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A media Truth experiment (1 Viewer)


Jan 21, 2006
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Very Liberal
Try this media truth experiment if you will:

Tape all news from a day, all stations and play back in sequence, you will discover "scripting" that transcends all stations sounds like a broken record, using "key brainwash phrases" like "believedtobelinkedtoalcaida" "somesaythat..... (cocerning topic of the day)" all totally illegal terms as far as media training is supposed to go.
By the way ever noticed that FOX = 666 in numerology then. You can do it on your fingers. the most basic kind of numorology, the root.
Give each letter it's numerological equivelant e.g A=1, B=2,C=3.
when you get into doubles like 10, 11, 12, add (+) them.
That is the root. The ONLY letters with a 6 root are the F,theO,and the X.
It's so easy to see when one opens ones eyes.;)
Actually behind the catchy headlines and thousand dollar effects, lies a Megalomaniac CEO that is taking over the world by buying smaller companies and inlist its smaller companies assets, then use them to take over other smaller companies. Until the world doesn't have government, its just one big corporation! Something like the Umbrella Corporation! :rofl
stsburns said:
Actually behind the catchy headlines and thousand dollar effects, lies a Megalomaniac CEO that is taking over the world by buying smaller companies and inlist its smaller companies assets, then use them to take over other smaller companies. Until the world doesn't have government, its just one big corporation! Something like the Umbrella Corporation! :rofl

Murdoch Derangement Syndrome (MDS) -
An illness in otherwise normal people who believe that their minds are being controlled by a single, very clever Australian.
I don't know if I'm quite ready to jump on the conspiracy theory train but I will agree that reporters and news aren't what they used to be. You would think with 24 hour news channels one would be highly educated and aware with reporters having time to do in depth reporting.

However it is now common to put on a news channel and be told something may or may not be a certain way. Then pundits argue with one over the "facts" and you are left trying to decide who to believe. With this type of journalism one could believe anything since basically you are choosing which people you are willing to put your faith behind. Whose words do you find most credible? Somewhere along the line straight "facts" lost their value.

Instead of so called news presenting us with facts and letting us make up our own minds about the facts we are presented with tons of editorial opinion with a fact or two which the viewer must be able to weed out.
I was just playing along with fourdream you didn't have to be anal and get serious!

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