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9/11 (2 Viewers)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
It's 12:00 A.M. (well its 12:14 now but it was when I started writing this)in Long Island over in New York and that means its September 11th. Regardless of whether your a republican, liberal, democrat, conservative, libertarian, socialist (though I'm not sure about nazis and facists), everyone here on Debatepolitics.com were touched by those events. Everyone here must realize that on September 11th people died for absolutely no reason. Many of them had familys and had children. Never forget about those poor people who were killed in those fires at both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. But also, bear in mind, that this is a time of mourning and not politics and trying to use 9/11 as a justification for acts of barbarism is never justified.

Also, judging an entire nation or religion by the acts of a few is not a good idea either. The hijackers who crashed planes into the World Trace Center towers and the pentagon were wrong (though perhaps not neccesarily evil) and acts of violence on those who are innocent is something that is never ever ever ever justifiable, no matter who does it. However, those people do not neccesarily represent the views of all people like them and that it does no good to be prejudiced towards them. The Islamic people are not our enemies. The extreme radical terrorists are our enemy and OF ANY KIND. Keep that in mind.

Mourn the people who died but just keep in mind that what is right is right. And what is wrong is always wrong and never right.

I hope I've made sense with this post.
Hands down...your best one yet:2wave:
FinnMacCool said:
It's 12:00 A.M. (well its 12:14 now but it was when I started writing this)in Long Island over in New York and that means its September 11th. Regardless of whether your a republican, liberal, democrat, conservative, libertarian, socialist (though I'm not sure about nazis and facists), everyone here on Debatepolitics.com were touched by those events. Everyone here must realize that on September 11th people died for absolutely no reason. Many of them had familys and had children. Never forget about those poor people who were killed in those fires at both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. But also, bear in mind, that this is a time of mourning and not politics and trying to use 9/11 as a justification for acts of barbarism is never justified.

Also, judging an entire nation or religion by the acts of a few is not a good idea either. The hijackers who crashed planes into the World Trace Center towers and the pentagon were wrong (though perhaps not neccesarily evil) and acts of violence on those who are innocent is something that is never ever ever ever justifiable, no matter who does it. However, those people do not neccesarily represent the views of all people like them and that it does no good to be prejudiced towards them. The Islamic people are not our enemies. The extreme radical terrorists are our enemy and OF ANY KIND. Keep that in mind.

Mourn the people who died but just keep in mind that what is right is right. And what is wrong is always wrong and never right.

I hope I've made sense with this post.



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