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Abramoff Connected to Gambino Mafia Family (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
"I'm not going to sue you, I'm going to kill you."
----GOP Lobbyist Adam Kidan, just before Gus Boulis was gunned down by members of the Mafia.

In the Florida real estate swindle in which Jack Abramoff and Republican lobbiest Adam Kidan have been indicted over, the backgrounds on those who did the mob hit on Gus Boulis, after Boulis threatened to go to the authorities and have Abramoff arrested, are now known. All 3 are members of the Gambino Crime Family. All 3 are in jail, charged with capital murder. Also connected in the SunCruz swindle are Tom Delay, Ben Waldman, who is a former Reagan administration official, and Republican Bob Ney of Ohio.

What is interesting is that, at this time, the murder indictment is under seal, implying that more prominent names are about to be connected to this swindle, or even to the mob hit itself.

Article is here.
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Why am I not surprised?
It is great to see people pointing out the web of scammers that surrond DeLay, but I can't image we are gonna get much debate on this issue cause I don't expect anyone stand up and defend this bunch.

As least with the Earle indictment they could employ the standard 'attack the accuser' GOP play. Here they are just gonna sit tight and hope the press resumes its pre-Katrina dereliction of duty.

danarhea said:

----GOP Lobbyist Adam Kidan, just before Gus Boulis was gunned down by members of the Mafia.

In the Florida real estate swindle in which Jack Abramoff and Republican lobbiest Adam Kidan have been indicted over, the backgrounds on those who did the mob hit on Gus Boulis, after Boulis threatened to go to the authorities and have Abramoff arrested, are now known. All 3 are members of the Gambino Crime Family. All 3 are in jail, charged with capital murder. Also connected in the SunCruz swindle are Tom Delay, Ben Waldman, who is a former Reagan administration official, and Republican Bob Ney of Ohio.

What is interesting is that, at this time, the murder indictment is under seal, implying that more prominent names are about to be connected to this swindle, or even to the mob hit itself.

Article is here.

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