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Able Danger (1 Viewer)

Does C-span give them out? I've been on their website but all they give me are videos. I would have to run a Teletext program if I'd wanted transcripts, but if you have a place that gives them out, I will be happy to have access to them! Thanks!
Isn't it odd that our great media has said very little about this story....:roll:
Isn't it odd that our great media has said very little about this story....

Its all a big conspiracy, Navy. The media secrety loves Clinton and despises Bush. They were paid off by the liberals to keep this quiet because obviously, the government has no say over what the media writes and, of course, the coverage of Hurricane Katrina had nothing whatsoever to do with this just the same as how the news from Iraq has quieted down.

Those liberal media bastards. . . . .

Time for Fox!
Navy Pride said:
Isn't it odd that our great media has said very little about this story....:roll:
Not really? It's all being "hush, hushed" or surpressed by certain media groups and politicians from the 9/11 Commission. Because if it is proven true, the 9/11 Commission would be proven wrong, and it would challenge the integrity of the Commission and its representatives. Thus the "Bush Haters" would loose some credibility since the 9/11 Commission Report is repeated used as a source, of Bush doing something wrong.
stsburns said:
Not really? It's all being "hush, hushed" or surpressed by certain media groups and politicians from the 9/11 Commission. Because if it is proven true, the 9/11 Commission would be proven wrong, and it would challenge the integrity of the Commission and its representatives. Thus the "Bush Haters" would loose some credibility since the 9/11 Commission Report is repeated used as a source, of Bush doing something wrong.
I guess I would be considered a "Bush hater", but I think the 9/11 commission was a joke.
If the warning came in 2000 that means Clinton knew about it and hushed it up.......He was probably to busy getting BJs in the oval office from Monica.....
Navy Pride said:
If the warning came in 2000 that means Clinton knew about it and hushed it up.......He was probably to busy getting BJs in the oval office from Monica.....
If you can prove it ended up on his desk and he did not attempt to take action.
scottyz said:
If you can prove it ended up on his desk and he did not attempt to take action.

There will be congressional investigations next week and the Clinton administration will have egg on their face
scottyz said:
I guess I would be considered a "Bush hater", but I think the 9/11 commission was a joke.

So do you support the same type of commission, a non-elected, "bi-partisian" doesn't answer to the voters, to look into Katrina? Or should the people we elect to do the job do it?
Stinger said:
So do you support the same type of commission, a non-elected, "bi-partisian" doesn't answer to the voters, to look into Katrina? Or should the people we elect to do the job do it?
I don't have a problem with the type of commission it was.
scottyz said:
If you can prove it ended up on his desk and he did not attempt to take action.

He was to busy getting BJs from Monica in the oval office.....Same reason he did not take Bin Laden when offered by Sudan.......

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