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A powerful statement from one of the country's finest political cartoonists (1 Viewer)

Silliness can survive without truth, humor can't. If that's some of his best work, he'd better keep his day job.

Read the comments on the page i posted. Literally every singe reader LOVES his work.

Here's some more of his pulitzer prize winning work: http://www.sltrib.com/opinion/bagley/

A lot of it has to deal with Utah, but you can still find several cartoons dealing with the nation as a whole which are profound and make an impact upon any educated reader.
Read the comments on the page i posted. Literally every singe reader LOVES his work.

Here's some more of his pulitzer prize winning work: Pat Bagley Cartoons - The Salt Lake Tribune

A lot of it has to deal with Utah, but you can still find several cartoons dealing with the nation as a whole which are profound and make an impact upon any educated reader.

I'm not easily moved by what other people think about cartoons. People thought Doonesbury was good. All he did was humiliate the memories of a generation of good you men. He was selling satire while Americans were dying.

The cartoon you submitted is just not funny. It actually has kind of a dark, perverse feel. But then, Utah feels that way too.
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Thought I'd save people a click. I agree with others. I DIL to see either truth or humor...

Read the comments on the link I posted. The vast majority of readers absolutely LOVE Pat Bagley. Why else would he have won the Pulitzer Prize, the highest prize in all of journalism?
Read the comments on the link I posted. The vast majority of readers absolutely LOVE Pat Bagley. Why else would he have won the Pulitzer Prize, the highest prize in all of journalism?

Ganapathy, respectfully, 140 comments neither indicates a large following nor holds sway for what others should think. Thank you for sharing this, but, frankly, I think it says much more about you than Obama or the cartoonist.
I'm not easily moved by what other people think about cartoons. People thought Doonesbury was good. All he did was humiliate the memories of a generation of good you men. He was selling satire while Americans were dying.

The cartoon you submitted is just not funny. It actually has kind of a dark, perverse feel. But then, Utah feels that way too.
I prefer Non Sequitur and The Far Side myself.
Ganapathy, respectfully, 140 comments neither indicates a large following nor holds sway for what others should think. Thank you for sharing this, but, frankly, I think it says much more about you than Obama or the cartoonist.

What about the Pulitzer Prize committee?
What about the Pulitzer Prize committee?

Well, he didn't win the Pulitzer for THIS cartoon...can't always hit a home run.

Humor and, more properly, satire, is subjective. Perhaps others would "get it." It just doesn't work for me.
Kinda like laughing at a train wreck.

Out here.
When I first glanced at the cartoon before reading anything I wondered what Rush was telling Bill about Obama behind Hillary's back.
Read the comments on the link I posted. The vast majority of readers absolutely LOVE Pat Bagley. Why else would he have won the Pulitzer Prize, the highest prize in all of journalism?

The vast majority of pedophiles love children.
Read the comments on the page i posted. Literally every singe reader LOVES his work.

Here's some more of his pulitzer prize winning work: Pat Bagley Cartoons - The Salt Lake Tribune

A lot of it has to deal with Utah, but you can still find several cartoons dealing with the nation as a whole which are profound and make an impact upon any educated reader.

An educated reader would know full well of the extent of Mao Zedong ruthlessness and the impact of his Socialist agenda on tens of millions of his own people. An educated reader wouldn't celebrate a mass murderer by posting his pic as their avatar.

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