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Affirmative Action (1 Viewer)

Affirmative action is

  • A good way of supplementing injustices of the past.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Racist. Sending a message that minorities need special help.

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Other- Pro affirmative Action

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Other- Anti-Affirmative Action

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Other- Specify.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
Fighting racism via affirmative action could be compared to fighting suicide via the death penalty. Affirmative action fights racism in schools and in the workplace by saying that minorities are too stupid to compete with white males on equal footing? Please. Affirmative action seems like something I'd hear the KKK advocating before any reasonable politician.
PhotonicLaceration said:
What do you think about Affirmative Action?

At one time it was necessary....but now it's an anachronism.
I disagree, I don't think it was ever necessary. It was used to fight racism in the work place, but instead only created more racism and gave people a reason to have more animosity towards minorities who they now (and still do to some degree) viewed as after their jobs despite being less qualified. Affirmative action is counter productive, and almost reads like a Dixiecrat plot to help destroy civil rights.
It's good to see some liberals opposed to affirmative action. I am often called a racist, because I am a conservative who condemns AA. I'm no racist. The reason I oppose it is because I have seen it cause racial tension, rather than promote racial equality. At one time it may have leveled the playing field, but now all it does is tilt it the other way.
SHodges said:
I disagree, I don't think it was ever necessary. It was used to fight racism in the work place, but instead only created more racism and gave people a reason to have more animosity towards minorities who they now (and still do to some degree) viewed as after their jobs despite being less qualified. Affirmative action is counter productive, and almost reads like a Dixiecrat plot to help destroy civil rights.

Affirmative Action went beyond jobs.....it also went into college education and awarding government contracts. I don't know in what state you live, but I can assure you that here in Florida until the early 70's there was a "Good Old Boy" network that hogged most significant government jobs and all government contracts.

Although Affirmative Action can arguably be classified as reverse discrimination today...in its inception, it provided speedy relief to the effects of 200 years or racial and ethnic discrimination.
I know exactly where it went. Everyone it's influence was found was infected with yet more racism, with it creating yet more racial tension. And I live in Tennessee, a state with a probably more "Southern" attitude than Florida, and believe me, AA is not needed, and it does not help. It's speedy relief was nothing more than reverse racism that worsened the problem.
Re: Affirmative Discrimination

AA is just racist liberal puke code speak for hiring anyone but whitey.....

And I have news for you caucasian haters......caucasians ARE minorities....

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