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Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (1 Viewer)


Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
His hobby is beheading Americans/Brits and anyone other members/supporters/sympathisers of an occupying force.

While tiktok understands that many members of this forum reach for the Kleenex whenever he gets the breadknife out, there are a significant number of people who were heard to say "idiot" when the Liverpool man Ken Bigley lost his nodge.

Those people were in England.

So, my question for you erudite neo-cons is: "Zarqawi... a product of America's war, or simply a murderer who uses a particularly unpleasant method."
Not that I'm erudite or a neo-con, but I have two cents.

Zarqawi was a known asshat from before the invasion of Iraq. IIRC, he was more of a mid-level thug before Team Bush and American media made him a cause celebre.

The Bush administration had several chances to wipe out his terrorist operation and perhaps kill Zarqawi himself — but never pulled the trigger the Bush administration feared destroying Zarqawi's terrorist camp in Iraq could undercut its case for war against Saddam.
So can't see how he's a product of the invasion. Certainly amoral people benefit in amoral and chaotic situations like war.
Simon W. Moon said:
Not that I'm erudite or a neo-con, but I have two cents.

Zarqawi was a known asshat from before the invasion of Iraq. IIRC, he was more of a mid-level thug before Team Bush and American media made him a cause celebre.

The Bush administration had several chances to wipe out his terrorist operation and perhaps kill Zarqawi himself — but never pulled the trigger the Bush administration feared destroying Zarqawi's terrorist camp in Iraq could undercut its case for war against Saddam.
So can't see how he's a product of the invasion. Certainly amoral people benefit in amoral and chaotic situations like war.

Thx Si... Can u tell me what IIRC means plz... not seen that B4.
tiktok said:
Thx Si... Can u tell me what IIRC means plz... not seen that B4.
If I Recall Correctly
The son of Palestinian refugees, Zarqawi grew up in the Jordanian town of Zarqa. At the age of 17 he dropped out of school. According to vague Jordanian intelligence reports, Zarqawi was jailed briefly in the 1980s.

In 1989, Zarqawi traveled to Afghanistan to join the US-backed insurgency against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but the Soviets were already leaving by the time he arrived. Instead, he became a reporter for an Islamist newsletter. There are reports that in the mid-1990s, Zarqawi travelled to Europe and started the al-Tawhid militant organization, a group dedicated to killing Jews and installing an Islamic regime in Jordan.

Zarqawi was arrested in Jordan in 1992, and spent seven years in a Jordanian prison for conspiring to overthrow the monarchy and establish an Islamic caliphate. In prison, Zarqawi reportedly became a feared leader among inmates.
CnRedd... Congratulations you are the first to have reached my iggy list.

Please do not post references you have cut and pasted from Google/Dogpile. We all use computers to get on this forum and are able to C & P ourselves.

>>>tiktoktiktok... you just ran outa chances. Cheerio and don't expect any responses in the future.
tiktok said:
CnRedd... Congratulations you are the first to have reached my iggy list.

Please do not post references you have cut and pasted from Google/Dogpile. We all use computers to get on this forum and are able to C & P ourselves.

>>>tiktoktiktok... you just ran outa chances. Cheerio and don't expect any responses in the future.

Oh darn...my world has collapsed...just like the British Empire of years gone by...

tiktoktiktok...Just a matter of time before Manchester United is in the hands of an American...

Americans are civilized though...we'll let you keep your pudding...and (ha!)dental industry....

I should get drunk and pass out on my keyboard, then wake up and hit "enter"...it would have the same credibility as what you've said so far.
Seems to me you ask a question here. In my world of logic and reason that would imply you want an answer. Allow me to introduce my self. I'm teacher, of the massive brain. The copy and paste is a useful tool. Watch as I use it to shredd you. Let the carnage begin.

tiktok said:
So, my question for you erudite neo-cons is: "Zarqawi... a product of America's war, or simply a murderer who uses a particularly unpleasant method."

And so now you get an answer. Pretty straight foward stuff so far.

cnredd said:
The son of Palestinian refugees, Zarqawi grew up in the Jordanian town of Zarqa. At the age of 17 he dropped out of school. According to vague Jordanian intelligence reports, Zarqawi was jailed briefly in the 1980s.

In 1989, Zarqawi traveled to Afghanistan to join the US-backed insurgency against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but the Soviets were already leaving by the time he arrived. Instead, he became a reporter for an Islamist newsletter. There are reports that in the mid-1990s, Zarqawi travelled to Europe and started the al-Tawhid militant organization, a group dedicated to killing Jews and installing an Islamic regime in Jordan.

Zarqawi was arrested in Jordan in 1992, and spent seven years in a Jordanian prison for conspiring to overthrow the monarchy and establish an Islamic caliphate. In prison, Zarqawi reportedly became a feared leader among inmates.

You ask, you get. So where does this bullshit come from?
tiktok said:
CnRedd... Congratulations you are the first to have reached my iggy list.
Son, your name aint in lights until you get your own TT list.

Please do not post references you have cut and pasted from Google/Dogpile. We all use computers to get on this forum and are able to C & P ourselves.
Superior smack. Did you pay someone for that?

>>>tiktoktiktok... you just ran outa chances. Cheerio and don't expect any responses in the future.

tiktok? That's the best you got? Don't worry. Your shi*ts too weak for me to even consider a TT.

Very well thought out points and facts there, tiktok. Way to support your posistion with your finely honed debating skills. Look, you scared MGBL.
cnredd said:

Oh darn...my world has collapsed...just like the British Empire of years gone by...

One zip.

tiktoktiktok...Just a matter of time before Manchester United is in the hands of an American...
Two zip.

Americans are civilized though...we'll let you keep your pudding...and (ha!)dental industry....
Below the belt: No point. (Funny though).
I should get drunk and pass out on my keyboard, then wake up and hit "enter"...it would have the same credibility as what you've said so far.

Now see that tiktok? That is calssic smack.

teacher said:
Now see that tiktok? That is calssic smack.


You a comic Teach? Give it up matey, you'll starve to death.

Siding with a C&P monkey ... Wow, wish I had a brain half your size, I'd be able to learn how to wipe my arse without getting the messy stuff under my finger nails.

TT list (whoppps soz Teach, I haven't used the C&P technique you champion... you keepin' up bud??) wot's that? Do explain yourself there's a good boy.

Debate... Hmmm you do need to visit Wikipedia more often fellah. There was no debate as your icon spouts from his Google rather than his Gog. When a question is asked it demands an answer... Check the last sentence, there's a clue with ?


Like I said, we can all visit the online refs... It's the debating bit I'm lookin' for and your smackdown champ just don't gettit...

Classic smack... Oh deary me kiddo your world must be so alarming... Do you get a surprise every three seconds or is that just a rumour?

Feel terribly abused, or "shredded" as you put it. Perhaps you could help me out with your oversized Brain (is that a synonym for ego in Da States?)... Wow your students are so lucky.

tiktok said:
You a comic Teach? Give it up matey, you'll starve to death.

Siding with a C&P monkey ... Wow, wish I had a brain half your size, I'd be able to learn how to wipe my arse without getting the messy stuff under my finger nails.

TT list (whoppps soz Teach, I haven't used the C&P technique you champion... you keepin' up bud??) wot's that? Do explain yourself there's a good boy.

Debate... Hmmm you do need to visit Wikipedia more often fellah. There was no debate as your icon spouts from his Google rather than his Gog. When a question is asked it demands an answer... Check the last sentence, there's a clue with ?


Like I said, we can all visit the online refs... It's the debating bit I'm lookin' for and your smackdown champ just don't gettit...

Classic smack... Oh deary me kiddo your world must be so alarming... Do you get a surprise every three seconds or is that just a rumour?

Feel terribly abused, or "shredded" as you put it. Perhaps you could help me out with your oversized Brain (is that a synonym for ego in Da States?)... Wow your students are so lucky.


rofl... Dude.. you're classic.. You call cnredd's info "Googled", and then tell teach he needs to visit Wikipedia more often, which was cnredd's source to begin with. LMFAO I love it. This guy is a better spinner then Ted Kennedy sober. :) Peace out tik... better check Wikipedia before you promote them, I suspect.

Just for you, tik

The son of Palestinian refugees, Zarqawi grew up in the Jordanian town of Zarqa. At the age of 17 he dropped out of school. According to vague Jordanian intelligence reports, Zarqawi was jailed briefly in the 1980s.

In 1989, Zarqawi traveled to Afghanistan to join the US-backed insurgency against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but the Soviets were already leaving by the time he arrived. Instead, he became a reporter for an Islamist newsletter. There are reports that in the mid-1990s, Zarqawi travelled to Europe and started the al-Tawhid militant organization, a group dedicated to killing Jews and installing an Islamic regime in Jordan.

and now I leave you with one more tasty morsel... the link so you can see it for yourself. Though I doubt you will look at it.. because the one pelican leg you have been standing on has just been toppled.

debate_junkie said:
This guy is a better spinner then Ted Kennedy sober. :)

I remember that day Kennedy was sober...It was a Tuesday back in '84....
Did ya scour the net for your "morsel" DB... I didn't... Seen it before all over Ogrish. C&P boyz: they only got enough space for two URLs. Glad I got 'em both right tho' Must be a gift :)

Get with the debate now boyz... All this attention is flattering but I just gotta know what you think, not what you can plagerise.

Do concentrate DB, or would you like me to restate the question (the scroll bar to the right will help you move up AND down the page you see in front of you)?
tiktok said:
His hobby is beheading Americans/Brits and anyone other members/supporters/sympathisers of an occupying force.

While tiktok understands that many members of this forum reach for the Kleenex whenever he gets the breadknife out, there are a significant number of people who were heard to say "idiot" when the Liverpool man Ken Bigley lost his nodge.

Those people were in England.

So, my question for you erudite neo-cons is: "Zarqawi... a product of America's war, or simply a murderer who uses a particularly unpleasant method."

I think it's been well established in my source, that you have ignored, as I suspected you would.. probably because they didn't paint him in a very good light, that Zarqawi was of his mindset of Islamic extremism long before 2003 when the United States declared war on Sadaam Hussein.

Let's see in 1992, Zarqawi was jailed for 7 years for attempting to overthrow the Jordan monarchy.

In 1999, Zarqawi was reportedly involved in the attempt to blow up a hotel in Jordan frequented by Americans and Israelis (coincidence.. I think not)

After the September 11 attacks, Zarqawi again travelled to Afghanistan and was reportedly wounded in a U.S. bombardment. He moved to Iran to organize al-Tawhid, his former militant organization. Zarqawi then settled in the mostly-Kurdish regions of northern Iraq, where he joined the Islamist Ansar al-Islam group that fought against Kurdish-nationalist forces in the region. He reportedly became a leader in the group, although his leadership role has not been established. His followers claimed he was killed in a US bombing raid in the north of Iraq [11].

Laurence Foley was a senior U.S. diplomat working for the U.S. Agency for International Development in Jordan. On October 28, 2002, he was assassinated outside his home in Amman. Under harsh interrogation by Jordanian authorities, three suspects confessed that they had been armed and paid by Zarqawi to perform the assassination. U.S. officials believe that the planning and execution of the Foley assassination was led by members of Afghan Jihad, the International Mujaheddin Movement, and al-Qaida. One of the leaders, Salim Sa'd Salim Bin-Suwayd, was paid over USD$50 thousand for his work in planning assassinations in Jordan against U.S., Israeli, and Jordanian government officials. Suwayd was arrested in Jordan for the murder of Foley. [12] Zarqawi was again sentenced in absentia in Jordan; this time, as before, his sentence was death.


Most of Zarqawi's work was BEFORE September 11th and the 2003 declaration of war on Iraq. So to say the war in Iraq has created this monster, well I guess that myth has been dispelled.

Zarqawi is a dispicable creature who KNEW stepping up his level of terror would lead him out of obscurity and become a household name. Tis the only reason for the beheadings. So tiktok, you are defending a fame seeker. Imagine that!
debate_junkie said:
Most of Zarqawi's work was BEFORE September 11th and the 2003 declaration of war on Iraq. So to say the war in Iraq has created this monster, well I guess that myth has been dispelled.

Zarqawi is a dispicable creature who KNEW stepping up his level of terror would lead him out of obscurity and become a household name. Tis the only reason for the beheadings. So tiktok, you are defending a fame seeker. Imagine that!

I was hoping my first "cut & paste" would have made that clear to tiktok, but apparently the internet changes some of the words on his monitor to three and four syllables and the logic goes flying over his antiquated-thinking head.

I was going to respond again, but seeing how he's done here so far, I decided not to bother.

cheerio....with milk and a banana
debate_junkie said:
Zarqawi is a dispicable creature who KNEW stepping up his level of terror would lead him out of obscurity and become a household name. Tis the only reason for the beheadings. So tiktok, you are defending a fame seeker. Imagine that!

So in answer to my question, you think not?

Phew, thanks mate. Knew you'd get there in the end. Cheers for the C&P BTW... It's a skillset I know will improve my quality of life no end.

Last edited:
Keep it clean fellas. Easy on the personal stuff in here.

There is The Basement though. It's not moderated.
Simon W. Moon said:
Keep it clean fellas. Easy on the personal stuff in here.

There is The Basement though. It's not moderated.

Yah can ya believe the way the gang of three are speaking to poor ol' tiktok!?!?!

Set it up fellahs. I'd love a holiday ;)
cnredd said:
I was hoping my first "cut & paste" would have made that clear to tiktok, but apparently the internet changes some of the words on his monitor to three and four syllables and the logic goes flying over his antiquated-thinking head.

I was going to respond again, but seeing how he's done here so far, I decided not to bother.
Know what you mean. Has he even countered ONE point? The only thing he does is talk weak smack. You're right, not worth the bother. I'll save him for when I'm in a foul mood and want a change of scenery from champs.

cheerio....with milk and a banana

Spoken like a true monkey army Major General.
So, my question for you erudite neo-cons is: "Zarqawi... a product of America's war, or simply a murderer who uses a particularly unpleasant method."

Far from being a neo-con, I think that the answer is both. While it is true that he was a murderer before the war, not many people had ever heard his name then. We gave him a lot of free publicity and by portraying him as the ultimate devil gave him more credibility among his crowd.

He must have the general support of people or by now someone would have cashed in on the reward for his capture.
Zarq was obviously a troubled individual way before the war.

Now a question might be is he killing because his religion told him to or just cause he gets a rush out of it?

Perhaps he wont just get blown to pieces and be captured so we can ask him.

"When's the last time any God has talked to a human beig?!"

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