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A report card on the Biden administration (2 Viewers)

I will say what I said nearly two weeks ago following the slaughter in Buffalo. There will be no significant changes to gun control. The Republicans, sponsored by the NRA, will not permit it, and the massacres will go on and on.
CNN reports, "President Joe Biden has acknowledged there is little he can do without the support of congressional Republicans to stop the horrific mass shootings that happen with alarming frequency in the United States.

"The President said last week during a trip to Buffalo, New York, after a mass shooting took place at a grocery store there that there was “not much on executive action” that he could do to further strengthen gun control measures. He said he needed to instead “convince Congress” to pass legislation like the 1994 assault weapons ban.

"After 19 children and two teachers were killed Tuesday at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, a visibly shaken Biden pleaded with Congress to “turn this pain into action.” But proposals to overhaul gun laws face steep odds due to Republican opposition."

“Will there be more executive actions and will we do more? We’ll look into that. We’re always looking to do more,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Thursday.

The huge problem with executive orders is that they can be countermanded by a signature. Executive orders are not a permanent solution.

Laws are. However, laws can be reversed as well, but it takes an act of Congress, not simply the President signing his name.

Our President has done what he could regarding guns. Please see article provided.

Here's what Biden has done on guns and what advocacy ...

With Republicans in control, turns out we have been lied to all week. Now we are being told that 19 law enforcement officers waited outside the door of the classroom for 45 minutes while the children were being murdered inside the classroom.
During the Uvalde massacre, seven to ten year old children did what they were trained to do.

Law enforcement officers did not!
CNN reports, "The Justice Department announced Sunday it will conduct a review of the law enforcement response to the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, that left 19 children and two teachers dead."

“At the request of Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin, the U.S. Department of Justice will conduct a Critical Incident Review of the law enforcement response to the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24,” DOJ spokesman Anthony Coley said in a statement.

The Justice Department will publish a report with its findings at the conclusion of its review.

The Justice Department review aims “to provide an independent account of law enforcement actions and responses that day, and to identify lessons learned and best practices to help first responders prepare for and respond to active shooter events,” said Conley, the DOJ spokesman.

That is pure political B.S. The federal government is attempting to cover its butt for doing nothing!

How do we know? It has all happen before.

"The department has previously conducted after action-reviews following mass shootings in San Bernardino, California, in December 2015, and at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in June 2016," CNN.

After San Bernardino nothing changed.

After Orlando nothing changed.

Hard to believe, but Robb Elementary is not the worst school shooting. Sandy Hook Elementary is. Of course, nothing changed after Sandy Hook, either.

The NRA sponsored Republican Party will not permit changes to be made.

The Republican Party is expected to win control of Congress in the November mid-terms.

It is expected the forum's Republicans will continue their silence on these issues.
The huge problem with executive orders is that they can be countermanded by a signature. Executive orders are not a permanent solution.
It has to be enormously frustrating for our President.

The Hill reports, "President Biden said Monday that it’s up to Congress to outlaw assault weapons and strengthen background checks for gun sales, telling reporters: “I can’t dictate this stuff.”

“I can do the things I’ve done and any executive action I can take, I’ll continue to take. But I can’t outlaw a weapon. I can’t change a background check. I can’t do that,” Biden said after stepping off Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House.

"Asked if he is optimistic for getting a deal to address gun violence after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said last week that he had tapped Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) to negotiate with Democrats, Biden replied: “I don’t know.”

Hell of a good answer. He knows nothing will get done, but he doesn't want to say it. It was not a good time to recognize the truth of the matter. Senate Republicans under McConnell will not allow any changes to gun laws.

The forum's Republicans know this, which explains why they are not saying anything.
After San Bernardino nothing changed. After Orlando nothing changed. Hard to believe, but Robb Elementary is not the worst school shooting. Sandy Hook Elementary is. Of course, nothing changed after Sandy Hook, either.

The NRA sponsored Republican Party will not permit changes to be made.

It is expected the forum's Republicans will continue their silence on these issues.
Nothing from the forum's Republicans.
There has been an important development in the war in Ukraine. The EU has agreed to shut off most of Russia's oil.

CNN reports, "The European Union has agreed on a partial ban on Russian oil imports, according to European Council chief Charles Michel."

In six months.
ABC reports, "Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro revealed in a court filing Tuesday afternoon that he has been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury this week as part of the Justice Department's sprawling probe into the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

"Navarro, who was a trade adviser to then-President Donald Trump, said he was served by the FBI at his Washington, D.C., house last week. The subpoena is the first known instance of prosecutors seeking testimony from someone who worked in the Trump White House as they investigate the worst attack on the Capitol in two centuries."

While that is happening Republicans have expressed confidence in recapturing Congress and certain governor races in November.

CNN reports, "Momentous and tragic events are driving public attention back toward abortion rights and gun control, two issues that keyed the Democratic advance in well-educated suburbs over the past generation.

"Republicans have consolidated a commanding grip on rural and small-town communities filled with culturally conservative blue-collar voters who generally oppose both legal abortion and most restrictions on gun ownership.

"In mirror image, Democrats have gained in white-collar communities around major cities filled with well-educated voters who generally support both abortion rights and gun control.

"Amid discontent over persistent Covid disruptions, dissatisfaction over President Joe Biden’s performance, supply chain problems like the shortage of infant formula, and above all, the highest inflation in 40 years, Republicans have expressed mounting confidence about recapturing many of those suburban House seats, and flipping suburban voters in Senate and governor races, in November. But the tragic mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, have riveted attention on gun violence and access to firearms along with more attention to women's rights when it comes to their health."

Here is the problem for the Republicans. The Biden administration did not cause Covid disruptions, supply shortages, infant formula shortage, or the high inflation. Increased spending resulting from full employment -- as in a prosperous economy -- caused inflation and some of the other problems.

On the other hand, the NRA sponsored Republican Party is responsible for the failure to pass needed gun control legislation, and the GOP clearly wants government control of pregnancies in America, forbidding women to make decisions regarding their own pregnancy. In the case of abortion, Republicans want to impose their religious views on all Americans, a violation of the spirit, if not the meaning, of our Constitution.

Perhaps Republicans should not be that confident.
After San Bernardino nothing changed. After Orlando nothing changed. Hard to believe, but Robb Elementary is not the worst school shooting. Sandy Hook Elementary is. Of course, nothing changed after Sandy Hook, either.

The NRA sponsored Republican Party will not permit changes to be made.

The coverup has already begun in Republican controlled Texas. Most of the kids haven't been buried yet.

Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Chief Pete Arredondo was secretly sworn in as a city council member Tuesday night.

"Out of respect for the families who buried their children today, and who are planning to bury their children in the next few days, no ceremony was held," Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin said in a statement obtained by ABC News.

Republican Governor Abbott is calling for meetings in an effort to pretend something is being done.

"In a letter sent on Wednesday, Abbott requested that both Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) and the state’s House Speaker Dade Phelan (R) each convene a special legislative committee to address the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde," The Hill reported.

The Uvalde Police Department and the Uvalde Independent School District police force are no longer cooperating with the Texas Department of Public Safety's investigation into the massacre at Robb Elementary School and the state's review of the law enforcement response, multiple law enforcement sources told ABC News.

The Uvalde police chief and a spokesperson for the Uvalde Independent School District did not immediately respond to requests for comment from ABC News.

"According to sources, the decision to stop cooperating occurred soon after the director of DPS, Col. Steven McCraw, held a news conference Friday during which he said the delayed police entry into the classroom was "the wrong decision" and contrary to protocol." ABC.

On the Senate front matters are looking just as dire, or worse. For decades NRA sponsored Senate Republicans have blocked meaningful gun reform. It appears they will be doing it again.

CNN reports, "Mitch McConnell was asked about the ongoing talks over gun control legislation in the US Senate during an appearance in Kentucky on Wednesday.

"And his answer made clear why betting on something significant getting passed – even in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting – is still pretty unlikely."

“We have a Second Amendment to the Constitution. We take it seriously. There’s the right to keep and bear arms in this country,” McConnell said. “And so what I’ve done is encourage some bipartisan discussions that are going on. In fact, I just had a call with one of the members of it to see if we can find a way forward consistent with the Second Amendment that targets the problem.”

That is political gibberish so typical of McConnell. He is the master at talking, but saying nothing. Clearly, his primary concern is the Second Amendment and "the right to keep and bear arms in this country,” not the 19 kids and two teacher who were murdered at an elementary school.

Republicans are expected to win control of Congress in the November mid-terms.
That is political gibberish so typical of McConnell. He is the master at talking, but saying nothing. Clearly, his primary concern is the Second Amendment and "the right to keep and bear arms in this country,” not the 19 kids and two teacher who were murdered at an elementary school.
The Times reports, "Multiple people were shot and four people, including the gunman, were killed on Wednesday afternoon at a medical building in Tulsa, Okla., the Tulsa police said.

"The assailant, who was armed with a rifle, was dead, according to Capt. Richard Meulenberg of the Tulsa Police Department, who said he was not sure if the police had shot him or if he had shot himself."

Shots rang out across the country over the Memorial Day weekend, with more than a dozen mass shootings in the span of 72 hours.

NBC reports, "According to the Gun Violence Archive, which tracks shootings in the United States, there were at least 14 "mass shootings" in the country over the weekend, from early Saturday to late Monday.

"The archive defines a mass shooting as an incident in which "four or more people are shot or killed, not including the shooter."
Another month and another low point for the Biden administration.

Oh well. At least we have a referendum in about five months. That should eliminate some of the worst issues.
After San Bernardino nothing changed. After Orlando nothing changed. Hard to believe, but Robb Elementary is not the worst school shooting. Sandy Hook Elementary is. Of course, nothing changed after Sandy Hook, either.

The NRA sponsored Republican Party will not permit changes to be made.

The coverup has already begun in Republican controlled Texas. Most of the kids haven't been buried yet.
As expected, no reaction by the forum's Republicans. Because of its harsh reality, nearly all Republicans avoid this thread. They are unable to defend their party. The proof is this thread.
The AP reports, "The House is swiftly working to put its stamp on gun legislation in response to mass shootings in Texas and New York by 18-year-old assailants who used semi-automatic rifles to kill 31 people, including 19 children."

Actually, there have been 233 mass shootings this year, 20 mass shootings since the slaughter of children and teachers in Uvalde.

The AP continued, "The Democratic legislation, called the Protecting Our Kids Act, was quickly added to the legislative docket after last week’s school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

"But with Republicans nearly all in opposition, the House action will mostly be symbolic, merely putting lawmakers on record about gun control ahead of this year’s elections. The Senate is taking a different course, with a bipartisan group striving toward a compromise on gun safety legislation that can win enough GOP support to become law. Those talks are making “rapid progress,” according to Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, one of the Republican negotiators.

Many would be much happier if a Democratic Senator had said that. The decades old record shows that Republicans are merely playing the game. There is an election in a few months. They need to pretend they are more concerned about Americans dying from gunfire than the millions they receive from the NRA.
CNN reports, "Within minutes of the US Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, messages began pouring into the cell phone of White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Among those texting were Republican members of Congress, former members of the Trump administration, GOP activists, Fox personalities – even the President’s son. Their texts all carried the same urgent plea: President Donald Trump needed to immediately denounce the violence and tell the mob to go home."

“He’s got to condem (sic) this shit. Asap,” Donald Trump Jr. texted at 2:53 p.m.

“POTUS needs to calm this shit down,” GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina wrote at 3:04 p.m.

“Fix this now,” wrote GOP Rep. Chip Roy of Texas at 3:15 p.m.

“I thought the President could stop it and was the only person who could stop it,” said Alyssa Farah Griffin, who was Trump’s director of strategic communications until she left the White House in December 2020.

CNN continued, "One of the key questions the January 6 House committee is expected to raise in its June hearings is why Trump failed to publicly condemn the attack for hours, and whether that failure is proof of “dereliction of duty” and evidence that Trump tried to obstruct Congress’ certification of the election.

"CNN obtained the 2,319 text messages that Meadows selectively handed over to the January 6 committee in December before he stopped cooperating with the investigation."

Meadows isn't the only one who refuses to explain their role in the Jan. 6 insurrection, a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government. Rather than coming forward to explain their innocence, nearly all of Trump's close associates are refusing to appear before the committee.

The list includes Four House Republicans, Representative Kevin McCarthy, the minority leader, Representatives Jim Jordan of Ohio, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Andy Biggs of Arizona.

It is fair to assume that only the guilty would react in that way.

Republicans are expected to win control of Congress in the November mid-terms. Go figure.
Actually, there have been 233 mass shootings this year, 20 mass shootings since the slaughter of children and teachers in Uvalde.
That statement was made yesterday. No doubt the figures have been updated.

As police officers stood outside a locked fourth-grade classroom, a student trapped inside with the man shooting at her classmates dialed 911. She was in Room 112, she whispered to the dispatcher. Seven minutes later, she called again. There were multiple students dead, she said. The child hung up and called several more times, her words growing increasingly desperate and grim. “Please send police now,” she said in one of the final 911 recordings — over 40 minutes after her initial call. -- The Post

CNN Reports, "President Joe Biden tried to turn a string of horrific mass shootings into momentum Thursday night, imploring 10 Republican senators to join Democrats on some – any – new gun-related legislation.

"The speech, which compared dead American children to US casualties in war, came on a night when fellow Democrats on a House committee passed a string of proposals that most Americans might support but have no chance of passing through a GOP blockade in the Senate. The National Rifle Association immediately rejected his proposals,

"Biden made clear he’s willing to accept far less than the measures he prefers – an assault weapons ban – in exchange for real federal action. In the speech, he laid out some main proposals: banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines or raising the age to purchase them to 21, strengthening background checks, enacting safe storage and red flag laws, repealing the immunity that protects gun manufacturers from liability and addressing the mental health crisis."

This is all in vain and our President knows it.

The forum's Republicans remain completely silent on the issue.
The Guardian reports, "Peter Navarro, a top former White House adviser to Donald Trump, was taken into custody after being indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday on two counts of contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena issued by the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack.

"The indictment against Navarro marks the first time that the justice department has pursued charges against a Trump White House official who worked in the administration on January 6 and participated in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

"Navarro is facing one count of contempt of Congress for his refusal to appear at a deposition and a second count for his refusal to turn over documents as demanded by the select committee’s subpoena, the justice department announced in a news release.

"The former Trump White House adviser, who was involved in the former president’s unlawful scheme to have the then-vice president, Mike Pence, refuse to certify Joe Biden’s election win on January 6, was taken into custody at the airport."

"The former president’s unlawful scheme?" That brings up an interesting question. Trump is heard cheering on his mob, urging them to enter Congress and do the "right thing" by not allowing the certification of the Presidential election. His associates are doing his bidding. A number of Trump's close associates have been indicted or will be indicted, and some have gone to prison.

Yet nothing ever happens to the mastermind behind the coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021. Donald Trump has never been charged with a crime. Why is that?
"The former president’s unlawful scheme?" That brings up an interesting question. Trump is heard cheering on his mob, urging them to enter Congress and do the "right thing" by not allowing the certification of the Presidential election. His associates are doing his bidding. A number of Trump's close associates have been indicted or will be indicted, and some have gone to prison.

Yet nothing ever happens to the mastermind behind the coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021. Donald Trump has never been charged with a crime. Why is that?
Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, the king maker. Nearly every Republican running for office in November and the primaries before that ae seeking his endorsement.

And the Republicans are expected to win Congress in the November mid-terms.

On a related topic, Dean Obeidallah writes, "'Top Gun: Maverick” is summer’s first blockbuster, boasting breathless reviews and what will likely be the biggest box office in Tom Cruise’s storied, 35-plus-year Hollywood career.

"But there’s another potential blockbuster coming that I hope eclipses the audience for “Top Gun”: I’m talking about the January 6 committee public hearings, set to premiere on June 9. Just look at the advance buzz:

"And while “Top Gun” was just one film, the January 6 committee hearings are expected to be an eight-episode extravaganza. Some installments are even scheduled to air in prime time."

“The story of the worst presidential political offense against the Union in American history,” US Rep. Jamie Raskin.

How is it possible that this man is the leader of a major American political party? The answer lies in the current make-up of the GOP.

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Those voters are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth, otherwise known as gossip.

At the heart of their rudimentary political beliefs -- for some reason they are unaware of -- Donald Trump is their savior. How that occurred is a mystery, and Republicans are unable to tell us because of their limited awareness. Moreover, they lack communication skills. The proof is their posts or lack thereof when it comes to defending their party's actions.
Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert was trying to make the point that the scales of justice are tilted against Republicans these days. He did it in the worst possible way.

“If you’re a Republican, you can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you,” Gohmert said in a Friday interview on NewsMax. “They’re going to bury you, they’re going to put you in the DC jail and terrorize and torture you and not live up to the Constitution there.”

Huh! I have no words.
The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Putin could not be more pleased with his choice as history is repeating itself.

In 1861 the southern states attempted to overthrow the elected government. They initiated the bloodiest war in American history, the Civil War. It lasted for four grueling years, and it took decades for our country to recover.

The heart of the Republican Party lies in the southern states. Virtually all of them have Republican governments.

Led by their leader, former President Donald Trump who led a coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021, to overthrow the elected government, Republicans are attacking the very basis of American democracy. They are attacking the legitimacy of America's free elections. To this day their leader is claiming the 2020 Presidential election was stolen for him despite the fact that 60 court cases, the Supreme Court, all 50 states, and Trump's own A.G. have made it clear there was no theft.

So, the basis for their attack on our elections is a lie, but Republicans continue their assault on American democracy.

Is it any wonder why Putin is happy with what his acolyte and the Republican Party are doing.

But Americans are fighting back.

The Guardian reports, "The House select committee investigating the Capitol attack will unveil new evidence at Watergate-style public hearings this week showing Donald Trump and top aides acted with corrupt intent to stop Joe Biden’s certification, according to sources close to the inquiry.

"The panel intends to use the hearings as its principal method of revealing potential crimes by Trump as he sought to overturn the 2020 election results, the sources said, in what could be a treacherous legal and political moment for the former president."

As the justice department mounts parallel investigations into the Capitol attack, the select committee is hoping that the previously unseen evidence will leave an indelible mark on the American public about the extent to which Trump went in trying to return himself to the Oval Office.
The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Putin could not be more pleased with his choice.
Led by their leader, former President Donald Trump who led a coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021, to overthrow the elected government, Republicans are attacking the very basis of American democracy. They are attacking the legitimacy of America's free elections.
A CNN analysis writes, "As the January 6 hearings hit prime time, the ex-President’s thunderous demands for loyalty and the hunger for power of his acolytes in the House mean that’s not an option.

"Trump’s demand for, and the GOP’s willingness to offer, a robust defense into what are expected to be damaging details of his complicity in a coup attempt are deeply revealing about his future political intentions and the former President’s control over his party. The evolving plan to hit back against the committee on behalf of Trump also exposes the hypocrisy and the ambition of key House Republican leaders who whitewash Trump’s role in the history of the January 6, 2021, insurrection to advance their own careers.

"It offers a foreboding reality check 17 months after the Capitol insurrection about how House Republicans have chosen the promise of future political advancement over the protection of American democracy.

"The committee is expected to mount a devastating case about Trump’s behavior as he tried to steal the 2020 election in the run-up to and during the January 6 assault on the Capitol, which he incited and didn’t act to stop as lawmakers ran for their lives.

"There are potential pitfalls for Republicans who stand with Trump as the lurid tale of violence, lies and autocratic power grabs is told again for the American people and for the benefit of history. The evidence could be so damning that those who seek to discredit the hearings will find themselves defending the indefensible – a dark moment of the American story that is so heinous it will live in infamy."

Republicans are limited in their choices. They have only one.

Lie like hell.
"There are potential pitfalls for Republicans who stand with Trump as the lurid tale of violence, lies and autocratic power grabs is told again for the American people and for the benefit of history. The evidence could be so damning that those who seek to discredit the hearings will find themselves defending the indefensible – a dark moment of the American story that is so heinous it will live in infamy."
CNN reports, "The long-awaited hearings by the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection of the US Capitol kick off Thursday in prime time.

"The proceedings intend to “provide the American people with a summary of our findings about the coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election.”

Committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin predicts these hearings will deliver “the story of the worst presidential political offense against the Union in American history.”

CNN continued, "Trump and his allies are desperately trying to provide “counterprogramming” to distract from the hearings.

"On Saturday, Rep. Elise Stefanik – the third-ranking member of the House GOP leadership – revealed part of their plan in an interview with Breitbart News."

Interesting, not a major network. Instead, the notice was given on a network friendly to Trump.

“We’re working very closely with President Trump and his team” on a counter-messaging effort, Stefanik said, adding that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Jim Jordan “and really all of the House Republicans will be pushing back in a rapid response fashion.”

“You will see us all over the airwaves, we will be setting the record straight,” Stefanik promised, as they will argue that the bipartisan committee’s work is “illegitimate.” And they plan to assert the panel’s true goal will be to punish political opponents and target “patriotic Trump supporters.”

"FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress that the federal investigators view January 6 as an act of “domestic terrorism.” Without Trump’s lies that the 2020 election was stolen, there would have been no attempt to overturn the election, warranting the investigation," CNN.

Are Republicans going to argue the FBI is "illegitimate," too? The Jan. 6 committee will be passing on evidence to Americans, not creating it.

If Trump had accepted his defeat, as other one-term presidents had, he would not have engaged in a behind-the-scenes attempt to overturn the election.

If Trump had recognized his loss, he wouldn’t have radicalized supporters with a barrage of lies about the election.

Sixty court cases, the Supreme Court, all 50 states, even Trump's attorney general all found there was no significant fraud. Trump and those who support his lies cannot find sufficient fraud to overturn the Presidential election results.

Vladimir Putin is loving this. Americans attacking the legitimacy of their own free elections. It doesn't get better than this.
Stephen Collinson writes, "It was never clearer than on Wednesday that the Senate’s paltry ambition on gun reform is overwhelmed by the horrific reality of America’s regular massacres and the unbearable agony of family members left behind.

"But, as an 11-year old survivor of the terror in Uvalde – who smeared the blood of a classmate on herself to play dead during the rampage – testified to Congress, and a pediatrician told of decapitated bodies of children hit by bullets from a high velocity rifle, Democrats on Capitol Hill pledged to accept even a narrow, incremental bill if it is offered by pro-gun Republicans just to do something – anything.

"A familiar political dynamic is beginning to unfold. As days pass after the latest act of terror, the momentum for a quick and meaningful political response to change gun laws slows, as Capitol Hill Republicans – some with presidential ambitions that depend on" millions from the gun lobby, meaning the NRA."

As CNN reports, Republican gun reform is essentially useless or pro forma. "A narrow set of changes to gun laws is still under consideration, including hardening school security, providing more funding for mental health care, ensuring that juvenile records can be considered when a person between ages 18 and 21 wants to buy a high-powered semi-automatic weapon like an AR-15 and providing federal incentives for states to pass so-called red flag laws."

The Republican solution, as expected borders on being ludicrous. How much money would be needed to provide security for every school in the country? The shooters in Buffalo and Uvalde had no history of mental illness. Senate Republicans want the states to pass red flag laws, not the U.S. Senate.

The Republican proposals would be laughable if they were not so tragic. They simply don't care how many die from the shooting massacres as long as the NRA is forthcoming with its millions.

The forum's Republicans have nothing to say about all this.
Just how dumb are Republicans?

“If you’re a Republican, you can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you,” Gohmert said in a Friday interview on NewsMax. “They’re going to bury you, they’re going to put you in the DC jail and terrorize and torture you and not live up to the Constitution there,” Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert.

“Don’t we suspect that like one-third of the people outside of the Capitol complex on January 6 were actual FBI agents hanging out,” Blake Masters, the Republican Senate candidate from Arizona.

CNN reports, "In a manner of hours, the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol will officially unveil its first findings in a primetime hearing that is expected to be carried live on all broadcast and cable news channels, save Fox News.

"And House Republican leaders have no idea – or, at least, a decidedly incomplete view – exactly what the committee will be presenting, flying blind into what could be one of the turning points in the 2022 midterm elections."

How could this happen to the Republicans? Answer; It was a matter of abject stupidity on the part of the House Minority Leader.

Here is the short version.

Legislation to form a bipartisan independent commission to understand how the January 6 insurrection happened passed the House with 35 Republican votes in May 2021.

That bill went to the upper chamber, where Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell killed it.

Mistake number one: Instead of a bipartisan independent commission, the investigation would be conducted by a House committee dominated by Democrats.

On July 1, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi named eight members of the committee: seven Democrats and Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, who had voted to impeach then-President Donald Trump over his role on January 6. Later she appointed Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger.

Later that month, McCarthy announced his five selections for the committee – including firebrand Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana.

Since Jordan and Banks were likely to be called as witnesses before the committee, Pelosi rejected them. Jordan, in particular, played an important role in the events of Jan. 6.

In retaliation, McCarthy pulled all five GOP nominees. “Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts,” said McCarthy.

Mistake number two: Republicans have absolutely no idea what is going to happen when the committee opens its investigation into the Republican-led revolt to the public.

It is anticipated the forum's Republicans will have nothing to contribute. They are all hiding.
lol @ 46 pages of someone talking to themselves.
lol @ 46 pages of someone talking to themselves.
That is because Republicans like you are totally incapable of defending their party.

Perhaps it is because defending the Republican Party is impossible.

Have you looked at the "Views" figure of this thread lately?
That is because Republicans like you are totally incapable of defending their party.

Perhaps it is because defending the Republican Party is impossible.

Have you looked at the "Views" figure of this thread lately?

You do you bud. I am just chucking at the internet equivalent of a homeless person talking to themselves in an alley.

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