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A POTUS who works with Congress or one who works against Congress?? (1 Viewer)

Do you want POTUS to work with or against Congress if Con. is the opposition party?

  • I'm a Democrat/Liberal and I would want my President to work AGAINST an opposition Congress

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a Republican/Conservative and I would want my President to work AGAINST an opposition Congress

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
May 18, 2006
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Beautiful Central Oregon
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Very Conservative
If the President was a member of your party, but Congress was controlled by the other party, would you want him/her to work with Congress or against Congress??

I'm REALLY hoping that we can actually discuss this subject, but I'm afraid that this thread will end up being "Well Obama didn't.../Congress didn't...". Any chance of avoiding that????
It depends on the issue at hand, not the parties involved.
It really depends. For example, I was all for Obama working with the Republican Congress until they made it clear very early on that they were the Party of NO and were going to oppose everything Obama proposed (even as ridiculous as to oppose their own ideas). I became frustrated with Obama's repeated attempts to appease them. It wasn't until late into his first term that he finally accepted that trying to work with the Republicans was futile. I would support President Clinton attempting to work with a Republican congress, as long as they are willing to work with her.
In general, against. I think it doesn't do the American people a whole lot of good when you have two branches of the government conspiring to "help" you.
If the President was a member of your party, but Congress was controlled by the other party, would you want him/her to work with Congress or against Congress??

I'm REALLY hoping that we can actually discuss this subject, but I'm afraid that this thread will end up being "Well Obama didn't.../Congress didn't...". Any chance of avoiding that????
Probably not. [emoji14]
I'm REALLY hoping that we can actually discuss this subject, but I'm afraid that this thread will end up being "Well Obama didn't.../Congress didn't...". Any chance of avoiding that????

It really depends. For example, I was all for Obama working with the Republican Congress until they made it clear very early on that they were the Party of NO and were going to oppose everything Obama proposed (even as ridiculous as to oppose their own ideas). I became frustrated with Obama's repeated attempts to appease them. It wasn't until late into his first term that he finally accepted that trying to work with the Republicans was futile. I would support President Clinton attempting to work with a Republican congress, as long as they are willing to work with her.

3rd post?? Seriously?? That's as long as it took??
It really depends. For example, I was all for Obama working with the Republican Congress until they made it clear very early on that they were the Party of NO and were going to oppose everything Obama proposed (even as ridiculous as to oppose their own ideas). I became frustrated with Obama's repeated attempts to appease them. It wasn't until late into his first term that he finally accepted that trying to work with the Republicans was futile. I would support President Clinton attempting to work with a Republican congress, as long as they are willing to work with her.

While I don't disagree with you Obama didn't make it any easier on himself when he told the GOP to get in the back of the bus at the start of his presidency.
If the President was a member of your party, but Congress was controlled by the other party, would you want him/her to work with Congress or against Congress??

I'm REALLY hoping that we can actually discuss this subject, but I'm afraid that this thread will end up being "Well Obama didn't.../Congress didn't...". Any chance of avoiding that????

In general yes. But it's a policy by policy thing. You don't want promises given the voters broken after all.
You obviously don't want to have an honest conversation about the issue then.

The Question was about whether a President should work with the opposition or work with it. Not about what's happened in the past, but about what people think should happen. Instead of blaming and accusing each other, actually discuss when and how the President should work with or against Congress.
It really depends. For example, I was all for Obama working with the Republican Congress until they made it clear very early on that they were the Party of NO and were going to oppose everything Obama proposed (even as ridiculous as to oppose their own ideas). I became frustrated with Obama's repeated attempts to appease them. It wasn't until late into his first term that he finally accepted that trying to work with the Republicans was futile. I would support President Clinton attempting to work with a Republican congress, as long as they are willing to work with her.

Awww dude. Tell me you didn't fall for that old bit of propaganda, did you?

Just have to count the number of Republican bills that died in Dirty Harry Reid's desk, never having seen the light of the Senate.
The Question was about whether a President should work with the opposition or work with it. Not about what's happened in the past, but about what people think should happen. Instead of blaming and accusing each other, actually discuss when and how the President should work with or against Congress.

And....if read, rather than just having a knee-jerk reaction you would have noticed that my response was that it depends. I think President Clinton SHOULD work with a Republican congress as long as the Republican congress is willing to work with her....but if they show the same attitude as they did in the past decade, they she shouldn't wait around and try to work with them the way that Obama did because that is counter-productive. You can only work with people who are willing to work with you.

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