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A few what if's? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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We now know that Manafort was reporting everything that went on with him and Mueller's team to Trump's lawyers. Here is my what if's: First, why did Manafort's deal not include that he could not divulge everything he talked about with Mueller's team to anyone as other Mueller's deals had included? It is interesting that Mueller knowing who he was dealing with, would not include it. First what if, maybe he expected Manafort to do as he has done and report things to the Trump lawyers. Mueller has seemed to be several steps ahead of everyone in this investigation. Second what if, Mueller might have let Manafort think that they had no info on what Trump knew about the Trump tower meeting. Trump's lawyers receiving such info would have had Trump include the fact that Trump had no idea about the meeting in Trump's written answers to Mueller. Third what if, Mueller, had proof that Trump did have prior knowledge of the impending Trump Tower meeting, Trump would have committed perjury through his written answers. Trump, Manafort, and all of the lawyers could be called before the Grand Jury and required to answer questions or plead the 5th. Certainly a lot of what if's, but also logical if Mueller knew or thought he knew what was going on with Manafort and Trump.
We now know that Manafort was reporting everything that went on with him and Mueller's team to Trump's lawyers. Here is my what if's: First, why did Manafort's deal not include that he could not divulge everything he talked about with Mueller's team to anyone as other Mueller's deals had included? It is interesting that Mueller knowing who he was dealing with, would not include it. First what if, maybe he expected Manafort to do as he has done and report things to the Trump lawyers. Mueller has seemed to be several steps ahead of everyone in this investigation. Second what if, Mueller might have let Manafort think that they had no info on what Trump knew about the Trump tower meeting. Trump's lawyers receiving such info would have had Trump include the fact that Trump had no idea about the meeting in Trump's written answers to Mueller. Third what if, Mueller, had proof that Trump did have prior knowledge of the impending Trump Tower meeting, Trump would have committed perjury through his written answers. Trump, Manafort, and all of the lawyers could be called before the Grand Jury and required to answer questions or plead the 5th. Certainly a lot of what if's, but also logical if Mueller knew or thought he knew what was going on with Manafort and Trump.

It's amazing how many "what if's" can be created from one single what if, isn't it?

You should become a network talking potato head. I'm sure they'd pay you a lot of money for your ability to come up with so many what if's.
Mueller cost himself nothing. Manafort has now cost himself any real shot he had at a Pardon and Trump cost himself the Pardon card to play without penalty.
Mueller cost himself nothing. Manafort has now cost himself any real shot he had at a Pardon and Trump cost himself the Pardon card to play without penalty.

Trump is still dangling the pardon carrot if Manafort plays ball.
Go ahead Donald..make Mueller's day and condemn Manafort to years in a State Pen instead of years in a Federal Pen, a Sunday Garden Party by comparison.

Worse for Manafort, why do we think all those poisonings happened in the UK? Well they happened because the UK allowed Putin to launder millions of Rubles into UK business for years and years. The UK had already given up any moral stranding even before we did and acted powerless in the face of seeing UK citizens and in fact UK natives poisoned by Russian Agents. So, Russians in consideration for Trump playing lapdog to Putin, MBS, KJU and another despot and tyrant he can cuddle up with may well have sown for Manafort the exact set of dynamics here in the US for Poisonings that the UK had set up. We no longer have the moral standing to keep that from our own shores. Nice work Donald.

But oh those SC Justices. I cannot wait till the first ruling that falls the wrong way from the Right's perspective. The howling will be endless.
First, why did Manafort's deal not include that he could not divulge everything he talked about with Mueller's team to anyone as other Mueller's deals had included?p.
I think some other Mueller plea deals are available to the public, you can look them up and see if any had such language. If not, maybe it's not reasonable to conclude what you concluded.
Joint defense may be protected in some way too, I don't know, but I did hear that it's legal and routine, but not sure on specifics in this case.
I think some other Mueller plea deals are available to the public, you can look them up and see if any had such language. If not, maybe it's not reasonable to conclude what you concluded.
Joint defense may be protected in some way too, I don't know, but I did hear that it's legal and routine, but not sure on specifics in this case.

Actually from what I heard on the Talking heads show, such language making it illegal under the agreement to divulge was included in other plea deals.
Trump is still dangling the pardon carrot if Manafort plays ball.
First, much of the stuff Manafort did violated several state laws, so he could be tried in any of those if Trump would pardon him for the Federal crimes. Second, I think even the GOPers in Congress would have trouble swallowing a pardon and Trump just might get impeached and convicted. Short of that i don't see the Senate that is controlled by the GOP eveer convicting Trump no matter what else he did as that is all seen by their constituents as a witch hunt. The pardon might shove them over the edge.
We now know that Manafort was reporting everything that went on with him and Mueller's team to Trump's lawyers. Here is my what if's: First, why did Manafort's deal not include that he could not divulge everything he talked about with Mueller's team to anyone as other Mueller's deals had included? It is interesting that Mueller knowing who he was dealing with, would not include it. First what if, maybe he expected Manafort to do as he has done and report things to the Trump lawyers. Mueller has seemed to be several steps ahead of everyone in this investigation. Second what if, Mueller might have let Manafort think that they had no info on what Trump knew about the Trump tower meeting. Trump's lawyers receiving such info would have had Trump include the fact that Trump had no idea about the meeting in Trump's written answers to Mueller. Third what if, Mueller, had proof that Trump did have prior knowledge of the impending Trump Tower meeting, Trump would have committed perjury through his written answers. Trump, Manafort, and all of the lawyers could be called before the Grand Jury and required to answer questions or plead the 5th. Certainly a lot of what if's, but also logical if Mueller knew or thought he knew what was going on with Manafort and Trump.

I think whatever information Manafort's lawyers were passing to Trump's lawyers was intended by Mueller to get to Trump's lawyers. If Trump's lawyers were savvy then they already knew that and didn't rely on that information to their client's detriment. If not... ouch

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