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A group of students knew they had covid-19. They hosted a party over Labor Day anyway. (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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When a police officer pulled up to a house near the Miami University campus in Oxford, Ohio, last weekend, he found seven young men hanging around on the front porch, unmasked, drinking beer and listening to Southern rock music.

According to the police officer’s body-camera footage, which was published by WOIO, he warned them that they were violating pandemic rules, ran one student’s license, and learned he recently tested positive for covid-19. Then, that student told him that many of those at the party also had the coronavirus.

“This is what we’re trying to prevent. We want to keep this town open,” the officer said.

Six Miami University students who live in the house received citations, a civil penalty, which includes a $500 fine each but no criminal charges.

Colleges and universities nationwide have struggled to crack down on large parties, despite strict rules and harsh consequences as schools try to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Last week, Northeastern University in Boston dismissed 11 students after they gathered in a room together — and the school won’t refund their $36,500 tuition, the Boston Globe reported. Ohio State University recently issued 228 interim suspensions to students who attended parties, according to the Columbus Dispatch.
Young Republicans with a death wish?

When a police officer pulled up to a house near the Miami University campus in Oxford, Ohio, last weekend, he found seven young men hanging around on the front porch, unmasked, drinking beer and listening to Southern rock music.

According to the police officer’s body-camera footage, which was published by WOIO, he warned them that they were violating pandemic rules, ran one student’s license, and learned he recently tested positive for covid-19. Then, that student told him that many of those at the party also had the coronavirus.

“This is what we’re trying to prevent. We want to keep this town open,” the officer said.

Six Miami University students who live in the house received citations, a civil penalty, which includes a $500 fine each but no criminal charges.

Colleges and universities nationwide have struggled to crack down on large parties, despite strict rules and harsh consequences as schools try to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Last week, Northeastern University in Boston dismissed 11 students after they gathered in a room together — and the school won’t refund their $36,500 tuition, the Boston Globe reported. Ohio State University recently issued 228 interim suspensions to students who attended parties, according to the Columbus Dispatch.
Young Republicans with a death wish?

I didn't read the article. Are they young Republicans? Or just young people who think they are invincible?
I didn't read the article. Are they young Republicans? Or just young people who think they are invincible?
Good question (about party affiliation). I tried to read the article to find out but it’s a Washingtonpost link that wants you to subscribe to continue reading.
Skynyrd or Allman Brothers?

When a police officer pulled up to a house near the Miami University campus in Oxford, Ohio, last weekend, he found seven young men hanging around on the front porch, unmasked, drinking beer and listening to Southern rock music.

According to the police officer’s body-camera footage, which was published by WOIO, he warned them that they were violating pandemic rules, ran one student’s license, and learned he recently tested positive for covid-19. Then, that student told him that many of those at the party also had the coronavirus.

“This is what we’re trying to prevent. We want to keep this town open,” the officer said.

Six Miami University students who live in the house received citations, a civil penalty, which includes a $500 fine each but no criminal charges.

Colleges and universities nationwide have struggled to crack down on large parties, despite strict rules and harsh consequences as schools try to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Last week, Northeastern University in Boston dismissed 11 students after they gathered in a room together — and the school won’t refund their $36,500 tuition, the Boston Globe reported. Ohio State University recently issued 228 interim suspensions to students who attended parties, according to the Columbus Dispatch.
Young Republicans with a death wish?

Most people in University should be kicked out anyway because they're ****ing retards who have no business in higher education.
I didn't read the article. Are they young Republicans? Or just young people who think they are invincible?

If I remember correctly it doesn't say. Why would that matter. They are young people not following the University rules.

When a police officer pulled up to a house near the Miami University campus in Oxford, Ohio, last weekend, he found seven young men hanging around on the front porch, unmasked, drinking beer and listening to Southern rock music.

According to the police officer’s body-camera footage, which was published by WOIO, he warned them that they were violating pandemic rules, ran one student’s license, and learned he recently tested positive for covid-19. Then, that student told him that many of those at the party also had the coronavirus.

“This is what we’re trying to prevent. We want to keep this town open,” the officer said.

Six Miami University students who live in the house received citations, a civil penalty, which includes a $500 fine each but no criminal charges.

Colleges and universities nationwide have struggled to crack down on large parties, despite strict rules and harsh consequences as schools try to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Last week, Northeastern University in Boston dismissed 11 students after they gathered in a room together — and the school won’t refund their $36,500 tuition, the Boston Globe reported. Ohio State University recently issued 228 interim suspensions to students who attended parties, according to the Columbus Dispatch.
Young Republicans with a death wish?

The should have been jailed.
If I remember correctly it doesn't say. Why would that matter. They are young people not following the University rules.

You should be asking the OP.

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