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A Reminder (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 15, 2013
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A few Trump Accomplishments;

  • An Historic peace arrangement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Bahrain and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Kosovo and Israel
  • A peace agreement between Serbia and Kosovo - remember Bill Clinton funded and had America fight FOR Al Qaeda against Serbia

These are just in the last week

democrats have shot cops and burned cities in the same period of time.

Donald Trump has done FAR more for America in 47 days than Beijing Biden had in 47 years.
Noble <sic>, baby!
A few Trump Accomplishments;

  • An Historic peace arrangement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Bahrain and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Kosovo and Israel
  • A peace agreement between Serbia and Kosovo - remember Bill Clinton funded and had America fight FOR Al Qaeda against Serbia

These are just in the last week

democrats have shot cops and burned cities in the same period of time.

Donald Trump has done FAR more for America in 47 days than Beijing Biden had in 47 years.

Republicans have shot cops and burned cities, too.

As for Trump's historic peace agreements...that news to Serbia...

Republicans have shot cops and burned cities, too.

As for Trump's historic peace agreements...that news to Serbia...

So, "NUHN UHN' then?
A few Trump Accomplishments;

  • An Historic peace arrangement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Bahrain and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Kosovo and Israel
  • A peace agreement between Serbia and Kosovo - remember Bill Clinton funded and had America fight FOR Al Qaeda against Serbia

These are just in the last week

democrats have shot cops and burned cities in the same period of time.

Donald Trump has done FAR more for America in 47 days than Beijing Biden had in 47 years.

Maybe Israel wants him for their President.

Most Americans care about the United States and don't put Israel first.

I assume you voted for Jimmy Carter in 1979 because of the "historic peace arrangement between Israel and Egypt".
So, "NUHN UHN' then?

The Israel Palestinian conflict still hasn't been resolved.

History has shown that alliances in the ME can change as quickly as the wind.
A few Trump Accomplishments;

  • An Historic peace arrangement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Bahrain and Israel
  • An Historic peace agreement between Kosovo and Israel
  • A peace agreement between Serbia and Kosovo - remember Bill Clinton funded and had America fight FOR Al Qaeda against Serbia

These are just in the last week

democrats have shot cops and burned cities in the same period of time.

Donald Trump has done FAR more for America in 47 days than Beijing Biden had in 47 years.

Voting for Biden.
Oh, yes, if a Dem President had accomplished those deeds, the Dem bigwigs & puppet media would be complimenting him/her to the skies!

Since it's President Trump, however, the fake news mob are ignoring it, and some Dems are so incensed that they want to abolish the Nobel Peace Prize!

Dang! And childish people like that will likely win big on November 3.

Our poor country!

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