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According to Biden... (1 Viewer)


Genius is where you find it.
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Oct 27, 2011
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...the 82nd Airborne is going to Ukraine and some of them have already been there.

“And you are going to see when you are there, some of you have been there, you will see women, young people standing in the middle in the front of a damn tank just I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground. They’re incredible,” he continued.​

I don't know...either Biden, as usual, is saying stupid shit or Biden, as usual, is deliberately trying to inflame an already bad situation.
...the 82nd Airborne is going to Ukraine and some of them have already been there.

“And you are going to see when you are there, some of you have been there, you will see women, young people standing in the middle in the front of a damn tank just I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground. They’re incredible,” he continued.​

I don't know...either Biden, as usual, is saying stupid shit or Biden, as usual, is deliberately trying to inflame an already bad situation.
How do you know none of them have been to Ukraine...ever?
How do you know none of them have been to Ukraine...ever?
Since it's not public knowledge if they have, then Biden is even MORE of an idiot for revealing that.
Since it's not public knowledge if they have, then Biden is even MORE of an idiot for revealing that.
How is he an idiot? Because he assumes some of them may have been to Ukraine at some point in their lives?

Some people do like to travel you know.
...the 82nd Airborne is going to Ukraine and some of them have already been there.

He didn't say when they would be there. Perhaps as part of an international humanitarian peacekeeping force.

Certainly not as combatants.

And many hundreds of US soldiers trained Ukrainians at the Yavoriv Combat Training Center near Lviv.
Saw a few minutes of the President talking to those troops in Poland.

I did not pay much attention to the import of his words. Just the same old same old.

I was intrigued, however, by his (relative) vitality: he is not suffering from any serious degree of dementia yet.

Yes, he lacks pep and is not so spry as President Trump, but his senior moments are due to his age and maybe those brain operations in the past.

Who knows? Maybe he actually will be able to run again in 2024.

If he does, I expect him to win.

As a Trump voter in '16 and '20, I realize that the Trump brand is too soiled to appeal to enough voters.
Since it's not public knowledge if they have, then Biden is even MORE of an idiot for revealing that.

It's very much public information. Every US National Guard detachment that rotated to Ukraine did so very publicly.

Usually a detachment of 200-300 soldiers. The Wisconsin NG Red Arrow Brigade at Yavoriv, Ukraine in December 2019......


It's ignorant disinformation like yours that causes the US problems. But as long as it is problems for Joe Biden, you just don't give a rats ass.
It's very much public information. Every US National Guard detachment that rotated to Ukraine did so very publicly.

Usually a detachment of 200-300 soldiers. The Wisconsin NG Red Arrow Brigade at Yavoriv, Ukraine in December 2019......


It's ignorant disinformation like yours that causes the US problems. But as long as it is problems for Joe Biden, you just don't give a rats ass.
Biden wasn't talking to the National Guard.
CNN has reported that another Russian General has been KIA in Ukraine. That makes 6 so far.

The Kremlin is also pulling Russian occupation forces from Georgia for the Ukraine fight.
Biden wasn't talking to the National Guard.

He also didn't say a word about if, when, or under what circumstances any US forces would enter Ukraine now did he?

Your just pushing sensationist garbage from mediate.com.
He also didn't say a word about if, when, or under what circumstances any US forces would enter Ukraine now did he?
That's a good thing. Giving out THAT kind of information would be tantamount to treason.

Your just pushing sensationist garbage from mediate.com.

Mediaite is a left wing news aggregate site.
That's a good thing. Giving out THAT kind of information would be tantamount to treason.

So should posting disinformation.

Give us a reputable news source that says the US 82nd Airborne is heading into Ukraine while the theater is still hot.

I'll wait.
So should posting disinformation.

Give us a reputable news source that says the US 82nd Airborne is heading into Ukraine while the theater is still hot.

I'll wait.
You're right. Biden isn't a "reputable news source"...even when he's talking to the troops.

Hell, even the WH pukes had to walk his remarks back.

So...it's just Slo-Joe saying stupid shit.
...the 82nd Airborne is going to Ukraine and some of them have already been there.

“And you are going to see when you are there, some of you have been there, you will see women, young people standing in the middle in the front of a damn tank just I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground. They’re incredible,” he continued.​

I don't know...either Biden, as usual, is saying stupid shit or Biden, as usual, is deliberately trying to inflame an already bad situation.
I think it was obviously a gaffe.
I think it was obviously a gaffe.
An obvious gaffe would be both in character and established track record. Probably a safe bet, percentage wise.

I wonder if the gaffs per minute rate is going up that he's on the decline? What do you think?
I think it was obviously a gaffe.
It wasn't his only one during this trip.

It's no wonder his puppet masters put him in a box on the weekends.
An obvious gaffe would be both in character and established track record. Probably a safe bet, percentage wise.

I wonder if the gaffs per minute rate is going up that he's on the decline? What do you think?
That would be an interesting metric to track.
It wasn't his only one during this trip.

It's no wonder his puppet masters put him in a box on the weekends.
I’m sure it wasn’t, but that was the only clip I saw.
He didn't say when they would be there. Perhaps as part of an international humanitarian peacekeeping force.

Certainly not as combatants.

And many hundreds of US soldiers trained Ukrainians at the Yavoriv Combat Training Center near Lviv.
How are members of a peackeeping force not combatants?
It wasn't his only one during this trip.

It's no wonder his puppet masters put him in a box on the weekends.

Yet he got an infrastructure bill passed in his first year. Something the former guy couldn't do in 4. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Yet he got an infrastructure bill passed in his first year. Something the former guy couldn't do in 4. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Biden didn't get anything passed. The Trump hating Congress waited till he was installed in the WH to pass it and send it to him so he could sign it like a good little puppet.

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