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ADP (payroll processing company) says private payrolls rose by 455,000 so far in March, topping expectations (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
More good news.

"...private payrolls have risen at a monthly rate well above pre-pandemic trends, even as the overall size of the U.S. workforce still remains depressed compared to levels before the virus."

"Later this week, the Labor Department's "official" jobs report will likely further underscore the hot labor market conditions at present, with non-farm payrolls set to rise anew as the unemployment rate falls to a fresh pandemic-era low, based on consensus economists. Namely, Wall Street economists are looking for jobs to rise by nearly half a million in March as the unemployment rate steps down to 3.7%, from the 3.8% posted for February."

Wait til the actual numbers come out, then the usual anti-Americans will pile on to shit on American progress.
It’s good to see the job market improving despite our horribly incompetent president.
If Biden is doing such a lousy job of increasing employment, as the Rep/cons argue, just think how much better it would be if he were doing a good job! I don't hear that Biden is doing a good job from the Rep/cons. Worse than that, I don't hear he's doing a good job from the Dems, nor them saying the Rep/cons are full of bull.
Trump left office 14 months ago, get with the times
And shot has gone down hill ever since. It’s amazing the job market was able to grow when our current president is such a hot mess.
And shot has gone down hill ever since. It’s amazing the job market was able to grow when our current president is such a hot mess.
or maybe you are a mark that believes the far right propaganda.
And shot has gone down hill ever since. It’s amazing the job market was able to grow when our current president is such a hot mess.
Maybe its a lot more complicated that the simplicity that Fox News/AM radio make it out to be.
Maybe its a lot more complicated that the simplicity that Fox News/AM radio make it out to be.
Do tell what those outlets say as you seem to be the one listening to them
There is no question that all you ever believe is left wing propaganda.
you're the one constantly spewing exactly what Fox/the far right says.

now, go ahead and deny that Fox doesn't live on your TV. that's what all the other Fox News propagandists do.
More good news.

"...private payrolls have risen at a monthly rate well above pre-pandemic trends, even as the overall size of the U.S. workforce still remains depressed compared to levels before the virus."

"Later this week, the Labor Department's "official" jobs report will likely further underscore the hot labor market conditions at present, with non-farm payrolls set to rise anew as the unemployment rate falls to a fresh pandemic-era low, based on consensus economists. Namely, Wall Street economists are looking for jobs to rise by nearly half a million in March as the unemployment rate steps down to 3.7%, from the 3.8% posted for February."

"as the unemployment rate falls to a fresh pandemic-era low"
I am still waiting to get back to the pre-pandemic numbers.

It's the ECONOMY , it is ALWAYS the ECONOMY.
And shot has gone down hill ever since. It’s amazing the job market was able to grow when our current president is such a hot mess.
Down hill? 2020 had the largest economic decline in decades, things have only improved since then
Do tell what those outlets say as you seem to be the one listening to them
I don't listen to any news program on TV.
But you seem to think that job increases are happening despite Biden doing a horrible job.
Maybe it has nothing to do with him.
Maybe there are a lot of other factors involved.
Down hill? 2020 had the largest economic decline in decades, things have only improved since then

I’m old enough to remember when the Trump re-election campaign just ran ads about how shitty everything was under him saying “this is Joe Biden’s America!”

Weird that didn’t work.

But not weird, I guess, that people have already forgotten how truly awful things were two years ago, voters notoriously have goldfish memories.

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