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A Bucha couple said they were hunted by Russian soldiers because they had relatives in the Ukrainian army (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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A Bucha couple said they were hunted by Russian soldiers because they had relatives in the Ukrainian army


A couple in Bucha said they were targeted by Russian soldiers because they have relatives serving in the Ukrainian army, BILD reported. Journalist Paul Ronzheimer, a reporter for BILD reporting on the crisis in Ukraine, interviewed Mykhola and Viktoria, who claim their home address was on a "list" used by Russian soldiers because of relatives in the army. "I took off my address plate because some friends told me that they have lists," Mykhola said, per a tweet by Ronzheimer. "I don't know where they got their lists from. They came six times for me. My nephew is in the UA army and the sister of my wife is doing her service. They came to arrest me six times." Ronzheimer tweeted that Russian soldiers talked to their neighbors and asked about the couple. "We were hiding all the time, we lived in the shed," Mykhola said. We didn't show our nose outside for three weeks."

The couple said they were hiding in the attic when Russian soldiers came to their home. "They didn't knock on the door, they immediately opened fire," Viktoria said in a video interview, per an off-camera translator. According to the translator, Viktoria said: "That was the most terrifying moment ... when we were hiding here. They were hoping the Russians would not find them. And they were hiding here and they heard them crashing and smashing everything in the house. And then they heard the explosion from the grenade, and then one of the soldiers said to the other, "Nikolai, it's clear here, let's go."

If captured the Russians would have tortured Mykhola and Viktoria, and then executed the bound couple with a bullet to the head.
The world can never go back to business as usual with Russia.

The UN threw Russia off the Human Rights Council for good reason.

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