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A Judge is killed How stupid (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
I can not believe the Georgia police dept.
Was so stupid to have only one police officer to guard a very dangerous prisoner into court room...... Their should have been at least 3-4 police office guarding this punk ........Yes I know a lot of you are going to say it's was because she was A woman cop .........O'-Really just look at the other people this punk over powered somebody must be held accountable for this extremely stupid decision

Freedom69 said:
I can not believe the Georgia police dept.
Was so stupid to have only one police officer to guard a very dangerous prisoner into court room...... Their should have been at least 3-4 police office guarding this punk ........Yes I know a lot of you are going to say it's was because she was A woman cop .........O'-Really just look at the other people this punk over powered somebody must be held accountable for this extremely stupid decision

Well first of all, I am a realist and not a feminist, because I believe that if you are going to have women in the courtroom of dangerous felons, it should be at least more than one, and some men. I doubt it, if this man would have been so bold as to rush a man, and pistol whip him. And this women guard was 5'4, 105lbs. What was she going to do with him? So, I agree, that women should have these jobs, but do you really expect them to fight with men? If so, these cops are going to need some martial arts skills.

Unfortunately, Atlanta police/court system was to blame, this is just bad management skills. This was a dangerous man coming thru the door, they should had enough court officers there to take him out, not Ms. 105lbs, of course where was the others cops when she was getting pistol whipped?

I do not think it is sexist to say men have strength over women, especially when she's 105 5'4, and he was 6'4, 190-200 lbs. Somethings are not political, and should be dictated by common sense. Of course, this man had a list of serious violent crimes already against him, and they had found 11 more rapes cases linked to him thru DNA. Why wasn't he already in jail? and since they knew he was coming to court that day, and they knew they were going to send him to jail? And they knew he was violent? That is the part I do not get? What a hard lesson to learn. :!:
connie2005 said:
Well first of all, I am a realist and not a feminist, because I believe that if you are going to have women in the courtroom of dangerous felons, it should be at least more than one, and some men. I doubt it, if this man would have been so bold as to rush a man, and pistol whip him. And this women guard was 5'4, 105lbs. What was she going to do with him? So, I agree, that women should have these jobs, but do you really expect them to fight with men? If so, these cops are going to need some martial arts skills.

Unfortunately, Atlanta police/court system was to blame, this is just bad management skills. This was a dangerous man coming thru the door, they should had enough court officers there to take him out, not Ms. 105lbs, of course where was the others cops when she was getting pistol whipped?

I do not think it is sexist to say men have strength over women, especially when she's 105 5'4, and he was 6'4, 190-200 lbs. Somethings are not political, and should be dictated by common sense. Of course, this man had a list of serious violent crimes already against him, and they had found 11 more rapes cases linked to him thru DNA. Why wasn't he already in jail? and since they knew he was coming to court that day, and they knew they were going to send him to jail? And they knew he was violent? That is the part I do not get? What a hard lesson to learn. :!:
It seems that you are saying that this person was incapable of doing the job for which she was hired.
I am not saying she is incapable of doing her job. However, it is not logical that you would have person that is so dangerous and had days earlier walked into the courtroom with knives in his shoes. And not thought to put more security on this man. This is not a case really of male vs. female. It is a case in point and a hard lesson learned. That they should have been more than one person securing this prisoner. That fact that she is 51 and 105lbs. No she was not matched to take on this man and his desperation. It's a debate if there was more than one guard, that he would have been so eager to attack and take the time out to piston whip them. Incapable in one thing. Overpowered is another. And need to change there procedures, in regards to guarding and securing dangerous prisioners, in the hard lesson learned. And I sure this woman was following orders not giving them, so she did her job.
connie2005 said:
I am not saying she is incapable of doing her job. However, it is not logical that you would have person that is so dangerous and had days earlier walked into the courtroom with knives in his shoes. And not thought to put more security on this man. This is not a case really of male vs. female. It is a case in point and a hard lesson learned. That they should have been more than one person securing this prisoner. That fact that she is 51 and 105lbs. No she was not matched to take on this man and his desperation. It's a debate if there was more than one guard, that he would have been so eager to attack and take the time out to piston whip them. Incapable in one thing. Overpowered is another. And need to change there procedures, in regards to guarding and securing dangerous prisioners, in the hard lesson learned. And I sure this woman was following orders not giving them, so she did her job.
That the politcally correct solution was not logically correct was made all the more obvious when nineteen court officers were used to escort him to the subsequent arraignment.

The question remains that a physical strength requirement for some jobs has always made sense and was a safety factor. To reduce the standards for the sake of political correctness is often costly.

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