase.
Racist crap. It's funny how they often say 'black on black violence', but you probably never hear them say 'white on white violence'. I can't remember ever seeing the phrase.


Black Panther is all about racism! Do i need to link you fighting scenes black on black from the movie?
I feel it kinda ironic, since the movie Black Panther is all about divide race and segregation with majority black actors

And the storyline and the message was stupid too, black violence on black!

You know that Churchill quote about fanatics, how they can’t change their mind and won’t change the subject? That’s how I feel about stupid racists. They can’t change their disgusting views and they won’t shut up about them either.
do they have comic books in Russia?
do they have comic books in Russia?

i just answered my own question.


some of those look kinda cool. i take back any sarcastic remarks i was going to make. that's good work there.
I feel it kinda ironic, since the movie Black Panther is all about divide race and segregation with majority black actors

DC has Black Lightning, Cyborg, Henry Steel and his daughter. 4 Black heroes right there.
I feel it kinda ironic, since the movie Black Panther is all about divide race and segregation with majority black actors

And the storyline and the message was stupid too, black violence on black!

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And then apply some of this liberally to the bar for purposes of lubrication:


And then carefully massage your prostate with it. Be sure to do it three times a day, morning, noon and night.

All of your prostate woes will quickly disappear.

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