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Abortion (1 Viewer)


Jul 2, 2005
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U.K England
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Abortion Forum

Those that are subject to abortion, cannot speak for themselves, obviously, so who is going to speak for them? Abortion to an infant is like having war waged upon you, except it is truly unfair; you have no defence, no peace talks, no debate, and no compromising. It is a very cruel set of circumstance that is levelled at any baby in this situation. The good news is that the number of people, who are realizing that this is a barbaric act, which ought to be outlawed, is increasing. People are becoming more vocal, stating that it truly is merciless and repulsive. If I was to divulge information that describes graphically the partial birth abortion to a child, most people would deem it immoral, and they would be right, so how greater offence is it to subject a baby to the procedure!

Abortion forum
Jeez, how many of these things did he create...

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