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Abortion (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 13, 2015
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A woman's right to abort a child is not the prevision of the state in which she lives. An unborn child is NOT an American citizen, and therefor no law administers his/her birth. (Except the right to proper medical surveillance during pre-birth and birth which is the woman's right and not that of the unborn child.)

In the US today abortion is a legal option for any woman and there is no need to go "abortion hunting". From Wikipedia here: Abortion in the United State

Abortion is legal throughout the United States and its territories, although restrictions and accessibility vary from state to state. Abortion is a highly controversial and divisive issue in the society, culture and politics of the U.S., and various anti-abortion laws have been in force in each state since at least 1900. Since 1976, the Republican Party has generally sought to restrict abortion access based on the stage of pregnancy or criminalize abortion, whereas the Democratic Party has generally defended access to abortion and has made contraception easier to obtain.

In Europe, it is virtually the sole decision of the pregnant woman whether to keep a pregnancy or abort it. From Wikipedia here: Abortion in Europe
Despite a wide variation in the restrictions under which it is permitted, abortion is legal in most European countries. 95% of European women of reproductive age live in countries which allow abortion on demand or for broad socioeconomic reasons.
A woman's right to abort a child is not the prevision of the state in which she lives. An unborn child is NOT an American citizen, and therefor no law administers his/her birth. (Except the right to proper medical surveillance during pre-birth and birth which is the woman's right and not that of the unborn child.)

In the US today abortion is a legal option for any woman and there is no need to go "abortion hunting". From Wikipedia here: Abortion in the United State

In Europe, it is virtually the sole decision of the pregnant woman whether to keep a pregnancy or abort it. From Wikipedia here: Abortion in Europe

And what is your argument? What's your point?
A woman's right to abort a child is not the prevision of the state in which she lives. An unborn child is NOT an American citizen, and therefor no law administers his/her birth. (Except the right to proper medical surveillance during pre-birth and birth which is the woman's right and not that of the unborn child.)

In the US today abortion is a legal option for any woman and there is no need to go "abortion hunting". From Wikipedia here: Abortion in the United State

In Europe, it is virtually the sole decision of the pregnant woman whether to keep a pregnancy or abort it. From Wikipedia here: Abortion in Europe
Sure. But do we really need yet another abortion thread? No one's mind will be changed.
Sure. But do we really need yet another abortion thread? No one's mind will be changed.

Do you really THINK you're in this forum to play silly argument-games?

This is a DEBATE forum the purpose of which is to exchange formulated opinions! If you have none, then go elsewhere!

Minds are changed only by the casual means of discussion, which is called "debate". Politics is the art of promoting a general opinion to obtain the reigns of governance in a nation.

If you have debatable opinions, here's the place to put them! The exchange here is a LOT MORE FRUITFUL than the political-BS coming across your TV-set in America ... !
And what is your argument? What's your point?

Repeat from my post above: In Europe, it is virtually the sole decision of the pregnant woman whether to keep a pregnancy or abort it.

Any American woman should be able to walk into a hospital and, if pregnant not more than a legal period-of-time, request an abortion without the slightest deliberation with an attending physician. (That's the way we do it in Europe!)
Do you really THINK you're in this forum to play silly argument-games?

This is a DEBATE forum the purpose of which is to exchange formulated opinions! If you have none, then go elsewhere!

Minds are changed only by the casual means of discussion, which is called "debate". Politics is the art of promoting a general opinion to obtain the reigns of governance in a nation.

If you have debatable opinions, here's the place to put them! The exchange here is a LOT MORE FRUITFUL than the political-BS coming across your TV-set in America ... !
How convenient that 'arrogant' is the same in French and English. It is not up to random pompous fools to decide what may be written in DP posts.
A woman's right to abort a child is not the prevision of the state in which she lives. An unborn child is NOT an American citizen, and therefor no law administers his/her birth. (Except the right to proper medical surveillance during pre-birth and birth which is the woman's right and not that of the unborn child.)

In the US today abortion is a legal option for any woman and there is no need to go "abortion hunting". From Wikipedia here: Abortion in the United State

In Europe, it is virtually the sole decision of the pregnant woman whether to keep a pregnancy or abort it. From Wikipedia here: Abortion in Europe
I'm not sure what you meant with the use of the words "prevision" or "administers," but I'm presuming that what you're trying to say is that the unborn child of an American woman is not an American citizen (that can be fixed) therefor has no right not to be slaughtered. How about illegal aliens in America, or legal aliens in America for that matter - do they have no right not to be slaughtered either? :unsure:

Why not just get rid of all laws & government, and make everything legal? Let's just go full anarchist. No more prisons, no more courts, and we could save money this way by not having to pay taxes anymore. :rolleyes:
Oh, one other thing - I find it interesting that this was posted in the healthcare section of this forum.

I guess I'll post those threads I wasn't planning on making about genocide, and suicide as a right, in the healthcare section as well.
Any American woman should be able to walk into a hospital and, if pregnant not more than a legal period-of-time, request an abortion without the slightest deliberation with an attending physician. (That's the way we do it in Europe!)
This point should have been in your OP then.

How about illegal aliens in America, or legal aliens in America for that matter - do they have no right not to be slaughtered either? :unsure:

Illegal aliens have no rights whatsoever in the US until they ask for them until they become "legal". Then many do obtain the means to remain legally in the US, earn incomes and pay taxes on said income.

Key findings about American immigrants, from here:

The United States has more immigrants than any other country in the world. Today, more than 40 million people living in the U.S. were born in another country, accounting for about one-fifth of the world’s migrants. The population of immigrants is also very diverse, with just about every country in the world represented among U.S. immigrants.

Why not just get rid of all laws & government, and make everything legal? Let's just go full anarchist. No more prisons, no more courts, and we could save money this way by not having to pay taxes anymore. :rolleyes:

Because no-laws would bring on very quickly total catastrophe for any country. Without laws crime will blossom inexorably.

PS: And I suggest that Russia today is a good-example of that possibility. The country is run by plutocrats who are also billionaires.
Repeat from my post above: In Europe, it is virtually the sole decision of the pregnant woman whether to keep a pregnancy or abort it.

Any American woman should be able to walk into a hospital and, if pregnant not more than a legal period-of-time, request an abortion without the slightest deliberation with an attending physician. (That's the way we do it in Europe!)

That's not an argument, it's an unsupported opinion.

And the statements for both examples are not significantly distinct enough even to comment on.

That's not an argument, it's an unsupported opinion.

And the statements for both examples are not significantly distinct enough even to comment on.

Meaning you are incompetent to reply in this forum.

Otherwise, do tell how my opinion is unsupported and why it should be supported. By whom?

Yours is just impertinent blah-blah-blah from the Rabid-Right. So borrrringgggg ....

LOL are you really accusing me of being pro-life ("the rabid right") here?


If you could manage to engage me in a discussion, you'd find otherwise.

Meaning you are incompetent to reply in this forum.

Otherwise, do tell how my opinion is unsupported and why it should be supported. By whom?

Yours is just impertinent blah-blah-blah from the Rabid-Right. So borrrringgggg ....

So you cant articulate your argument? It's ludicrous for you to accuse me of not being incompetent to present an argument on this issue. Read better, search the forum.

Your opinion is unsupported and you have not made a significant distinction between Europe and the US. That's a fact, not an opinion. Read your own OP again. You did not present anything worth discussing.
A woman's right to abort a child is not the prevision of the state in which she lives. An unborn child is NOT an American citizen, and therefor no law administers his/her birth. (Except the right to proper medical surveillance during pre-birth and birth which is the woman's right and not that of the unborn child.)
In the US today abortion is a legal option for any woman and there is no need to go "abortion hunting". From Wikipedia here: Abortion in the United State
although restrictions and accessibility vary from state to state.

In Europe, it is virtually the sole decision of the pregnant woman whether to keep a pregnancy or abort it. From Wikipedia here: Abortion in Europe
Despite a wide variation in the restrictions under which it is permitted,

Can you explain to me what the difference is between america and europe again.
Illegal aliens have no rights whatsoever in the US until they ask for them until they become "legal".
Where did you get this from?

Then many do obtain the means to remain legally in the US, earn incomes and pay taxes on said income.

Key findings about American immigrants, from here:
Not relevant to what I posted.

Because no-laws would bring on very quickly total catastrophe for any country. Without laws crime will blossom inexorably.
Bingo. This is why we need to protect innocent human life.

PS: And I suggest that Russia today is a good-example of that possibility. The country is run by plutocrats who are also billionaires.
:ROFLMAO: Yeah right, Russia's going anarchist:


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