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A Debt Free US? Is It Possible? (1 Viewer)

Ima Troll

Oct 7, 2005
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i have a wild idea; perhaps the US should stop borrowing money for a few years; whaddaya think? or would the entire US economy suddenly collapse?

i thought that we were already poorer than third world countries, economically speaking; they dont actually owe as much money as we do

for example, who is poorest?:

1. an upper class person with a $1,000,000 mansion but who is in another $2,000,000 of personal debt?

2. a middle class person who lives in a $50,000 trailer who is in another $25,000 of debt?

3. a homeless person with $5 in the wallet but no debt?

i reiterate my wild idea; no borrowing in 2006 for the US; not even a dollar; whaddaya think?; good idea? it's only ethical, right?
best bet is to buy supplies and find caves
Americans don't care
they are borrowing 1/2 trillion $ a year it is all good
just like mom and pop they borrow too
your next leaders will have nintendo wired brains and it will all work out
trust me
Canuck said:
best bet is to buy supplies and find caves
i have a stash of food and supplies so i can live for three decades; im all set; its all borrowed on credit cards though

Americans don't care
what if americans all go broke? or wont this ever happen?

they are borrowing 1/2 trillion $ a year it is all good
just like mom and pop they borrow too
yes, but they have to pay it back sometime, dont they?

your next leaders will have nintendo wired brains and it will all work out
trust me
isnt nintendo an old system?; i didnt know that they were still around
I have my retreat to
all stocked and ready for the mahem coming
12 bungalows for sale in out of the way places
first come first served
Canuck said:
I have my retreat to
all stocked and ready for the mahem coming
mayhem? what mayhem? i thought we were just going broke; best to borrow all we can now, before we go broke
mayhem when all the people find out there are no jons and the starving mass riots

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told France's Finance Minister Thierry Breton the United States has "lost control" of its budget deficit, the French minister said Saturday.

domino effect already under way

greenspan has repeatedly told them not to borrow more what do they do they go on a 6 trillion 6 year borrowing spree

watch what most americans think is a poor society that awaits they will find that the streets will be on fire
not by islamic terror squads mind you by normal every day americans

my rifles loaded and ready for the onslaught
what we all saw of Katrina will be in every city in the coming years
Canuck said:
mayhem when all the people find out there are no jons and the starving mass riots
not good

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told France's Finance Minister Thierry Breton the United States has "lost control" of its budget deficit, the French minister said Saturday.
maybe the US can simply file bankruptcy

domino effect already under way
but how many dominos are there?

greenspan has repeatedly told them not to borrow more what do they do they go on a 6 trillion 6 year borrowing spree

watch what most americans think is a poor society that awaits they will find that the streets will be on fire
not by islamic terror squads mind you by normal every day americans
riots seem more dangerous than poverty

my rifles loaded and ready for the onslaught
time to buy a gun card

what we all saw of Katrina will be in every city in the coming years
how soon? next century? next decade? next year? next month?
we the pompous people that did not see it coming
it was the mexicans fault
mabe we can blame blair and accuse him of being a hynotic witch of satan and how he made bush do it
by blocking the concetration on his direct tap to GOD
Canuck said:
we the pompous people that did not see it coming
i believe that we are pompous, yes

it was the mexicans fault
how so? its the poor people's fault?

mabe we can blame blair and accuse him of being a hynotic witch of satan and how he made bush do it
by blocking the concetration on his direct tap to GOD
i lost ya here; please elaborate
you believe canuck eh?
only his user name?

Doomsayers seem to be wrong all the time, infact, we don't have any worse debt than the UK I think it was....
128shot said:
only his user name?
not into canadians?

Doomsayers seem to be wrong all the time,
on what basis? seems to me that the US has had its share of fatalities in other matters over the past few years

infact, we don't have any worse debt than the UK I think it was....
what is the debt of the UK?
8 trillion$ in debt and 500 billion more each year
america doesnt need an accountant it needs a phyciatrist

Greenspan warned america 6 years ago ,no more borrowing !what did they do borrow 6 trillion more:3oops:
yesterday he told frances prime minister that the American spending was out of control and he didnt think it could be floated anymore (no more borrowing) your a credit risk
your green back and your debt is underpinned by the fact that the world buys oil in US $

RUSSIA and IRAN will start selling IRAN's oil in euros on its own bourse starting next year:

how long do you think it will take for the filthy carpet bagging world's Bank rollers to switch to buying oil with euros
when the us$ is tattered and forlorn with a 8$trillion ball and chain ?:shock:
And if you go to war with Iran because they want to bring the house of cards down,Russia and China will make sure you dont bother them again!
They know America is broke,weary and desperate.
EH !:rolleyes:
as dire and outlandish as these statements seem. they are all indeed factual and not only proves that america wants to bring iran down because of it's
already stated plan to sell their resources through their own homegrown bourse for EUROS,but that America's leaders are indeed trembling in their cowboy boots
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Accually, when the clinton administartion left office in 2000 there was a perjected 3 trillion dollar surplus. Now the Bush administration gave us a 5 trillion dollar deficit. FYI people: Liberals make money, conservatives spend it on forign wars. So to answer the topic question, Yes. It is possible to have a debt free america.
Liberal Pot Smoker said:
Accually, when the clinton administartion left office in 2000 there was a perjected 3 trillion dollar surplus. Now the Bush administration gave us a 5 trillion dollar deficit. FYI people: Liberals make money, conservatives spend it on forign wars. So to answer the topic question, Yes. It is possible to have a debt free america.
bush deficit was 550$billion per anum x 6
clinton left office with approx 2 trillion in debt although he had a flawless record on surplus instead of deficit
your numbers off a tad but it paints the same picturre
the agrigate debt is 8 trillion ! not counting personal debt of indevidual americans(which is staggering in itself)

the only way to be debt free tomorrow would be to kill all your creditors or
have americans become like chinese peseant farmers

neither one is a attractive
the alternative is to stop borrowing and spending you will have to shut congress down to do this and put all tax money on the debt

and let each man woman and child fend for themselves
no welfare state no social security chks
which would put alot of folks in the funny farm

my only advice to america's youth is save your money or you will become old men with broken teeth stranded without love
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here is more debt, for the tired, wear,y dreary, lost, and forlorn.


90% raise in heating oil costs expected for us con / sumers
when you have a madman in charge that refuses to listen to what his economic guru ( greenspan) has to say the results can never be good
its kind of like the monkey not listening to the organ grinder

how do you tell an eighty year old man and his wife ,who live in maine.
your heating bills are 90% up

WHY isnt america out in the streets rioting
back in the day 60's americans would of been modilized
marching in the streets
today the youth are nintendo addicts , and brain dead.
and if the govt. is by the people for the people .Why are they not helping the people
brcause their FLAT BROKE and full of arrogance
and so AShamed to admit it, they would rather steal oil in IRAQ.and live a trail dead gaurdsmen from kabul to bagdad
why isnt america in the streets
I suspect that 1/3 of the people are in the streets and homless
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