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A Lesson in How To Speak Truth (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2019
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A lesson in how to speak truth.


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Americans are getting fed up with the hateful and malice driven promotions by Right Winger Modern Day Republicans...

Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow gives a lesson in how to present Truth and call out the madness, malice and hate being promoted by bigots, race bias, democracy hating Republicans.
Been posted already
It's getting really crazy.

A few Dems obsess over "race" (everything is "racist").

A few Republicans obsess over "grooming" (they want your children).

The vast majority of Americans hopefully are more sensible.
It's getting really crazy.

A few Dems obsess over "race" (everything is "racist").

A few Republicans obsess over "grooming" (they want your children).

The vast majority of Americans hopefully are more sensible.
Says the covert messenger……….
A lesson in how to speak truth.


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Americans are getting fed up with the hateful and malice driven promotions by Right Winger Modern Day Republicans...

Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow gives a lesson in how to present Truth and call out the madness, malice and hate being promoted by bigots, race bias, democracy hating Republicans.

It's sad that Democrats need to learn a lesson on heart. The Dems have some who exhibit this type of pushback which is both rational and brutally honest, Hakeem Jeffries and Cory Booker come to mind.

Don't underestimate the power of her words, "I am a straight, white, Christian, married, suburban mom...”

Brutal honesty is supposed to be uncomfortable if not painful. Straight white Christian married suburban moms have swung their support toward Republicans, according to opinion polls. And there is going to be some cognitive dissonance, as those qualities applied to Republicans are portrayed by the left as sources of hatred. That may be true, but this is politics.

If Democrats don't follow her lead, they are fools.

I like what James Carville said about her yesterday.

“She spoke English,” Carville told me. “She wasn’t defensive at all.” He noted that McMorrow personalized the issue, drew a sharp and legible contrast with Republicans, and even added in an argument about “roads and schools.”

“I’d show this clip as an instructional video,” Carville said. Asked if he’d advise other Democrats to talk this way, he said: “I would. I’m going to start talking that way.”

It's likely there are groups of conservatives, Republican who will run from this video, because they can't bear for the truth to be told that confronts the hateful malice they have devoted themselves to promoting.
This video demolishes the Right Wing spin game of deflections, mischaracterizations and out right blatant false narratives and bias and bigoted agenda.

Truth always has a way to expose malice drive false and misleading right Winger narrative promotions, and this video is a quality example of how Truth... speaks and stands when people choose to stand and speak truths.

More people should learn from Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, how to speak up and speak out with the truth. The same as Corey Booker did at the SCOTUS Confirmation Process.

No longer should people lose themselves, their mind, their heart and soul by wrapping themselves in the madness of Right Wing Republican Narratives.

If people listen and learn, there would be a 'landslide vote to fill the House with many many more democrts in November, to ensure that by no means can any of the malice Republican have tried to do to the election process, not have a leg to stand on We need and overwheliming landslide to demostrate to Republican that WE as American will not have our right to vote damaged by Republican Malice Programming which they've done to the election process in many states.
Republicans cannot be allowed to try and steal yet another election, by the many ways they tried in 2020 and how they have tried to rig future election.
The way to bring that madness they created down, is to have massive voter turn out for Democratic Politicians who have consistently demonstrated and shown to America, they stand for improving our nation, the lives of our people, the lives of young students and the work to try and build back this nation's industrial capacity and restore works that rebuild and build better our cities, towns and rural areas to be prepared for the 21st Century and beyond.

Listen well, stand up with truth, and be strong in the convictions to advance our society and support our representative democracy.
It's getting really crazy.

A few Dems obsess over "race" (everything is "racist").

A few Republicans obsess over "grooming" (they want your

A bit of a false equivalence there.
A Lesson in How To Speak Truth....by Richard Milhous Nixon.

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