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Abby Johnson favors Household voting. The Husband gets to break the tie. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 15, 2019
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Western New York
Political Leaning
Abby Johnson sounds like a moron.

The Constitutional issues aside why the hell would we want to disenfranchise half our citizens?
Abby Johnson sounds like a moron.

The Constitutional issues aside why the hell would we want to disenfranchise half our citizens?

She also wouldn't mind if the police racially profiled her biracial son.

Not only is it unconstitutional, but it would be illogical. For example, Bradley Cooper lives with his mom. Cooper felt it would be better if his mom stayed with him rather than her living alone. By Johnson's logic, Cooper's mom wouldn't be allowed to vote. If you look at Italian and Jewish families, the son or daughter lives with their parents until they get married. By Johnson's logic, the 30 year old son shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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